gills grey, then brownish, purple, villous, edge revolute.— Grev.
t. 61. Sow. t. 183. Cooke Illus. t. H i d B.
On dead wood.
Coamopoliian. Scarcely exceeding an inch in diameter. Spores 6 x 4 / .
Gbn. 19. LENZITES. Fr. Gen. Hymen.
Lenzi'tes, in honour of the German botanist, Lenz.
I’ilens corky, coriaceous, dimidiate, sessile ; gills coriaceous,
firm, unequal, simple, or branched, and anastomosing behind, edge
obtuse or acute ; trama floccose ; often spuriously porous.
1 3 2 9 . L en z ite s h e tu lin a . Linn. Suec. No. 1214.
BetuU'na = of or belonging to tlie birch, hetula.
Pileus between corky and coriaceous, firm, obsoletely zoned,
tomentose, pallid; margin of the same colonr; gills straight,
somewbat branched, anastomosing, pallid.— Fr. R ym . Eur. 493.
Sow. t. 182. Berk. Outl. t. 1 5 , / 3. Cooke Illv s. t. 1145 A.
On stumps, etc.
Pileus 1-2 in., or more, broad.
1 3 3 0 . Iien z ite s ilaccid a. Bull. Champ, t. 394.
Flac'cida = limp, flaccid.
Pileus coriaceou.s, thin, flaccid, unequal, hairy, zoned, pallid ;
margin of the same colour ; gills broad, crowded, straight, unequal
and branched, white, becoming pallid. —F?-. Hym. Fu r. 493.
Bolt. t. 158. Cooke Illus. t. 1145 B.
On stumps.
1331. L en z ite s sepiazia. Fr. Hym. Eur. 494.
Sepia'ria, from saepes = a liedge or fence.
Pileus coriaceous, hard, zoned, strigoso-tomentose, rough, bright-
brown ; margin yellowish; gills rather thick, branched, anastomosing,
yellowish.—Sow. t. 418. Cooke Illus. t. 1146 A.
On fir wood.
1 3 3 2 . L en z ite s ab ie tin a . Fr. Hym. Fur. 495.
Abieti'na, from a5i«s = a fir-tree.
Pileus coriaceous, thin, effuso-reflexed, clothed with umber
down, a t length becoming smooth and whitish ; gills decurrent,
simple, unequal,/z'iii/of« or glaucescent, brownisb.— Gooke Illv s . t.
1146 B.
On deals.
Softer and thinner than L. sepiaria.
S e r i e s 1 . L EU C O S PO R I.
8 bis. Agazicus (Amanita) so lita z in s. Bull. Champ, t. 48.
Solita'rius = growing alone.
Pilens convex, then flattened, pelliculose, margin nearly even,
warts angular, evanescent. Stem solid, equal, imbricatedly
squamose below, bulb campanulate, rooting, margin inserted^ring
torn, gills attenuatedly adnate.—Fr. Hym. F u r. p. 22. Cooke
Illu s. Supp. t. 939.
On the ground.
A g azicus (Amanita) zu b e sc en s. Pers.
See ante p. 8 . Cooke Illus. Suqip. t. 1163.
1 6 . Ag azicus (Am an ita ) v a g in a tn s . Bull.
var. n iv a lis . Orev.
Cooke Illu s. Supp. t. 940. See ante p. 1 0 .
2 3 bis. Agazicus (Lepiota) T z ie sii. Lasch. Linn. ni.. Ho. 9.
Fries'ii, in honour of Elias Pries.
Pileus fleshy, soft, torn into tomentose adpressed scales. Stem
hollow with a web-like medulla, somewbat bulbous,^ squamose,
ring superior, pendulous, equal. Gills ratlier remote, linear, much
crowded, branched.—Fri«s Hym. Fur. 31. Cooke Illu s. Supp. t.
In a garden.
2 4 bis. A g a z icu s (Lepiota) emplastzum. Cke. Sq Mass. Grevillea
X V I I I . , / . 51.
Emplastrum = plaister ; from the scales.
Pileus convex, then expanded (2-3 inches), silky, palhd, covered
at first with a smooth, membranaceous, dark-brown cuticle, which
splits up into large, adherent, plaister-like patches or scales, margin