3 3 8 . Ag aricus (Omphalia) um b e llife zu s. Linn. Suec., No.
Z7m6t;ZZ!/'«/-MS=nmbel-beariiig, uuibrella-like.
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, conrexo-plane, ob-
conio, brittle, radiato-striate, when dry becoming p a lb d , even silky ;
margin a t first inflexed, crenate ; stem sub-fistulose, eqnal, base
downy; gills decurrent, very distant, broad behind.— Fr. Hym.
Fur. 160. Cooke Illus. t. 271.
In swamps, exposed pastures, &c.
Variable in colonr, grey, yellow, brownish, green, &o.
var, a h ie g n u s . Berk. 4 Br. Ann. N. H. No. 1413.
Ab'iegiius==oi fir-wood, ahies.
Pale yellow.
On decayed fir stumps and on soil.— Cooke Illu s. t. 271, f . 3.
var. v ir id is . FI. Ban. t. 1G72, /. 1.
V ir’idis=green.
Wholly of a dull green colour.—Cooke Illus. t. 271, f . 2.
3 3 9 . A g a r ic u s (O m p h a lia ) in f um a tu s . B . Sf Fr. Ann. Nat.
Hist. 1851.
Infuma’tus=sm6ked ; from the colonr.
Pileus obtuse, not membranaceons, greenish, then smoky ; stem
thin, yellow ; gills few, broad, decurrent, distant, yellow.
Oil bark, amongst moss. Garthewin.
Pileus 2in. across; stem 1 line high, not a line thick, dilated at the base,
tomentose, especially below ; gills about twelve, with smaller intermediate.
Allied to A. unibelliferus, but quite distinct from all its varieties.—F . #
3 4 0 . A g a r icu s (Omphalia) b u c c in a lis . Sow. Fungi t. 107.
Buccina'lis=oi or belonging to a trumpet, buccina; from the
Wholly white, trumpet-shaped, minute, pilens soon plane or
depressed ; stem slender, gills deeply decurrent, triquetrous, distan
t, white.— Cooke Ulus. t. 272. f . 1.
On twigs, &c.
3 4 1 . A g a ric u s (Om phalia) r e to s tu s . Fr. Bym. Eur. 161.
F«iosiMS=roasted ; from its umber colour.
Umber, pileus rather fleshy, plane, then depressed, even when
moist, polished when dry, smooth, growing pale, margin involute,
entire ; stem fistulöse, tongh, smooth ; gills slightly decurrent,
broad, distant, paler,—Fr. Icon. t. 76, / . 2. Cooke Illus. t. 272,
/• 2.
On lawns and amongst dead leaves,
3 4 2 . Ag aricu s (Omphalia) ahhorrens. F . & Br. Arm. Nat. Hist.
No. 1853.
Abhorrens, from abhorreo=l shrink back from ; from th e odour.
Odour o f dung. Pileus umbilicate, brown ; stem slender, of the
same colour; gills decurrent.— (7oo7« Illus. t. 272, f . 3.
On lawns and amongst short grass.
3 4 3 . Ag a r icu s (Omphalia) pseudo-androsaceus. BuU. Champ.
t. 276.
Pseudo-androsa'ceus, from its habit mimicking th a t of Maras-
mius androsaceus.
Whitish or g re y . Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous,
convex, deeply umbilicate, at length infundibuliform, smooth ;
striate plicate, margin crenulate; stem stuffed, slender; gills
deeply decurrent, segment-like, distant, distinct.—F r . Hym. Eur.
161. Cooke Illus. t. 241, f . 1.
On lawns.
3 4 4 . Ag aricus (Omphalia) gr iseo -p a llidus. Besm. Crypt. No. 120.
Gri'seo-palVidus='pa\c grey.
Minute. Pilens rather fleshy, convex then plane, umbilicate,
even, smooth, from greyish brown becoming hoary, margin
straight, deflexed ; stem staffed, short, smooth, brown, gills decurrent,
broader behind, distant, same colour as the pileus.—Fr. Hym.
Eur. 161. Cooke Illu s. t. 241, f . 2.
In gardens, &c.
S tem J inch long, pilen s 3-4 lines broad.
3 4 5 . Ag a r icu s (Omphalia) s t e ila tu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 162.
iS'Z«ZZa'ZMS=starred ; from the appearance of the base of the
_ White. Pilens membranaceous, convex, umbilicate, smooth,
silky, diaphanous; stem somewhat stuffed, equal, fragile, base
floccoso-radiate ; gills deourrent, thin, broad, very distant.— Foo/t«
Illus. t. 241, f . 3.
On sticks, decayed herbaceous stems, &c. Oct.
B . M y o e n a r i i . Pileus at the first campanulate, margin straight
appressed to the stem. ’
d. C a m p a n e l l ® , Gills not like folds, broad, unequal.