shining, whitish ; bulb marginate ; gills attenuated, adnate, entire,
isabeJhne, then ferniginoiis.— Coo/« Illus. t. 714.
In woods, chiefly of beech.
Spores 14.16 X 1 y, rough.
9 0 0 . Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) corrosus. Fr. Bym. Fur. 347.
Corro'sus = gnawed to pieces. In allusion to the late condition
ot the pileus.
Pileus fleshy, expanded and umbilicate, smooth, viscid, disco
oiired, a t length rivulose, subfloccose, opaque when dry, flesh firm,
white, stem nearly hollow, equal, naked and white a t the apex
coitina fibrillose, white, bulb depressed, marginate, gills emarginate
much crowded, narrow, sub-ferruginoiis.— Goo/fc« Illus. t. 715.
In pine woods.
Pileus 2-3 m. across, ferruginous, then clay-colonred, opaque.
9 0 1 . Cortinarius (P hlegma c ium) fu lg e n s .
Fr. Bym. Fur. 347.
Fulgens = shining, conspicuous.
Pileus fleshy, plane, equal, silhj-fibrillose, viscid, flesh at length
spongy, tan coloured; stem stout, bulb depressed, marginate,
yellow, woolly, filameutose, a t length pulverulent, ferruginous ;
g) is emarginate, somewhat taYinj.— Saund. 4 Sm. t. 1 2 . Cooke
Illus. t. 716.
In pine woods, &c. Sept.
Robust, golden yellow. Pileus 2-3 in. broad. Spores 10 x 6 m-
9 0 2 . Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) fulmineus. Fr. B ym .F u r .Z 4l.
Fulmin'eus = bright, shining, like lightning, fulmen.
_ Pileus compact, convex, then plane, viscid, marked with agglutinated
scales, shilling; stem solid, stout, yellow, naked, with a
white cortinate veil at the apex ; bulb broad, ro o tin g ; gills rounded
crowded, a t first pure yellow.— Oool;« Illus. t. 717.
In shady woods.
Spores 10 X 5-6 y.
9 0 3 . Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) o r ich a lc eu s. Batsoh. Consv f
Ori-chaVceus, from opE/-)^aXKos = yellow copper ore.
Pileus fleshy, becoming flattened, smooth, with a viscid pellicle
disc rubiginous, cracking in scales, margin becoming livid ; stem
solid, equal, fibrillose, yellowish, with a marginate bulb ; gills
somewhat adnate, broad, sulphury, becoming greenish.—Fr. Hum
Eur. 348. Cooke Illus. t. 754.
Under trees.
Pileus 3 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, J in. tbiok, witb a depressed bulb.
I I GiUs olivaceous.
9 0 4 . C ortina rius (P h le gm a c ium ) p ra s in u s. Fr. BJym. Fur. 348.
Pras'inus, Trpácrtvos, of a leek-green ; from irpácrov = a leek.
Pileus compact, equal, viscid, variegated with scale-like spots ;
stem solid, short, firm, base marginato-bulbose, pallid greenish,
as well as the v e il; gills rounded, rather distant, yellow, becoming
olive.— Cooke Illus. t. 735.
In beech woods.
Spores 10 X 5 M) smooth.
9 0 5 . C o r tina r iu s (P h le gm a c ium ) a tr o -v ir en s . Kalchb. Icon.
Bung. t. 19, f . 3.
Atro-vi'rens = dark green.
Pileus compact, conve.x, even, viscid, dark-green, or olivaceous
umber, flesh greenish-yellow, stem solid, stout, fibrillose except the
subturbinate marginate bulb. Gills adnate,
then greenish, at length cinnamon.—F r . E ym . Fur. 349. Cooke
Illus. Í. 736.
In pine woods.
Mycelium tawny. Size of C. orichalceus, Fr. Spores 10 X 6 M-
9 0 6 . C o r tina r iu s (P h le gm a c ium ) scau ru s . Fr. Bym. Eur. 349.
Scaurus = with swollen ankles. Cfr. C. talus.
Pileus fieshy, equal, smooth, tiger-spotted, viscid becoming pale,
marqin thin, at length somewhat striate; stem solid, spongy at the
base then marginato-bulbose, attenuated, striate, growing p a le ,
gMs attenuated,” adnate, rather thin, crowded, purplish, then olivaceons.—
Cooke Illus. t. 755.
In woods.
Stem 3-4 in. long, 3-4 lines tbiok. Spores 10 x 5 m-
9 0 7 . C or tina rius (P h legm a c ium ) h e rp e t icu s . Fr.Bym . Fur. 349.
Herpet’icus, ép rrenA, creeping. From the lengthening stem.
Pileus fieshy, equal, somewhat spotted, v i s c i d disc becoming
J e Z s h violet, t L whitish ; stem stuffed, firm, fibrillose, squalid
umber, then dingy olive.— Cool:« Illu s. t. 849.
In woods, &c.
Stem at first abort, then 2-3 in., hard, but spongy within. Pileus 3 in.
broad. Spores 10 X 6 m