i: ' ir
* Pileus v is c id , Shilling ivhen d r y .
7 9 9 . Ag aricu s (Paueeclus) sepa ra tus. Linn. Suec. No. 1220.
Separa'tus = separated ; i.e., not gregarious.
Pilous somewhat fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, even, viscid ; stem
straight, shining, white, thickened doivnwards, ring d is ta n t; gills
fixed, cinereous-black.—F r. Uym. Eur. 810. Bolt. t. 53. Berk.
Outl. t. 11, / . 7. A . seniiovatiis. Sow. t. 131. Price f . 39.
Cooke Illu s. t. G23.
On dung. Common.
8 0 0 . Agaricus (Paneeclus) eg reg iu s. Massee in G-revillea xiv.,
p. 91.
Egreg'ius = distinguished, conspicuous.
Pileus ovate-campanulate, smooth, even, viscid when moist,
h'ight orange brown, disc darker, fleshy, exceeding the gills a t the
margin, with a trace of agglutinated down on the pileus, virgate
when d ry ; flesh ochraceous; stem, thickened at the base, solid,
fibrillose, readily splitting longitudinally, hrown ivithout and within,
duller than the pileus, white and cottony a t the base, smooth at the
apex ; gills broad, ventricose, adnexed, crowded, thin, brownish
black, edge entire, paler, dry, not deliquescent, spores brown, then
blackish-purple, oblong-ovate with a minute apiculus. Smell none.
— Cooke Illu s. t. 624.
On the ground.
Pileus 2J inches high, 2 inches broad. Stem 5 iuohes long, half an inch
thick. Gills half an inch broad in the centre.
8 0 1 . Ag aricus (Panaeolus) leu c cp h a n e s. B. 4 Br. Ann. N. S .
(1866), No. 1127, t. 11, / . 1.
Leuco’phanes, from Xehko' s = white, and <f>alvo>= I appear.
Pileus campanulate, obtuse, viscid, shining when dry, innate-
silky white, here aud there with an ochraceous tin g e ; margin
appendiculate; stem attenuated upwards, white, fibrillose, with
scattered farinaceous particles, transversely subundulate, fistulose ;
gills adnate, pale, flesh-tinted grey, then black.
In grass fields. Aug.
Stem 2 inches long, 1 line thick in the middle ; pileus f inch diam.
8 0 2 . Ag aricus (Panseclus) fim ip u tr is. BuU. Champ, t. 86.
Fimipu'tris, from Jimus = manure, and g'utris = decaying.
Pileus submembranaceous, conical, then expanded, somewhat
gibbous, even, viscid ; stem slender, equal, smooth, pallid ; annular
zone marked ; gills fixed, livid-black.—F r. Hym. Eur. 310. Bolt,
t. 57. Berk. Outl. t. 11, f . 6 . Cooke Illus. t. 625.
On dung and in pastures. Common.
8 0 3 . A g a r icu s (Paaeeclus) phalseuarum. Br. Hym. Bur. 318.
Phalwna'rum, from <p6Xa.ivu (better (paWaiva) = a moth. From
its likeness to Ag. papilionaceus.
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulato-convex, obtuse, even, smooth,
viscid; veil appendiculate, fugacious; stem equal, rather firm,
almost naked, pallid rufescent ; gills adnexed, broad, cinereous
black.—Bull. t. 58. Cooke Illu s. t. 626.
On dung. Sept.
8 0 4 . Ag aricus (Paneeclus) s c itu lu s . Massee in Grevillea xv.,
p. 65.
Sci'iulus = handsome, elegant.
Pileus campanulate, obtuse, smooth, even, viscid, margin exceeding
the gills, dirty ochre, pale ; flesh thin, white, stem equal,
fistulose, white, shining, base qjeronate, sheath ending in a persistent
ring below the middle of the stem ; gills crowded, narrow, becoming
ashy grey, speckled with the black spores, margin entire,
paler, spores black, with a colourless hilum, narrowly elliptical, 1 2 -
13, X 4 p .— Cooke Illus. ined.
On soil in flower-pot. Scarborough.
Pileua J in. broad, rather higher than broad. Stem I J in . long, about one
line thick. I t reaembles Ay. separatus in miniature, but differs in the
sheathed stem and basal ring.
** Pileus opaque when moist, when dry subflocculose.
8 0 5 . Agaricus (Pauseclus) r e tiru g is . Batsch. B p ic .f. 91.
Beii'rugis = with a network (rete) of wrinkles (ruga;).
Pileus somewhat fleshy, globose, then hemispherical, subum-
bonate, reticulated with raised ribs, sprinkled with opaque atoms ;
veil torn, appendiculate; stem equal, pruinose, pinkish p u rp le ;
gills fixed, ascending, cinereous black.—i'/-. Hym. Eur. 310.
Cooke Illus. t. 627.
On dung.
8 0 6 . A g a r icu s (Panaeclus) sp h in c tr in u s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 311.
Sphinc'trinus, from cri'tyKr^p = a tig h t band. Because the gills
never expand.
Pileus rather fleshy, parabolic, obtuse, opaque, even, moist,
rather silky "when dry, the wbite veil a t first appendiculate, stem
equal, straight, fuliginous grey, apex even, pruinose; gills adnate,
crowded, cinereous, becoming black, edge of the same colour.—
Cooke Illu s. t. 628.
On dung, &c.
Stem 2-3 in. long, 1 line thick.