at tlie apex ; pills rnunded, then decniTeiit, rather distant, wliite,
a little spotted with red. Taste mild.—Fr. Uym. F u r. 52.
Cooke Illvs. Supp. t. 926.
Under trees.
Pileus 3-4 in. Stem 3 in. ; f in. thick. Spores elliptical.
7 6 òj'.T. A g a z icu s (Tzicholoma) v a z ieg a tu s. Scop. Cam. 434.
Variega'tus— variegatcA ; from its coloration.
Pilens fleshy, soon flattened, dry, and, as well as the tongh
stuffed stem, squamulose ivith reddish flocci ; gills emargin.nte,
crowded, p.allid yellowish or whitish, edge equal, quite entire, of
the, same colonr.—F r. Hym. Fur. 53. Cooke Illus. Supp.
t. 642.
On rotten wood.
Smaller and more slender than A . mtilans.ii'om which itemi scarcely
be separated as a distinct species. In the specimens collected the stem
was pallid yellowish and scarcely floccose, the gills whitish.
8 0 . A g a z icu s (Tzicholoma) azgyzaceus. Fries.
var. v ize sc en s. Wharton. Cooke Illus. Supp. t. 641.
var. ch zy site s. Jungh.
Chrysi'tes, xPvaLrris, like gold.
Cooke Illus. Supp. t. 947. See ante p. 30.
8 3 his. A g a z icu s (Tzicholoma) inod ezmeu s. Fr. Rym. Fur. 57.
Inoderm'eus, from i'?, gen. tVd?, a nerve or fibre, and Séppia =
the skin ; from the fibrils of the pileus.
Pilens fleshy, thin, conic, then campanulate, a t length convex,
umbonate, torn into fibrils and variegated with radiating scales,
fuscous turning reddish, stem somewhat stuffed, white, then reddish,
sprinkled with white meal a t the apex ; gills free, broad, distant,
white, spotted with red when touched.— Cooke lllus. Supp. t. 945,
In grassy places.
9 9 bis. Agazicus (Tzicholoma) f a lla x .
./. 5-8.
Fech 25 Report, t. 1,
Fallax = deceptive.
Pilens firm, convex, expanded, rarely depressed in the centre,
moist, smooth, yellow (sometimes rufous at the disc), about lin.
diam. Stem short, smooth, yellow, stuffed, then hollow, sometimes
attennated at the base (1 in. long). Grills rounded behind.
crowded, white, then yellowish. Spores 4-o / long,
Illus. Sapp. t. 1151 A.
Under firs.
o v a te.— Cooke
lOS bis. Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) bo z ea lis. Fries Hym. Fur. 67.
Borea'lis = of the north.
Pileus fleshy, irregttlar, ra th e r umbonate, smooth, rivulose when
Arj, flesh coloured, growing pale, margin even naked Î
elastic, unequal, often twisted, attenuated a t tlm b^se g Us emarginate,
deonrrent, thin, crowded, white. - Goo/« / ¿ t e . Supp.
t. 956.
In grassy places.
With the odour and habit of A . prunulus.
1 0 6 Ms. A g a z i c u s (T z ic h o lom a ) p e s - c a p zæ . Fries Hym. Fur. 68.
Pes-caprce = with a foot like a goat’s.
Pileus fleshy, thin, conical, then expanded,
unequal, grey, turning brownish, smooth, margin cracked, at length
3 stem solid eq'ml (or attenuated at the base), smooth. GUIs
£ i g ï “ . broad, k '< . « L , t h , a ra.hor d i.tan t, w h ..., b«.«rbrng
In open places.
var. m u ltifo rm is. Schoeff. G o o k e Illus. Supp. t. 946.
Multi-formis = of many shapes.
115. Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) du zacinu s.
Cooke Illus. Supp. t. 640. See ante p. 40.
121. Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) m e la leu cu s. Fries.
var. p o lio leu cu s . Fries Hym. Fur. 75.
Pol'io-leucus — greyish white.
Pileus obtusely umbonate, livid then grey, ^ em neari^ equal,
whitish, pruinose at the apex, gills w h itish .-G o o /« Illus. Supp.
t. 957.
In grassy places.
151 bis. Ag a z icu s (Clitocybe) amplus. Pers. Syn. 359.
Amplus = full, large.
Pilens fleshy, convex, then plane, somewhat
hecoming even, ra th e r hygrophanous, disc compact, margin