1 7 0 . Agaricus (Clitocybe) sp len d en s. Fr. Ilym. Eur. 96.
Splenden s = b rill i ant.
Solitary. Pileus souiewhat fleshy, flatly infundibuliform, smooth,
shining, reddish grey, becoming yellowish ; stem solid, smooth, of
the same colour ; gills deeply decurrent, crowded, simple, white.—
F r Icon. t. 44, f . 1. Cooke Illus. t. 109.
In woods, chiefly among pine leaves.
171. Ag aricus (Clitocybe) in v e r su s. Scop. Cam. 445.
Inversus=tmi\ed upside down; from the strongly inverted margin
of the pileus.
Pileus fleshy, fragile, convex, then infundibuliform, smooth,
margin involute, even; stem stuffed, then hollow, rather rigid,
smooth ; flesh p a llid ; gills decurrent, simple, pallid, then of the
colour of the pileus.—Schceff. t. 65. Cooke Illus. t. 84.
In fir woods.
Pileus 2 in. across, brownish reel at first, then tan-coloured; often
cKspitose. Spores nearly spherical '0001 in.
172. Ag aricu s (Clitocybe) flaccidus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 97.
EZac'«dMS=flabby, limp.
Pileus rather fleshy, thin, flaccid, umbilicate, then funnel-shaped,
even, margin broadly reflexed ; stem stuffed, unequal, sub-flexuose,
villous a t the base ; gills decurrent, crowded, arcuate, yellowish.—
Cooke Illus. t. 123.
I n fir woods.
var. loba tus. Son. t. 185.
Loba'tus=\ohed ; from the lobed pilens.
Ciespitose, darker in colour, with the pileus lobed or contorted
at the margin.— Cooke Illu s. t. 137.
On the ground by roadside.
1 7 3 . Ag aricus (Clito cyb e) s e n ilis . Fr. Hym. Eur.p. 38.
Seni'lis=aged ; from its aspect.
Pilens between fleshy and membranaceous, funnel-shaped, smooth,
concentrically scarred, tan coloured, margin patent, stem solid, equal,
smooth, whitish ; gills very decurrent, linear, crowded, at length of
the same colour as the pileus.—Fr. Icon. t. 56, f . 1. Cooke Illus.
t. 110.
In pine woods. Coed Coch.
The form figured is not identical with that given by Fries in his “ leones,”
althout^h it accords fairly with the description, except for the absence of
concentric scars, and its colour. The Eev. M. J. Berkeley considers it a
Pileus shining wliite.
1 7 4 . Ag aricus (Clitocybe) c a tin u s. Fr. Uym Eur. p. 33.
Cati'nus=a deep bowl or pot.
White, becoming discoloured; pilens fleshy, thin, plane,_then in-
fnndibuliform, flaccid, dry, smooth; stem stuffed, elastic, erect,
somewhat attenuated upwards ; gills decurrent, rather crowded,
^ h i te ._ E r . Icon. t. 51, f . 4. Cooke Illus. t. 111.
Among dead leaves.
A b o u t th e size or r a th e r la rg e r th a n Agaricus infundibuUformls, and
sim ila r in h ab it.
175. A g aricus (Clitocybe) tub a . Fr. Hym. Eur. 99.
Tuha=a trumpet; from its form, resembling th a t of the “ tuba,”
or ancient trumpet.
White, pileus fleshy, thin, convex then p l a n e , umbilicate, moist,
shining with a whitish silky lustre, margin even ; stem equal, soon
hollow and compressed, naked above, gills attenuated and very
decurrent, broad, much, crowded, white, growing pallid.— GooA«
Ulus. t. 112.
Amongst leaves.
1 7 6 . A g a r i c u s (Clitocybe) e ricetorum. Bull. Champ, f. 551, f. 1j>.
Fricetor'um=oi heaths, ericeta; from its customary habitat.
White, pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, or concave (swJZMrJz-
nate), smooth, shining when dry ; stem stuffed, short, tough,
attenuated downwards, gills deourrent, broad, distant, connected by
yeins.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 99. Cooke Illus. t. 138.
On heathy places. Sept.
P ileu s 1-2 iu. b ro ad ; s tem 1 in. long, 2-3 h u e s thick.
** Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous hygrophanous.
d . C V A T H I F O R M E S . Pileus fieshy, membranaceous disc not
compact, hygrophanous, depressed, then cup-shaped ; gills adnate,
then decurrent.
X77. Ag a r icu s (Clitccybe) c y a th ifo rm is. Fr. Eym. Eur. 100.
C y 'a th i- J o rm is ^ ik e shape of a cyatlms, or dmiking-cup.
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, at first depressed, then
infundibuliform, even, nearly smooth, moist, hygrophanous ¡ margin
for a long time involute, even ; stem stuffed, elastic, attenuated