12 7 2 . Marasmius sco r teus. Fr. Hym. Fur. 468.
Scort'eus — made of hides or leather, leathery.
Mild. Pilens rather fleshy, tough, convex, then flattened,
obtu.w, withont striæ, at length nignlose, growing pale ; stem
obsoletely fistulose, equal, tough, white, then tawny, delicately
pruinose at the apex, gills rounded, free, broad, distant, white.—
Cooke Illus. t. 1119 B.
In moist woods.
Spores 8 x 6 y.
B . T e k o in i . Stem rooting, distinctly tubvlose, not fibrous, manifestly
cartilaginous. Gills seceding, then fi'ee. Pileus
thinner than in the former group, hygrophanous, even, or
with the margin striate.
* Stem woolly below, smooth uqnoards.
127 3 . Marasmius p ra slo smu s. Fries Hym. Fur. 469.
Prasi-osmus= smeWmg like a leek, irpairor.
Strong scented. Pileus rather membranaceons, tough, eampanu-
late, then convex, flattened, obtuse, rugulose ; stem fistulose,
pallid above, becoming smooth, incrassated downwards, pale rufous
or fuscous, somewhat tomentose ; gills adnexed, a little crowded, a t
first white.—Goo/« Jllus. t. 1120.
Amongst leaves.
Spores 15x8/1.
1 2 7 4 . Marasmius v a r ico su s. Fries Hym. Fur. 460.
Farico'«M.s = full of dilated veins.
Inodorous. Pileus rather fleshy, tough, campanulate, then
plane, somewhat umbonate, darker when dry ; stem fistulose, thin,
smooth, rusty, with a dark red juice, fulvous tomentose at the base;
gills seceding, then free, much crowded, very narrow, umber when
dry.— Cooke Illus. t. 1121 A.
Amongst moss.
Spores 4 x 3 y.
12 7 5 . Marasmius fu sco -p u rp u r eu s. Pers, Ic. 4 Peso, t. 4, f.1-3.
Fusco-purpiir'eus = dusky purple.
Inodorous. Pileus rather fleshy, convexo-plane, sub-nmbilicate,
growing p a le ; stem Hstulose, smooth, without juice, brown-purple,
base rubiginous, strigose ; gills annulato-adnexed, a t length free,
distant, rufescent.— Cooke Illu s. t. 1121 B.
In woods, amongst leaves.
Marasmius te r g in 1 2 7 6 . u s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 469.
Tergi'nus = made of hide or leather, tergum.
Inodorous. Pileus ra th e r fieshy, convex, then plane, obtuse,
shining, becoming whitish ; stem fistulose, smooth above, shining,
pallid, reddish below, villous and rooting ; gills seceding, then free,
rather crowded, narrow, pallid.— Cooke Illus. t. 1122 A.
Amongst leaves.
Pileus in. broad, pale reddish brown, darker in the centre ; stem about
3 in. highj’ J line thick, smooth, pale-brown, satiny ; gills reddish-oohre,
adnate by a tooth, but sinuated, moderately distant. Spores 6x4/*.
** Stem (when dry) everywhere pruinate velvety.
12 7 7 . Marasmius W yn n e i. B. 4 Br. O u t l .t .l9 ,f.8 .
Wynn'ei, in honour of Mrs. I.loyd Wynne, of Coed Coch.
Inodorous, cæspitose. Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, subumbonate,
lilac brown, tardily changing colour; stem fistulose, of the
same colour,/iiZ'/M)'ac«otis ,■ gills thick, distant, adnexed, lilac.
Cooke Illu s. t. 1123 A.
Amongst leaves, twigs, etc.
Spores 7-8x4//.
1 2 7 8 . Marasmius erythropus. Pers. Syn. 367.
Fryth'ro-pus = red-stemmed.
Inodorous. Pileus ratlier fleshy, convexo-plane, then obtuse,
even, turning pale, at length rugose ; stem fistulose, striate,
smooth, dark-red, somewhat pruinose when dry, base^ whitish,
strigose ; gills free, seceding, broad, lax, connected by veins, quite
entire, whitish.—Fries Hym. Fur. 470. Cooke lllus. t. 1123 B.
Amongst leaves, near stumps.
Spores 10-11 x 4-5 y.
1 2 7 9 . Marasmius archyropus. Pers. M.F. t. 2b, f . 4.
Archy'ropas = with a very long stem.
Inodorous. Pileus rather fleshy, convexo-plane _or depressed,
smooth, growing pale ; stem stuffed, then hollow, rigid, straight,
pallid, rufous beneath the white tomentose bark, base similar;
gills adnexed, seceding, crowded, linear, pallid. Fr. Hym. Eur.
471. Cooke Illu s. t. 1122 B.
Amongst leaves.
Spores 4-5 y