6 3 2 . Ag a z icu s (Naucoria) hamadxyas. Fr. Hym. Fur. p. 254.
Haniadry'as,'A/aaSpu a?, one of the Nymphs whose life depended
upon th a t of the trees to which they were attached.
Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then expanded, gibbous, even,
ferruginous-bay, when old aud dry of a flesliy red ; stem hollow,
equal, smooth, pallid ; gills attenuated, adnexed, almost free, ferruginous.
F r. Icon. t. 1 2 1 ,/. 3.
In woods.
Pileus lJ-2 in. broad; stem 2-3.iu. long, 3 lin. thick, fragile.
6 3 3 . Ag azicus (Naucoria) cid a zis. Fr. Hym. Fur. 233.
Cid'aris, iclSapiq, a diadem, tiara.
Pileus rather fleshy, conical then campanulate, even, clay
coloured cinnamon, when dry tan-coloured, margin undulated,
striate, stem hollow, fusiform, short, smooth, dark brown, gills
affixed, then seceding, ventricose, crowded, honey-coloured.—
Cooke Illus. t. 451.
In pine woods, and on the ground around trunks.
Pileus an inch high and broad, or more; stem I J in. long. Inodorous.
6 3 4 . Ag azicus (Naucoria) cucum is. Fers. Syn. 310.
Cu'cumis = a cucumber, from the smell.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, broadly campanulate, smooth, when
moist bay-brown about the margin, growing p a le r; stem thin, firm,
smooth, dark brown, turning black, thickened a t the apex, hollow,
pruinose; gills slightly adnexed, ventricose, pallid saffron-yellow.
—Fr. Hym. Fur. 255. Cooke Illus. t. 452. Sow. t. 344.
Amongst sawdust.
635. Ag a r icu s (Naucoria) a n gu in eu s, Fr. Hym. Fwr. 235.
Aw^ia’M'«MS = snake-like ; from the appearance of the stem.
Pileus slightly fleshy, campanulate, then convex, gibbous,
smooth, yellowish tan-coloured, with a silky zone around the
margin ; stem rather hollow, brown, and thickly covered with white
fibrillcB ; gills nearly free, crowded, linear, pale-yellow, then ferruginous.—
Fries Icon. t. 122, f . 1. Cooke Illu s. t. 455.
In a flower-pot. Nov.
Stem 2-3 inches long by 2-3 lines thick ; pileus 2 inches broad.
6 3 6 . Agaricus (Naucoria) c en tu n c u lu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 253.
Centum'cuius = a small patch or patch-work; from the coloration.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, lurid-greenish,
then yellowish, turning p a le ; stem fistulöse, with whitish down at
the base, pulverulent above ; gills adnate, then seceding, thick,
broad, cinereous yellow, as well as the stem.—Cooke Illu s. t. 601 A.
On rotten wood. Oct.
637. Ag aricu s (Naucoria) h o r izon ta lis. BuU. Champ, t. 324.
IIorizonta'li8 = \\ov\zo\-iia\, level.
Pileus somew'hat fleshy, plano-convex, obtuse, even, smooth ;
stem solid, very short, incurved, naked; gills rounded behind, free,
broad, plane. The whole plant of a watery cinnamon colour.—
F r. Hym. Eu r. 256. Cooke Illus. t. 601 B.
On elm trunks.
638. Ag aricus (Naucoria) sem iflexus. B. 4 Ur. Ann. N. H.No.l24&.
Semi-flexus = h.a\i-he-i\i ; referring to the stem.
Pileus hemispherical, chestnut colour, hygrophanous, margin
fringed with a delicate white veil ; flesh white ; stem semi-horizontal,
solid ; gills distant, adnexed, brownish ; spores echinulate.
— Cooke Illus. t. 509 A.
On the side of a bank. Oct.
Pileus J in. across, suboampanulate, then hemispberical, or flattened
above, moderately fleshy ; stem f in. bigb, f line thick ; spores oblong,
•0003--0004 long, •00025-0003 in. wide.
639. Agaricus (Naucoria) r im u lin c o la . Fahh. Fxs. No. 1511.
Bimul-in cola, from rimula = a crack or fissure, and incola = an
inhabitant ; from its habitat on twigs.
Cinnamon, pileus hemispherical, umbilicate, plicate, rugulose-
tomentose ; stem somewhat excentric, short, incurved, a little
thickened a t the base ; gills adnexed, rathei^ distant, thick, very
broad, whitish crenulate.—Fries Hym. Eur. 256. Cooke Illus. t.
509 B.
On twigs.
B. 4 6 4 0 . Ag aricus (Naucoria) rubricatus. Ur. Ann. Nat. Hist.
No. 1873.
Rubricatus = coloured red.
Cæs p i t o s e , white, then reddish tin ted ; pileus small, at length
becoming plane ; stem slender. Cooke Illus. t. 509 C.
On decayed twigs.
I t w a s g row in g on a b ram b le twig. The la rg e s t specimen was scarce h a lf
a n in c h high, a n d th e d iam e te r of th e pileus ab o u t a q u a rte r of a n inch ; th e
stem hollow, sp rin k led with d e lic a te mealy g ran u le s a t th e base, and ab o u t
h a lf-w a y u p ; gills adn ex ed b eh in d an d n a rrow e d in fro n t, w hitish, th e n
flesh-coloured, becoming b row n ish .— Grevillea x, Dec., 1881.
** Gills adnate, pileus convexo-plane.
6 4 1 . A g a r icu s (Naucoria) abstrusus. Fr. Hym. Fur. p. 257.
AZ>si?-w'sws = hidden, concealed ; as by the leaves among which
it grows.
Pileus rather fieshy, convex, obtuse, even, smooth, viscid, fe r ru -