E t
then yellowish flesh-colour ; milk acrid, white, unchangeable.—
Cooke Illu s. 1 .1085.
In woods.
Pileus 1-3 in. broad. Stem 2 in. long, 1-5 lines tbiok. Spores 6-10 u
** Pileus unpolished, squamulose, villose, or pruinose.
11 6 3 . Lactazius (Russulazes) zufus. Scop. Cam. ii., 451.
Rufus = red.
Pileus fleshy, umbonate, at length infundibuliform, dry, iloccu-
lose, then becoming smooth, shining, zoneless, dark-rufous; stem
stuffed, rufescent; gills crowded, rather decurrent, ochraoeous,
then rnfons, milk white, very acrid.—F)’. Ihjm. Eur. 433. Huss.
i., t. 15. Cooke Illus. t. 985.
In fir woods.
Pileus 3.4 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, J in. tbiok. Spores 9 x 7 //.
1 1 6 4 . Lactazius (Russulazes) h e lv u s . Fr. S ym . Fur. 488.
Helms = light bay, almost yellow.
Pileus fleshy, fragile, convex, then plane or depressed, subiim-
bonate, dry, silky, then floccoso-squamose and cracked, pale brick
red, growing pallid ; stem stuffed, then hollow, pruinate or pubescent;
gills decnrrent, thin, crowded, whitish, then ochraceous;
milk sparse, ra th e r acrid, white.— Cooke Illu s. t. 994.
On swampy ground.
Pileus 2-4 in. broad. Stem 2-3 iu. long, J in. thick. Spores 10-12 «
diam. ^
1165. Lactazius (Russulazes) tom en to su s. Otto, in Krombh. t 40
/ . 17,18.
Tomento'sus, from tomentum = stuffing for cushions.
Pileus fleshy, at .first umbonate, then depressed and infnndibuliform,
dingy flesh colour, or becoming rufescent and brownish,
finely tomentose; gills rath er decnrrent, yellow flesh-colour ; stem
erect, a t first stuffed, becoming hollow, pallid, naked, smooth ;
substance compact ; milk whiti.sh, vaM.— Krombh. Schwamme vi,,
p . 7. Cooke Illus. t. 1010.
On the ground.
Pileus abont 3 in. Stem 2 in. long, J iu tbiok. Spores 8-9 y diam.
11 6 6 . Lactazius (Russulazes) mammosus. Fr. S ym. Fur. 434.
Mammo'sus = with large breasts.
Pileus fleshy, acutely umbonate, then depressed, dry, zoneless,
lurid, clad with an intricate grey down ; stem stuffed, then hollow.
pubescent, pallid ; gills adnate, crowded, whitish, then pale ferruginous
; milk white, slowly acrid.
In pine woods.
var. monstzosus. Coolce Illus. t. 99b.
Larger than in the type, as represented by Fries in his “ leones,”
tab. 170, fig. 2, as “ monstrat L . mammosum."
On the ground.
The type form is not yet recorded as British.
Pileus 3 in. Stem 3 in. long, J in. thick. Spores 10 y diam.
1167. Lactarius (Russulazes) g ly c io sm u s. Fr. S ym . Fur. 434.
Glyciosmus, from yXvKvs = sweet, and ocryi'i = scent.
S trong scented. Pileus fleshy, thin, convexo-plane, somewhat
umbonate, dry, squamulose, lurid, opaque ; stem stuffed, thin,
pubescent, p a llid ; gills crowded, yellowish-ochre; milk acrid,
wliite.— Cooke Illu s . t. 1011.
In fir woods.
Pileus 1-2 in. broad. Stem 1-2 in. long, 2-4 lines thick. Spores 6-10 y
11 6 8 . Lactazius (Russulazes) fu lig in o su s. Fr. S ym . Fur. 434.
Fuligino'sus = sooty, black.
Pileus fleshy, soft, depressed, obtuse, very dry, zoneless, at first
clouded with a dingy bloom, then naked, cinereous tan-coloured ; stem
stuffed, spongy, of the same colour ; gills crowded, tan-ooloured,
flesh and milk hardly acrid, white, then saffron coloured.— Cooke
Illu s . t. 996.
In woods.
Pileus 1-4 in. broad. Stem lJ-3 in. long, 3-5 lines thick. Spores 10-12 y
1 1 6 9 . Lactazius (Russulazes) p ic in u s . Fr. Eym. Eur. 435.
P i'c in u s = pitch-black.
Pileus fleshy, rigid, convex, then pla n e, umbonate, umber-brown,
at flr s t velvety, then with the diso becoming smooth, even; stem
stuffed, ra th e r spongy, even, smooth, paler; gills adnate, much
crowded, ochraceous ; milk acrid, white.— Cooke Illu s . t. 997.
In pine woods.
Pileus 8 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, | iu. tbiok. Spores 8 / / diam.
1170. Lactazius (Russulazes) lila c in u s . Lasch. Finn, lu ., No. 78.
Lilacdnus — lilac-coloured,
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then depressed, papillate, floccose
when dry, granulose, zoneless, rosy lila c ; stem stuffed, then