uimards, fihrillose-reitculate ; gills adnate, then decurrent, nnited
behind, dingy.—Now. t. 363. Huss. ii. t, 1. Cooke Ulus. t. 113.
Bolt. t. 145.
In meadows, &c. Common.
\ a r . e x p a lle n s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 100.
Expallens=gxoYimg pale.
Pilens between fleshy and membranaceous, flatly infmidibnliform,
even, smooth, becoming tawny, when dry clay-coloured, then whitish
; marqin scarcely expanded; stem stuffed, then hollow eqiml,
whitish, silky above ; gills decurrent, rather distant, whitish giey.
— Cooke Ulus. i. 220.
In woods.
Sm a lle r and p a le r th a n Ay. cyathiformis.
1 7 8 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) obbatus. F r Hym. E u r . 101.
066a'Ziis=shaped like an ohha or beaker.
Pilens suhmembranaoeous, umbilicate, th en infundibuliform,
smooth, hygrophanous; margin at length s tria te ; siem hollow,
equal, tough, smooth, cinereous, brown; gills decurrent, distant, at
first dark-grey, then frosted with white.— CooAe Illu s. t. 230.
In pine woods.
Pilens blaokish-brown.
1 7 9 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) pruin o sus. Zasch. in Fr. Hym Eur. 101.
Pi-Miao'sws=full of, or covered with, hoar-frost, pruína.
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, umbilicate, then infundibuliform,
ra th e r even, hygrophanous, sprinkled with a greyish
bloom, stem stuffed, somewhat ascending, fibrillose, pallid, gills adnate,
then decurrent, crowded, narrow, white, then dingy.—Coofce
Illus. Í. 231.
In pine woods, and on trunks.
Pilens 1-2 in., brownish or cinereous; stem 1-2 in. long, 1-1^ lines thick.
1 8 0 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) cou ca vu s. Scop. Cam.p. 443.
Con'cavus=hoWow, concave.
Pileus submembranaceous, broadly and deeply umbilicate, even,
flaccid, naked, hygrophanous, edge convexo-plane, undulated; stem
stuffed, equal, smooth, grey ; gills decurrent, crowded, narrow,
fuliginous.—F r. Hym. E u r. 102.
In pastures.
Pileus 1-2 in. long; stem 1-2 in long, 1-2 lines thick, wholly soft, fibrous.
181. A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) b ium a lis . Fr. Uym. Eur. 103.
Bruma'lis=oî winter ; from its appearing late.
Inodorous; pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, at first
umbilicate, then funnel-shaped, smooth, flaccid, of one colour, hygrophanous;
margin reflexed, even; stem a t length hollow, equal,
somewhat incurved, smooth, whitish ; gills decurrent, distinct, pallid.
— Cooke Illus. t. 114.
In woods. Oct.
e. Orbiformbs. Pileus rath er fleshy, externally and internally
moist, hygrophanous, convex, then flattened or depressed, polished ;
gills plane, adnate.
Gills becoming cinereous.
1 8 2 . A g a iic u s (C lito cy b e ) m e ta c h io u s . Fr. Hym. E u r .\03.
Meta'chrôus=!MiTCi-xpmi (trisyllable) changing colour.
Inodorous; pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, depressed,
ra th e r smooth, hygrophanous ; stem stuffed, then hollow, equal,
tough, pruinose above; gills adnate, crowded, pale cinereous.—
Cooke Illus. t. 115.
In woods amongst leaves.
Pileus at first brownish, then livid and ultimately heooming pale, whitish
when dry.
1 8 3 . A g a iicu s (CUtocybe) pau sia cu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 104.
Pausi acus=tke. colour of a kind of olive, pausea or pausia.
Strong scented, pileus rather fleshy, convex, then plane or
depressed, even, hygrophanous; stem almost hollow, equal,
striate, whitish, pruinose at ti.e apex; gills obtusely adnate,
semicircular, crowded, olive.—Fr. Icon. t. 5 8 ,/. 2.
In mountain pine woods.
1 8 4 . A g a i i c u s (C lito cy b e) d ito p u s . Er. Hym. Eur. 104.
E>i'topus=:01-rooroe, living in two places ; perhaps from the stem
being sometimes central, and sometimes exoentric.
Smelling strongly o f new meal ; pileus rath er fleshy, convex,
then plane, depressed, even, smooth, hygrophanous ; stem hollow,
equal, almost naked ; gills adnate, crowded, thin, dark, cinereous.
— Cooke Illus. t. 116.
In pine woods.
Besembling A. metaohrous, but with a strong mealy odour.