I i
3 0 1 . Ag azicus (Mycena) ieu co g a lu s. Cooke in Grevillea, :s.ii, p. 41.
Leucog'alus, from XeuKo's = white, and yaXá — milk.
Cæspitose. Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, umbonate, sulcate
io the middle, purple brown, paler a t the margin, becoming black
at the nmbo, milk white, plentiful ; stem slender, a little thickened
downwards, fistulöse, of the same colour as the pileus, whitish
tornentose a t the base ; gills adnate, with a small decurrent tooth,
rather distant, connected by veins, cinereous.— Cooke Illus. ined.
On rotten stump. Oct.
Pileus half an inch broad and high, not exceeding an inch. Stem 3 inches
ong, forming dense cæ.spitose tufts. Very similar in general appearance
to Ag. pullatus, B. & Cke. t. r e
g. G lu tin ip b d b s . Stem viscid.
3 0 2 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) ep ip te zy g iu s. Scop. Cam. 453.
Epi-pteryg ius, from cVi = upon,and -n-Tepvyiov = a little wing, or
anything like a wing—perhaps, brake-fern, Fteris aquilina, L.
Pileus membranaceons, campanulate, then expanded, rather
obtuse, striate, cutick viscid, separable ; stem elongated, tough,
rooting, smooth, viscid, yellowish; gills adnate, with a deourrent
tooth, variable in colour.— F r. Hym. Eur. 149. Sow. t. 92
Cooke Illus. t. 208, a.
Amongst moss, dead leaves, &c.
3 0 3 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) c la v icu la z is. Fr. Hym. Eur. 149.
Clavicular'is=of or belonging to a little key or tendril,
clavicula, diminutive of clavus=a. nail.
Pileus membranaceons, convex then expanded striate, dry
luithout separate pellicle, disc a t length depressed, stem tough’
mooth, viscid, whitish, fibrillose at the base, gills adnate, white.—
Fr. Icon. t. 84, f . 1. Cooke Illus. t. 208, h.
In woods.
3 0 4 . Ag a z icu s (M ycena) p e llicu lo su s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 149.
Pelliculo'sus=mnái furnished with ap e llid e or little skin ; from
the separable cuticle.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, lineato-
striate cuticle viscid, separable ; stem short, smooth, viscid, livid :
gills distant, glancescent, joined behind and slightly decu rren t—
Cooke. Illus. t. 191, a.
On heaths, on the ground.
3 0 5 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) v u lg a z is . Pers. Ic. Plot. t. 19, f. 3.
Pileus somewhat membranaceons, convex, then depressed, papillate,
viscid ; stem tough, fibrillose at the base, rooting cinereous ■
gills sub-decurrent, thin, white.—F r . Hym. Eu r. 150. Berk Outl
t. 6, f . 4. Cooke Illu s. t. 191, b.
On plantations, especially of larch. Oct.
3 0 6 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) c itz in e llu s . Pers.Ic. Desc.t.ll, f. 3.
Citrinellus, diminutive of citruius, citron or lemon-colonred.
Pileus membranaceous, hemispherical, then plane, umbonate,
striate, viscid, as well as the stem, which is villous at the base
and lemon-coloured; gills uncinate, white.—F r. Hym. Eur. 150.
Cooke Illus. t. 248, a.
In fir woods, &c.
3 0 7 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) p lica to -c z en a tu s. Er. Hym. Eur. 150.
FZ2Calo-cr6Ma'iMS=plicate-crenate, in allusion to the pileus.
Pileus very thin, conical, somewhat umbonate, sulcate plicate
and toothed, white then yellowish ; stem thread-like, smooth, viscid,
pale reddish ; gills ascending, attenuated, adnate with a deourrent
tooth, distant, white.—F r. Icon. t. 8 4 /. 2. Cooke Illus. t. 248, b.
Amongst heath.
30 8 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) zozidns Fr. Hym. Eur. 150.
Bor '¿(¿Ms=dewy.
Very delicate ; pileus very thin, convex, suh-umbilicate, sulcate,
dry ; stem thread-like, very glutinous ; gills decurrent, distant,
white.— Cooke Illu s. t. 248 c.
On dead bramble-twigs, &c.
Pilous. 3 in. broad, or more, dirty ochraceous ; stem IJ in. or more high, at
first tinged with violet above, at length dirty ochre, clothed with abundant
white pellucid gluten, which almost drips from i t ; sometimes the whole
plant is nearly white.
h. B a s i p b d e s . Stem dry, attached by a discoid or bulbous base.
3 0 9 . Ag azicus (Mycena) sty lo b a te s. Pers. Syn. t. 5 f . 4.
Stylob'ates, a-TvXo-fiaTrji — the foot or base of a pillar.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, striate, sub-pilose ;
stem filiform, smooth ; base orbicular, plane, villous, striate ; gills
free, distinct, ventricose.—Berk. Outl. t. 6. f . 5. Fr. Hym. Eur.
150. Cooke Illu s. t. 249, a.
On fern, twigs, &c. Aug.
Pure white. Pileus 2 lines or more broad ; stem 1-2 in. high, Jline thick,
rather thicker at the base, adhering by a broad membranaceous, tomentose,
radiato-striate disc. Spores ’0001 x '00005 in.
31 0 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) tene zz im u s. Berh. Outl. t. %,}.%.
Tenerr'imus, superlative of tener=tendei-, delicate.
White, very delicate ; pileus convex, pruinose with minute
furfuraceous granules ; stem ¡filose, adhering by a minute pubescent
disc ; gills free, ventricose.—Fr. Hym. E u r. 151. Cooke
Illu s. t. 249, b.
On fir-cones, sticks, &c.
Gregarious, pure white. Pileus 1-lJ lines broad, very delicate, frosted
with minute granules. Stem 1 in. high, scarce J line thick, adhering by a
minute pubescent disc, which is not the least striate; spores white, round.