I * lii l i '
var. p o liu s. denselv and connately ciBspitose; p i l e u s convex,
then plane, obtuse, smooth, grey ; stem flexuose, smooth ; gills
crowded, whitish.—E r. Epicr. p . 57. Trans. Woolhope Oluö,
1 8 6 8 ,^ . 246.—Saund. <$• Sm. t. 13.
On charcoal heaps, in woods.
CEOspitose. P ileu s 2J-3 in. b ro a d ; b is tre coloured; s tem 1-2^ m. long,
§ in. thick. Spores nearly spherical -00024 in.
1 5 6 . A g aricus (Clitocybe) tum u lo su s . Kalchh. J; Schulz. Toon., t. 5.
Tumulo'sus={ull of hills, hilly.
CfBspitose. Pileus fleshy, conical, then expanded, umbonate,
even, sniootli, umber, growing paler ; stem solid, floccose-pruinose,
pallid; gills slightly emarginate and decurrent, crowded, white,
then cinereous.—Fries. Hym. Eur. pp. 91, 92, Cooke Illu s. t. 105.
In woods.
157. Ag aricus (Clitocybe) pe rgamen us. Coohe.
Pergame'nus=oi p a rchm en t; from its texture resembling parchment
or vellum.
CiBspitose, whitish like vellum, ra th e r cartilaginous, pileus
convex, becoming plane obtusely umbonate, smooth, ev en ; stem
eqnal, ascending, solid, with a cartilaginous coating; punctate
squamose at the ap ex ; gills broadly adnate with a decurrent tooth,
rather crowded, white.
On old stump. Lyndhurst.
Pileus li-2 in. Stem 4-5 in. long. Will be figured in the “ Supplement.”
158. Ag aricu s (Clitocybe) cryptarum. Letellier Champ. 92, fig. 88.
Cryp ta ‘r im = o i caves or cellars.
Densely CKspitose. Pilens somewhat conical,-_ depressedly
floccose, spotted with brown ; stem white, ra th e r striate, virgate,
attenuated upwards, more or less compressed, narrowly fistulöse ;
gills narrow, arcuate, ra th e r decurrent, white.
On sawdust.
“ Habit that of A. tumulosus. Pile! varying much iu size, aooording to
the denseness of the clusters. Inodorous, insipid; stem mottled within.
B. & Br.
159. Agaricus (Clitocybe) opacus. With, in Fr. Hym. Eur. 93.
Opa'ciis=not transparent.
White; pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, umbonate, repand,
even covered luith a floccose shining f i lm ; stem stuffed, unequal
flexuose; gills adnate, decurrent, very crowded, white.—Sow. t.
142. Cooke Illus. t . \ 1 6 .
In woods.
Pileus white, opaque, lf-2 in .; stem 2 in. high, ^ in. diameter.
1 6 0 . Ag azicus (Clitocybe) monstzosus. Sow. t. 283.
Monstro'sus=str&T\ge, monstrous, from its contorted form.
Pileus fleshy, a t first convex and umbonate, at length waved and
lobed, opaque as if white-washed ; margin inflexed; stem compressed,
solid, streaked, opaque white, tomentoso-squamulose above,
slightly rooting; gills moderately distant, scarcely rounded behind,
but not truly decurrent, white or cream coloured.
On the ground. Probably esculent.
Often densely csespitose, and then not compressed. Will be figured in a
“ supplement” to the “ Illustrations.”
c. I nfundibulifoemks. Pileus attenuated from a fleshy disc
towards the margin, at length infundibuliforin, or deeply depressed
in the c en tre ; gills deeply and equally decurrent from the first.
Pileus coloured, or growing pallid, surface innately fiocculose or
161. Ag azicu s (Clitocybe) g ig a n teu s. Sow. t. 244.
Gigant'eus==the size of a giant.
Pileus infundibuliform, not umbonate, slightly fiocculose, white,
opaque ; stem equal, thick ; gills white, then yellowish, shortly
decurrent.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 401. Cooke. Illus. 1 .106.
In woods, &c.
Pileus often 8-10 inches, stem 2-3 in. long, nearly 2 inches thick.
1 6 2 . Ag azicu s (Clitocybe) m a x im us. Fr. Hym. Eur. 93.
J / a a : 'z M M S = = g r e a t e s t .
Pileus fleshy, thin, sub-flaccid, dry, silky or squamulose, broadly
infundibuliform, disc compact, somewhat umbonate ; stem stuffed,
compact, elastic, attenuated, fibrilloso-striate ; gills decurrent,
rather crowded, whitish.—Hogg. ^ Johnst. t. 23. Cooke Illus.
t. 186.
Meadows and woods. Sept. Esculent.
Pileus 3-4 in. Stem 4-6 in. long, hardly 1 inch thick.
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