cuticle entire ; margin even ; stem someiuliat bulbous, solid, fibril-
lose; ring very large, placed near the top of the stem ; gills
moderately broad, free, pallid, at length tinged with red.— Cooke
Illu s. ¿.11.
In woods.
Pilens 3^ in. across ; stem 5 in. high.
B. Bing obliterated, or none.
15. Ag a z icu s (Amanita) v a g in a tu s . Bull. I r . Eym. Eur. 27.
Fa<7iwa7MS=furuished with a sheath, vagina.
Pileus thin, campanulate, then nearly plane, margin membranaceous,
deeply sulcate ; stem fistulöse, attenuated, fragile, floccu-
loso-squamose ; volva sheathing, loose ; gills free, white, then pallid.
— Berk. Outl. t. m ,fig . 4. Huss. ii. t. 34. Cooke Illus. t. 12.
var. albida. A . nivalis, Grev. t. 18.
In woods and under trees. Common. Edible.
Variable in size and colour. Pileus 4 in. or m ore; stem 6 in. or more
high, ¿-1 in. thick.
1 6 . A g a iicn s; (Aman ita ) stzan gu la tu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 27.
Strangula'tus=choked, from the stuffed stem.
Pileus a t first ovate, then campanulate, clothed with broad,
scattered, subpersistent warts ; margin grooved ; stem stuffed, silky
above, squamulose below ; volva soon breaking up ; gills free,
white.—E r . Icon. t. 11. Price f . 112. Cooke Illus. t. 13.
Ag. Ceciliie. Berk. Out. t. 3, /. 5. Cooke Hdbk. no. 2
In woods. Aug.'—Sept.
Colour monse-grey. Pileus 3-4 in. across; margin snlcate, dingy yellow.
Stem 4 in. or more high, | in. thick. Smell none. Taste sweet.
17, Ag a z icu s (Amanita) adn a tus. Smith. Fr. Hym. Eur. 23.
. A d n a tu s, from the “ adnate ” gills.
Pileus fleshy, firm, smooth, ra th e r moist, convex, then expanded,
buff beneath the cuticle ; margin extending beyond the gills, even,
stem stuffed, at length hollow, pale buff, rough, fibrillose; ring
none ; volva lax, adnate, or almost obsolete, white, pubescent, remaining
in woolly patches on the pileus ; gills white, crowded,
truly adnate.—Saund. Sm. t. 20. Cooke Illus. t. 35.
Woody places, amongst oak and holljn
Pilens pale bnff-yellow, 2J-3 in. across; stem pale buffi, 2-4 in. high.
Sub.-Gen. 2. L E P IO TA . Er. S.M., i. p. 19.
Lepio'ta, from Xc7ris = a scale, and ons, ¿rds, the ear.
Veil universal and concrete, with tlie cuticle of the pileus
breaking up in the form of scales; pileus never compact, often
very thin, the flesh always soft and thread-like, and not only distinct
from the stem, but often separated above into a peculiar cup ;
stem distinct from the hymenophore, generally hollow, full of
threadlike fibres, rather sub-cartilaginous than fleshy, different in
texture from the flesh of the pileus, hence it is easily removed,
leaving a cup or socket a t its point of juncture with the pileus,
furnished with an annulus, which is a t first continuous with the
cuticle of the pileus, often movable, sometimes evanescent; volva
none ; gills free ; hence not sinuate or deourreut.
H ab. On the ground, mostly in rich grassy places, and more
often in fields than woods.
A. Epidermis dry.
Sect. a. Proceri—Ring movable.
18. Ag a z icu s (Lepiota) pzocezus. Scop. “ Parasol Mushroom.”
Procer'us— tall.
Pileus fleshy, soft, a t first ovate, then expanded and iimbonate ;
cuticle thick, torn up into broad evanescent scales ■, stem hollow, tall,
bulbous, variegated with adpressed scales; ring movable ; gills
very remote.—F r. Ilym. E u r. 29. Trans. Woolh. Club (1867).
Badh. t. 2. Curt FI. Bond. t. 69. Huss. i. t. 88. Cooke Illus. t.
astures. Common, Esculent.
Pilens 3-7 in. broad, red brown, margin white, or pinkish. Stem 8-12 in.
high, ^ in. thick. Taste and smell pleasant.
19. Ag azicus (Lepiota) zachodes. Vitt. I r . Hym. Eur. 29.
Bachod'es=ytiil\ surf or breakers, pdxia; from the appearance of
the cuticle.
Pileus fleshy, soft, a t first globose, then expanded and depressed
; cuticle thin, broken into persistent scales, stem hollow,
attenuated, smooth, immaculate, bulb at first a b ru p t; ring
lacerated, movable ; gills remote.—Berk. Outl. pi. 3, f . 6. Huss.
ii. t. 58. Cooke Illus. t. 22.
In shady pastures. Esculent. [Carolina, U.S.]
Flesh mostly red when bruised. Rather smaller than A. procerus.
var. p u e lla r is . Fr. Hym. Fur. 29.
Smaller than in the type form, shining white, with a floccosely
squamose pileus.