.1■ i,'
4 0 7 . A g a iicu s (F lu teu s) um h io su s. Pers.'Jo. 4 Peso, t, 2., f. 5-6.
Umbro'sus = decidedly umber in colonr.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, lacunose rugose, a t
f ir s t nVZows, umber ; margin ciliate or f im b r ia te ; stem solid, villoso-
squanmlose ; gills free (sub-fuliginous), margin fimbriate.—F r .
H ym . E u r . 186. Cooke Illu s . t. 304 a.
On dead trunks.
4 0 8 . A g a iicu s (P lu teu s) h isp id u lu s. Fr. Hym. Eur, 187.
H isp i'du lu s — slightly rough or hairy.
Small. Pilens rather fleshy, convexo-plane, hairy or silk y , grey,
margin at length striate, stem fistulöse, even, smooth, silvery ; gills
free, flesh-coloured. —Foo7« I llu s . t. 304 b.
On beech trunks.
4 0 9 . Ag aricus (P lu teu s) ephehiu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 186.
= l ik e a youth growing up to manhood; from the down
on the pileus.
Pileus fleshy, convex then flattened, obtuse, c la d with a bluish
tomentum, margin naked, stem stuffed, smooth, minutely striate ;
gills free, yellowish, then flesh-coloured.—Cooke I llu s . t. 517.
On rotten wood.
Pileus from 1 to 2 inches broad,
Stem 1 to 2 inches long, often curved,
and sometimes turning bluish.
4 1 0 . Ag aricus (P lu teu s) p e llitu s . Pers. Syn. 366.
P e l l i 'tus = cla d in skins, p e lle s ; an old name descriptive of the
generally separable cuticle of the pileus in this sub-genus.
White. Pilens rather fleshy, convex, then plane, even, dry,
s ilk y ; stem stuffed, smooth, even, shining ; gills flesh-coloured.—•
F r . Hym. E u r . 187. .Cooke Illu s . t. 597.
On trunks and on the ground about them. Soarboro’.
Pileus 2 inches broad. Stem 2 inches long, 2-3 lines thick.
** P ileu s fro ste d with atoms, somewhat p ow d e ry .
411. Ag aricu s (P lu teu s) n an u s. P m . Syn. 357.
N a n u s = dwarf.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, convexo-plane, rugulose, obtuse, sp rin k led
with din g y m e a l; stem solid, rigid, short, striate, white ; gills free,
white, then flesh-coloured.—F r . Hym. F u r . 187. Cooke I llu s .
Z. 305.
On fallen sticks.
var. lu te s c en s . F \ I. c.
Lutescens = yellowish.
Stem and often the gills yellow.
On trunks.
4 1 2 . Ag aricus (P lu teu s) sp ilop u s. B. 4~ Br. Ann. Nat. Hist., No.
Spilopus, from a-TrlXog = a spot, and ttoIis = a foot, from the
spotted stem.
Dwarf. Pileus brown, rugulose ; stem flexuous, punctate with
black ; spores globose, even.—B. 4 Br. Cooke Illu s. t. 325.
On wood.
4 1 3 . Ag aricus (P lu teu s) sem ib u lb o su s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 188.
Semibulbo'sus = h a l f bulbous ; from the shape of the base of the
Small. Pileus rather fleshy, hemispherical, obtuse, atomate, soft,
sulcate, w h ite ; stem delicately fistulöse, pubescent, inflated iu a
búllate manner a t the base ; gills free, whitish, then flesh-coloured.
— Cooke I llu s . t. 518, fig. a.
On wood.
Pilens abont half an inch broad, deeply snlcate. Stem abont an inch
■*** P ileu s naked, smooth.
4 1 4 . A g a iicu s (P lu teu s) v io la r iu s. Massee. Grev. xiii. 89.
Vio la r'iu s = pertaining to violets ; from its staining paper violet.
Pileus hemispherical, then nearly plane, v elvety, even, watery,
d a rk p u ip le , disc darkest, margin undulate. Flesh thick, gre y ;
stem thickest a t the base and pale umber, attenuated upwards and
whitish, silky, fistulöse, sp rin k led below with delicate black f ib r ils ,
gills crowded, margin serrulate, whitish then brightish flesh-colour.
— Cooke I llu s . t. 518, fig. b.
On. a stump.
Gregarions. Pileus J - l l inch. Stem 1 in. long, 1 line thick at the apex.
Smell none. Taste pleasant. Spores spherical, smooth. Paper in which
the specimens were dried stained bright violet.
4 1 5 . A g a iicu s (P lu teu s) ro seo -a lb us. Fr. Hym. Fwr. 188.
Boseo-albus = rosy white.
Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then expanded, even, smooth, rosy,
margin naked. Stem solid, attenuated, pruinose w ith white ; gills