streaked with rose at the base ; flesh white, odour mealy ; gills
emarginate, undulated, white with the edge rose; spores oval,
white.—(7001:« Illus. t. 90.
On the ground. Near Hereford, 1881.
var. a trosqu amosus. Chen. Fung, et Byss, lllust.
AZros2Mamo'sMs=hlack-scaled, from ater + squama.
Pileus cinereous, squamulose with small blade scales; gills
emarginate, whitish.— Coohe Illus. t. 51.
On the ground. Dorking, Nov., 1880.
c. R igida. Cuticle of the pileus rigid, punctato-granulate, or
in drying broken into smooth squamules.
Gills white or pallid, not becoming spotted with rufous or cinereous.
8 6 . Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) maczozrhizus. Zasch. Fr. Hym. Eur. 58.
Mac7'orrhi'zus’==mth a long root, from ^a/cpds + piCa.
Sub-gregarious, very la rg e ; stem solid, ventricose, delicately
granulated, whitish, ochraceous below, produced into a thick fleshy
ro o t; pileus compact, fleshy, convex then plane, somewhat depressed
; cuticle a t first smooth, a t length broken up in a tessellated
manner, ochraceous, darker when old ; gills deeply eniar-
ginate, nearly free, attenuated behind, scarcely crowded, pallid.—
Cooke Illus. t. 278.
In grassy places. King’s Lynn.
Very large. Odour powerful, like Lilium auratum; stem long, subterranean;
flesh firm, slightly yellowish; taste unpleasant; spores irregularly
globose, ’006 mm.
8 7 . Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) sap ona c eu s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 5d.
Sapona'ceus=soapj, from sapo=soap ; from its odour.
Strong scented, firm. Pileus rath er compact, convex then expanded,
obtuse, dry, smooth, then rimoso-squamose or punctate ;
margin at first naked, flesh pale, reddish ; stem solid, unequal ;
gills uncinato-marginate, distant, thin, quite entire, white then
pallid, sometimes greenish. Cooke Illus. i. 91.
In woods.
Stem 2-3 in. long, ^ in. or more thick. Pileua 2-4 in. broad, whitish
cinereous, greenish, or blackish.
var. squamosus. Cooke Illus. t. 216.
Squanio SMS=furnished with scales, squamae.
With the stem squamose.
8 8 . Agazicus (Tzicholoma) ca z tila g in eu s. Bull. Champ, t. 583, f. 2.
Cai'tilagin'eus=c,axti\agmous, gristly.
Cartilaginous, elastic, rather fragile ; pileus fleshy, convex,
búllate, gibbous, undulated, smooth ; cuticle rimulose,/»«Z?/ dotted
until black; stem stuffed, equal, stout, lineato-striate, somewhat
mealy ; gills slightly emarginate, adnexed, crowded, pallid.—Fr.
Hym. Eur. 60. Cooke Illu s. t. 166.
In grassy places.
Smell like new flour. Pileus 2-3 in. broad, stem 1-2 in. long.
89 . Agazicus (Tzicholoma) lo z ic a tu s. Fries. Ep. p. 60. Fr. Hym.
Fur. 60.
Lorica'tus==clad in mail, harnessed ; from the horny cuticle.
Cartilaginous, tough ; pileus campanulate then convex, somewhat
undulated, rather inclined to be viscid when moist, subpa-
pillose, cuticle thick, horny, stem somewhat hollow, equal, rooting,
striato-fibrillose ; gills attenuated, then free, crowded, pallid.—
Fries Icon. t. 35, f . 2.
In woods. Glamis.
Pileus umber or livid brown, 1-2 in. broad ; stem 2-3 in. long,
nauseous. No figure has yet been obtained for the “ Illustrations.”
9 0 . Agazicus (Tzicholoma) a tzo -c in e z eu s. Pers. Syn. 348.
Ati'o-ciner'eus=\)\aQkvi\\ grey, from ater -f oinereus, ash-
Between rigid and fragile ; pileus fleshy, convex then plane, at
length cracked ; disc prominent and darker; stem stuffed, equal,
smooth, whitisli ; gills arcuate adnexed, ventricose, whitish.—
Fr. Hym. Fu r. 60. Fr. Icon. t. 31, f . 2. Cooke Illus. t. 52a.
In grassy places.
9 1. Agazicus (Tzicholoma) cu n e ifo liu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 61.
Cu'nei-fo'lius=Yiii\i wedge-shaped leaves, from cuneus + folium ;
from the shape of the gills.
Very b rittle ; pileus rather fleshy, convex, then plane, dry,
smooth, but soon cracked ; stem hollow, attenuated downwards,