N ; I)
4 2 2 . Ag aricus (Entoloma) répandus. Btill. Champ, i. 423, f. 2.
Répandus = turned np.
^ Pileus flesliy, conical, then expanded, umbonate, indistinctly
silky, whitish or ochraoeous, striate, with darker spots; margin incurved,
lobed ; stem short, solid, minutely silky, white ; gills dull
rose-coloured, broad in front.—F r . Hym. Eu r. 190. Gooke Illu s.
t. 313.
Amongst grass.
4 2 3 . Ag aricus (Entoloma) pla c en ta . Batsch. Consp.f. 18.
Placenta = a cake; from its “ bun-like” shape.
Pileus fieshy, convex, then plane, umbonate, even, regular,
smooth, brown; stem solid, equal, fibroso-striate, brown; gills
emarginate, adnexed, crowded, rather thick, pallid flesh colour.—
Fr. Hym. Fur. 190. Cooke Illu s. t. 314.
On the ground.
4 2 4 . Ag aricus (Entoloma) h e lod e s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 191.
llelo'des, eAmSzys = marshy ; from its habitat.
Pileus slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, sub-nmbonate, moist, becoming
smooth, livid, then purplish or sooty, often spotted ; stem
hollow, pallid, fibrillose; base rather thickened ; gills emarginate,
adnexed, somewhat distant, white, then flesh-coloured.— Foo7«
Illus. t. 339, 373.
On moors.
4 2 5 . Ag a r icu s (Entoloma; b u ib ig en u s. B. 4 Br. Ann. N. Hist..
No. 1937.
Bulbig'enus = h e a n n g a bulb.
Pilens campanulate, squamose-tomentose, shining white ; stem
rather long, somewhat bidbous at the base, hhrSlose, whitish; gills
crowded, slightly adnexed, fleshy red.— Agaricus sericeus,' Pers.
Icon, et Desc. i., t. 6, f. 4. Cooke Illus. t. 315.
On the ground.
^ Stem sub-bulbous aud solid at^ the base, hollow above, rather slender 2i
lin. thick, pilose-squamulose; pileus shining, silky, convex, obtusely umbonate,
white, then palbd, substance rather fleshy, fragile; gills crowded
2 lin. broad, slightly adnexed, fleshy red. Persoon. crowded,
Spores ■01--012 mm. diam.
4 2 6 . Ag aricu s (Entoloma) B a tschianu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 191.
Batschia'nus, in honour of Augustus Batsoh.
Pileus slightly fleshy, umbonate, convex, then flattened and depressed,
even, viscid, becoming blackish; stem fistulöse, tough,
striate with depressed fibrils, attenuated at the base, gills adnexed,
attenuated behind, plane, cinereous.— Cooke Illu s. t. 326.
In moist woods.
Pileus fuliginous or dark olive, J-IJ in., shining when dry, not hygrophanous.
Spores rather irregular, ‘008 mm. diam.
4 2 7 . Ag a r icu s (Entoloma) B lo x am i. B. Sp Br. Outl. p. 143.
Bloxam'i, in honour of Bev. A. Bloxam.
Pileus compact, campanulate, obtuse, somewhat lobed, moist,
blackish-blue, somewhat silky ; flesh white ; stem solid, slightly
attenuated upwards, obtuse at the base ; gills rather broad, attenuated,
adnexed, reddish.—Fr. Hym. Eu r. 192. Price, f. 89. Cooke
Illus. t. 327.
In open exposed pastures.
Doubtfully distinct from A. madidus (Fries.)
4 2 8 . Ag a r icu s (Entoloma) ardosiacus. Bull. Champ, t. 348.
Ardosi'acus, from apbtiv — to water, irrigate ; from its habitat.
Fragile ; pileus slightly fleshy, campanulate, convex, then expanded
and depressed, even, smooth, moist, steel-blue, inclining to
brown ; stem hollow, elongated, steel-blue, attenuated from the
white base ; gills free, crowded, greyish, flesh-coloured.—F r. Hym.
Fu r. 192. Cooke Illu s. t. 328.
In moist meadows.
Stem 2-3 in. Pileus lJ-2 in., not hygrophanous. A doubtful native.
4 2 9 . Ag aricus (P lu teu s) liq u e sc en s, Coohe.
Liquescens = becoming moist, deliquescent.
Pileus smooth, even, convex then plane, broadly umbonate,
margin thin flexuous, stem erect, flexible, equal white, hollow;
gills crowded, free, white then pale dirty lilac. Spores subglobose,
irregular, dirty pin k .— Cooke Illu s. t. 581.
On the ground under trees.
Pileus 2-2J in. diam, yellowish ochre, reddish brown di^c. stem 2-3 in.
long ; wholly deliquescent like a Coprimts.
4 3 0 . Ag a r icu s (Entoloma) am e id es. B , & Br. Ann. N. Hist.
1865, No. 999.
Amei'des, apedy's = not smiling, i.e., gloomy.
Pileus irregular, broadly campanulate, centre smooth ; margin
whitish flocculent, at length glabrous, with a silky lustre, undulated
; p a llid reddish grey, stem stuffed, compressed, whitish,