Pileus compact or spongiose, sub-dimidiate, horizontal, at first
pulvinate, even, then with the disc depressed, sub-strigose; stem
short,white, tomentose ; gills decim-ent, somewhat branched, eroded,
distinct a t the base, nearly of the same colour.— Coohe Illu s. t. 228.
On trunks of tree. Oct.—Jan.
3 7 3 . Ag a r icu s (Pleurotus) a c ex inu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 175.
Acerinus, of maple, acer, on which tree Fries describes it as
White, tough, pileus fieshy, thin unequal, clad with silky fibrils ;
stem rather lateral, thin or obsolete, villous. Gills decurrent, much
crowded, thin, white, then becoming yellowish.— Cooke Illus. t.
On trunks.
Pileus 1-4 in. broad, not hygrophanous.
B. D im id ia t i . Pileus lateral, immarginate behind, not at first
3 7 4 . Ag aricu s (Pleurotus) p e ta lo id e s. Bull Champ, t. 226, 227.
PetaloVdes = like the petal of a flower.
Ascending; pileus fleshy, spathulate, entire, disc villous, depressed
; stem compressed, villous ; gills decurrent, crowded,
narrow, whitish,—F r. Hym. Fur. 175. Cooke Illus. t. 258, a.
On the ground. Amongst grass. Eare.
GiUs whitish, tender, deourrent; stem flat, often channelled, nearly e rec t;
solitary, stem about 1 in. long, erect.—Burton. Spores •0075 x '0035 mm.
3 7 5 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) se ro tin us. Schrad. Bpic. p. 140.
Serodinus == th a t comes late ; from its appearing in winter.
Pileus fleshy, compact, viscid ; stem lateral thick, squamulose,
with sooty points ; gills determinate, crowded, yellowish, or pallid.
—F r. Hym. Eur. 176. Cooke Illu s. t. 258, b.
On trunks of trees.
Gregarious ; pilens 2-3 in. across, yellowish, or dingy olive, reniforin,
or obovate j margin at first slightly involute, then repand; flesh whitish’
insipid. ’
3 7 6 . Ag a r icu s (Pleurotus) pu lmonarius. Fr. Hym. Eur. p. 176.
Pulmona'rius = of or belonging to the lungs, pulmones.
Horizontal. Pileus fleshy, soft, rather convex, obovate, or reniform,
smooth ; stem lateral, straight, very short, villons ; gills
plano-decurrent, simple, whitish, becoming livid.—Fries Icon. t.
8 7 ,/. 2.
On trunks.
Pileus from greyish to tan-colour.
3 7 7 . A g a iicu s (Pleuro tus) m it is . Pers. Syn. 481.
Mitis = mild, soft.
Pilens rather fleshy, tongh, reniform, even, smooth, dry, growing
p a le ; stem lateral, compressed, dilated upwards, with little white
scales; gills determinate, crowded, distinct, white.—Fr. Hym.
E u r. 177. Perk. Outl. t. 6 ,/ . 9. Cooke Illus. t. 211.
On dead larch. Oct.
Pileus J in. broad, at length almost sessile; gills distinct from the horizontal
stem, very close, linear-lanceolate, pallid-whitish.—Pries. Firm,
tasteless, white, or rufescent, in the young state spathulate, and the stem
quite distinct, the pileus gradually dilates, the stem becomes obsolete and the
pileus reniform, the outer margius meeting, and the one overlapping the
other ; upper stratum gelatinous.—M. J. B .
3 7 8 . Ag a r icu s (Pleurotus) g adinoides.
1873, i. 129, /. 1-4.
Smith Journ. B o t, Mar.,
Gadinoides. From Gadina, a genus of bivalve molluscs with
delicate white shells.
White, pileus rather fleshy, tender, dimidiate, clothed with fine
adpressed flocci, hygrophanous, with no gelatinous upper s tra tum ;
stem minute, lateral, or none ; gills somewhat crowded, and slightly
branched.— Cooke Illus. t. 276, a.
On tree fern stems in hothouse.
Spores white, '007 x -003 mm.
3 7 9 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) lim p id u s. Fr. Icon.t. 88, f.3.
Limp'idus = clear, transparent.
Pileus rather fleshy, obovate or kidney-shaped, even, smooth,
white, hygrophanous, attenuated behind into a rudimentary stem;
gills linear, crowded, decurrent at the base, white.—Fr. Hym. Eur.
177. Cooke Illu s. t. 276, b.
On trunks.
Hyaline-white when moist, whitish when dry, scarcely an inch broad.