Sub.-Gen. 14. C L ITO P ILU S . Fr. Epicr. p. 148.
Clitojnlus, from /<X?Tos = a slope, and ttA os = a felt cap or fez.
Stem fleshy or fibrous, expanded upwards into the pileus, the
maigin of wliicli is at first involute. Hymenophore continuous
with tlie stem, gills equally attenuated behind, and somewhat
uecurreut, not seceding or sinuate.
H ab. A ll are terrestrial.
With the exception of the gills, most of the characters correspond with
Entoloma. The odour of the species is more or less mealy, some, however,
are oil^ some tasteless, others edible. Clitopilns is closely allied to OUtocyhe
ami differs from Entoloma precisely as Clitocyhe differs from tricholoma.
Uxtopilus agrees more or less with Flamnmla.~W. G. S.
* O r c e l l i . Gills very decurrent. Pileus irregidar, somewhat
excentric, flexuous, scarcely hygrophanous ; margin at fir s t fiocculose.-
4 4 7 . Ag aricus (Ciitopilus) pru n u lu s. Scop. Cam. ii. 437.
Pru'nulus, diminutive of prunus = a plum.
Pileus fleshy, compiact, at flrst convex, regular, at length depressed,
repand, pruinose, dry, greyish white; stem solid, ventricose,
naked, striate ; gills strongly decurrent, rather distant, white, then
flesh-coloured.—F r . R y r n .E u r .m . Trans. Woolh. Cl. 1869.
With Plate. Berh. Outl. t. 1 ,J . 7. Huss. ii. t. 47. Sow. t. 143.
Cooke Illu s. t. 322.
In woods. Esculent.
Pileus always firm, never viscid nor zoned uor spotted. Odour of fresh
4 4 8 . Ag a r icu s (C iitopilu s) o r ce ila . Bull. Champ, t. 578, j . \ .
Orcella, diminutive of orca a cask (?).
p ie u s fleshy, soft, flattened, depressed, from the flrst irregular,
ra th e r silky, somewhat viscid when moist, yellowish white ; stem
solid, short, floocnlose, thickened upwards ; gills very decurrent
crowded, whitish then flesh-coloured.—F r . Ilvm. Eur. 198’
Cooke Illus. t. 323.
In open places. Ju n e—Oct. Esculent.
Pileus thin, irregular, depressed in the centre, lobed, undulated, 2-3 in
broad, clear white, sometimes tinted with pale bi-own on its prominences’
occasional y with a grey centre, or slightly zoned with grey : surface soft
and smooth to the touch, except in wet weather, when it becomes soft and
sticky ; flesh soft, colourless, and unchangeable ; stem smooth, white, solid
short, decreasing in size, central when young, becoming excentric from tb^
pileus growing irregularly; gills crowded, decurrent, at first nearly white
rnnnq? V ^ ^ 8 ^ firowii tin t; spores pale brown
00035 X -00018 in. ; odour pleasant; smaller than Ag. prunulus, less
fleshy, aud grows in more open glades.—H. G. B. '
4 4 9 . A g a iicu s (Ciitopilus) m u n du lu s. Lasch. No. 518.
Munidulus = neat, trim, delicate.
Pileus fleshy, thin, tough, plane, then depressed, unequal, unpolished,
dry ; stem stufied, thin, fiocculose, thickened at either
end, at length black within ; gills deeply decurrent, much crowded,
narrow, pallid.—Fr. Hym. Eu r. 198. Cooke Illus. t, 375 a.
In woods.
4 5 0 . A g a iicu s (C iitopilu s) c ie ta tu s . B. Br. Ann. N. H.
No. 903.
FreZa'iws = chalked, whitened.
Pileus membranaceous, convex then umbilicate, even, whitish,
shining, margin involute ; stem short, tomentose, white ; gills de-
current, narrow, roseate.—Fr. Hym. E u r. 199. Cooke Illus. t.
375 b.
On naked soil in woods and pastures.
Pileus about half an inch broad.
4 5 1 . A g a iicu s (Ciitopilus) p op in a lis. Fr. Ilym. Eur. 198.
Popina'Us = of or belonging to a cook-shop, popina ; from its
odour of fresh meal.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, unequal, sub-repand, flaccid, smooth,
cinereous; stem stuffed, slender, equal, naked, rather flexuous,
grey ; gills deeply deourrent, crowded, lanceolate, dark grey.—
Coohe Illus. t. 485.
On downs.
Pileus 1-2 in. broad, with grey flesh. Stem 1-2 iu. long, 2 lines thick.
4 5 2 . A g a iicu s (C iitopilu s) u n d a tu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 199.
Undatus = marked with waves, undae.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, deeply umbilicate, opaque when dry,
undulate, fragile, dusky grey, growing pallid ; stem hollow, short,
unequal ; gills very deourrent, thin, scarcely crowded, dark
cinereous.-— Cooke Illus. t. 486.
In open downs.
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