; i
i i î i a ü
stem fistulöse, smooth except <at the base, hyaline pellucid ; gills
free, reaching the stem, black.—F r . Hym. Eur. 326. Coohe Hlus.
t. 676 1!.
On the grouiul.
Small, pileus about 3 lines. Spores lo x 1 y. G.M,
*** 0 LAiiiiATi. Pilens smooth, without scales, flocci, or granules.
8 4 6 . Coprinus a lte rn a tu s. ScMm. Saell., No. 1874.
Alterna'lus = alternated ; from the striæ being broad and
narrow alternately.
I ’ileiis rather fieshy, hemisjiherical, even, quite smooth, discoid,
chalky and pallid, disc yiale nmher, stem hollow, attenuated from
the thickened base, smooth ; gilLs adnate, linear, cinereous, then
black.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 327. Cooke Illv s. t. 677.
On the ground.
Somewhat cæspitose. Stem 3-4 in. long, 4 lines thick at the base. Pileus
.Jl. in
8 4 7 . Coprinus d e liq u e sc en s. Bull. Champ, t. 558,/. 1.
Deliquescens = becoming moist, deliquescent.
Pileus submembranaceous, ovato-campanulate, then expanded,
subrepand, broadly striate, smooth, top studded with innate
papillæ ; stem hollow, corticate, smooth ; gills at length remote,
linear, lurid black.—F r . Hym. Eur. 327. Cooke Illus. t. 678.
On old stumps.
8 4 8 . Coprinus tardus. Karsten, BJattsv. I., p. 543.
Tardus — slow, late.
Pilens membranaceous, campanulate, snlcate, quite smooth, becoming
gilvous or isabelline ; stem fistulose, a little thickened
downwards, silky pruinose, then smooth, rather striate, white ; gills
adnate, whitish, then black.— Cooke Illus. i. 719.
On naked soil.
Spores 12-15 X 7-9 y . Eather angular.
8 4 9 . Coprinus congregatus. Bull. Champ, t. 91.
Congrega'tus = collected into a flock, grex ; cæspitose.
Pilens membranaceons, cylindrical, then campanulate, smooth,
viscid, of one colour, ochraceous, margin lightly striate, stem
fistulose, thill, short, smooth ; gills reaching the stem, linear,
white, becoming black.—F/-. Hym. Eur. 328. Cooke Illus. t. 679.
On ground by roadsides.
Densely cæspitose.
Tribe 2. Veliformes. Pilens very thin, without pellicle, at
length splitting in a line with the gills, plaited sulcate. Stem
thin, fistulose ; gills wasting away into thin lines.
* Cyclodei. Stem annulate or volvate.
8 5 0 . Coprinus Hen de rsonii. Berk. Book. Journ. t. 26, f . 1.
Ilendersonii — in honour of J. L. Henderson.
Pileus very delicate, oval, campanulate, smooth, striate to the
middle ; stem filiform, becoming smooth, with a small erect entire
ring (at length evanescent) ; gills black.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 328.
Berk. Outl. t. 24, f . 8 . Price f . 114. Cooke Illus. t. 680 A.
On hot beds and on dung in fields.
Small, J-1 in. high, pileus scarcely 2 lines broad. Spores 10 X 5 /x. G.M.
** L a n a tü l i. Pileus veiled with fugacious superficial flocci.
Gills free.
851. Coprinus la g op u s. Fr. Bym. Bur. 329.
Lago'pus, Xayw-Trous, rough-footed like a hare, Xay^s.
Pileus very thin, cylindrical, then campanulate, clothed with
white flocci, at length split, radiate-snlcate, somewhat revolute;
stem very fragile, on all parts ivoolhj, white ; gills free, a t length
remote, linear, black.—Saund. 4 Sm. t. 19. Cooke Illus. t. 6»1.
On dung.
Spores 15 X 12 y. G.M.
8 5 2 . Coprinus narco ticu s. Batsch. fig 77.
Narco'ticus, vapKwriKos, making stiff or numb. From the opium;
like smell ?
Fa tid . Pileus very thin, clavate, then expanded, woolly, with
white recurved/occose scales, at length naked and striate, hyaline ;
stem fragile, woolly, white, becoming smooth ; gills free, approximate,
white, then blackish.—Fr. Hym. Eur. p. 329. Cooke Illus.
t. 680 B.
On dung.
“ Smell highly disagreeable.”
8 5 3 . Coprinus macrocephalus. Berk. Bng. F l.Y., p.V22.
Mac'ro-ceph'alus, from p,a/cpds = long, and nefaXh = the head.
Pileas a t first cylindrical, theu cylindrioo-campaniilate, sprinkled
with pointed scales ; stem dirty white, fistulose, clothed with short
cottony down and loose fibres, strigose at the base ; gills linear,
perfectly free, a t length black.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 329. Cooke
Illu s. t. 682 A.
On putrid dung.
Spores 13 X 10-11 G.M.