1 1 2 4 . Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) sp adiceus. Scop. Cam. 11.,
Spadi'ceus = date-brown.
Fragile ; pilens tbin, conical, acute, repand, fibrillosely virgate,
covered with an olive-bay gluten ; stem hollow, equal, dry, becoming
tawny, fibrillose; gills rounded behind, nearly free, distant, lemon-
yellow.—F r. Hym. Eur. 420. Coolce Illus. ined.
In grassy places.
Similar to H. conicus, but firmer, and never turning black. Pilens 3 in.
broad. Stem 3 in. long, 3-4 lines tbiok.
11 2 5 . Hygzophozus (Hygzoeyhe) u n g u in o su s . Fr. S ym . Fur.
Unguino'sus = oily.
Fragile. Pileus thin, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, even,
clothed with dingy gluten, as well as the hollow, unequal, sub-compressed
stem ; gills adnate, ventricose, plane, thick, white, becoming
glaucous.— Coolce Illus. t. 924.
In woods and pastures. \
Pilens 2 in. broad. Stem 2 in. long, 3 lines thick. Spores 10 x V-8 y.
11 2 6 . Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) n itz a tu s. Fers. Syn. 356.
Nitra'tus, from nitrum = saltpetre. From its scent resembling
th a t of some of the compounds of Nitrogen with Oxygen.
Fragile, strong scented. Pileus thin, campanulate, then expanded,
irregular, viscid, soon dry, rivulose-squamulose, cinereous tawny ;
stem nearly hollow, unequal, sub-compressed, even; gills adnate,
seceding, broad, distant, somewhat waved, white, then glaucous.—
F r. Hym. Fur. 421. Sow. t. 106. Coolce Illu s. t. 925 = H.
murinaceus. Fr. Epic. 333.
In pastures.
Pileus 2 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, 3-5 lines tbick. Spores 7 x 5 //.
var. g la u c o -n iten s . Fr. S ym . Fur. 421.
Glauco-nitens = sea-coloured (yAavKos) and shining.
Gaping. Pileus fibrillosely-virgate, dark olive, or sooty, becoming
p a le ; stem equal, sh in in g ; gills becoming glaucous.—
Batsch. f . 192.
In grassy places.
Spores 8 x 6 /1.
Gen. 9. IiA C TA R IU S . Fr. Fpicr. p. 333.
Lacta'rius, from lac = milk.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem. Gills unequal, between
membranaceous and waxy, rigid, containing a milky fluid,
edge acnte. Spores globo.se, white, rarely becoming yellowish.
Fleshy fungi, terrestrial and p u tre sc en t; pileus depressed, gills
adnately decurrent, and often branched.
Tribe 1. Piperites.
Stem central, gills unchangeable, naked, neither discoloured nor
pruinose ; milk a t first white, commonly acrid.
* T r io h o l o m o id e i . Pileus viscid when moist, margin at first
involute, tomentose.
1127. Lactazius (P ip e z ite s) sc zobicu la tu s. Fr. S ym . Fur. 422.
Scrobicula'tus — marked with a ditch or trench, scrobis; from
the appearance of the stem.
Pileus fleshy, depressed, ivithout zones, yellow, margin involute,
villose, stem hollow, thick, scrohiculate spotted, gills thin, crowded,
whitish, milk white, then sulphury yellow. — Coolce Illu s. t. 971.
On the ground.
Pileus reaching to 6 or 8 in. broad. Spores 8-9 y diam.
1 1 2 8 . La ctazius (P ip e z ite s) in te zm ed iu s. Kromlh. t. 5 8 ,/. 11-13.
/«¿«z-med IMS = intermediate ; because not distinguislied by
F rie s .
Pileus fleshy, broad, infundibuliform, viscid, smooth, ochraceous
yellow, margin involute, tomentose, then smooth ; gills broad,
lurid, whitish, somewhat decurrent, affixed, entire ; stem short,
thick, solid, or sometimes hollow, yellowish, covered with spot-like
depressions ; milk white, then yellowish, rather acrid.
In woods.
Referred by Pries to Lactarius cilicioides.
11 2 9 . Lactazius (P ip ez ite s) to zmin o sus. Schoeff. Icon. t. 12.
Tormino'sus, from ¿oz-zzzma = th e gripes ; causing colic.
Pileu s fleshy, depressed, suhzonate, pallid ; stem stuffed, soon
hollow, equal (rare ly sp o tted ), p a llid ; margin involute, bearded
with white ; g ills th in , whitish, milk p e rsisten tly white, acrid .—
F r . Hym. Fur. 422. Sow. t. 103. Cooke Illus. t. 972.
In woods, fields, etc.
Pileus 3 iu. and more. Stem 2.)-3J in. long. Spores 9-10 y diam.