feltt, He iiadj Bern Hrtfyeife after t e ; wefdje fte Be#
obaeptet B<*ben > fowopt burep tpre ©praepe t atg burep
ft>re SSilbung Beroetfen, bag fit ^ftalapifcpen Urfprungg
(tub, ober $um 90Mapifd)en ©tamtn gepbrenM|| £}te
9 ucobaren paben ffadje, burcB $ung nod) ntepr abge#
plattete i M f , cttic rotpe, ober .ftnpferfarbe, feproarge,
grobe uttb graefe j£aare, wentg ober gar fetnett 93art,
fie tire feptef gefdjnittene Slugett, eittgebruefte 9Xafen,
groge Dpben unb SDUuIer, unb bide Bippett, :&ev
ubrige $6rpet tft wop! gebilbet, ungead)tet fie eper
Keiti, al$ grog, eBer f tiS f ’f af$ fett ftnb 2), Sag
1 ) «91a» f. bie Sffiaprnepmungen ton Nicolas Fontana
E sq . in ben A siat. Researches I I I . 1 5 1 et sq. 2lucp
Dampier iS6 . 187,. U. Makentosh I. 474 et sq. p.
2) Asiat. Research III. 151. The inhabitants of the
Nicobar Islands are of a copper colour, with small
eyes obliquely ont, . , ; with small flat noses, thick
lips, and black teeth;_ well proportioned in their
bodies, rather short, than tall, and with large ears
.. the have black strong hair.. the men have little,
or no beard; the hinder part of their head is much
flatter, and compressed, than ours .. The women
and men are of the same copper colour, and. very
small in stature .. the upper fore teeth very pro mi
nent "out of the mouth. 9R a f f ri 10 g cp weiept in 21 it*
fepung ber ®roge unb Olatur ber 9licbbartfcpen 3fnfula*
net fefyr non Montana ab. Sr fagt ndmlfcp, bag
fte eper grog, algflein, unb augerdtbentlrcp garfgliebes
rig unb geifepfg fet)$n. I.425. The inhabitants of these
islands are evidently of Malayan extraction, having
the same features, and the same complexions. Tne-
ver beheld hetter formed men. They are remarkably
square^ muscular, and full chested. Their limbs are
proportioned like those of a Grecian or Roman statue,
only that they are somewhat more muscular
. in the calves of the legs. Their stature runs generally
from five feet six to five feet nine inches.
Sampler fagt fo g a rII. 186. bag alle £petle tpwg
einige XSRetfmaBf bet (SJernfttp^art, trelcpeS fte mit
ben ^apomebgmfdjen ^Ralapeti gemein paben, tg eine
augerorbentlicpe $rägpeit1 )♦ ©ong jtnb bie 95ei»op#
tier ber Dlicobartfcpett Snfelrt fo wenig »errdtperifcp,
ungefetttg, raepgierig unb morbfudjtig, bag fte Heb
webt ben »orbepfegelnben (£uropdifcpen ©djiffett ent#
gegen faBten , unb fid) benfelben an»ertrauen, uuge#
ad)tet jte oft pen ©uropdern pintergangen worben
ftnb 2) : bag fte fogar Jrembltnge gerne unter ftd) auf#
ttepmen, unb fte gut bepanbeln 3) : bag fte ipnen uttauf#
geforbert, unb opne Hoffnung bon 93elopmtng in ben
grbgen iftbtpett wefentlidpe Sienge leiflen, unb »er#
loprne ©aepen »on $ßertp> welcpe fit opne ben gering#
fie« SSerbacpt beBalten Knuten, unb um jeben *J)rei$
pdtten laufen m&gen, treulicp wieberBringen 4).
©efiebtg regelmdgig gebilbet fepen. SSteUetcpt fdglberte
JlÄaftntogcp bie Sufulaner nad) wenigen grbgeren
Snbwtbuenwelche ihm oorfamen. Senn auch
mi I ton bezeugt, bag ble üflicobaren low in stature
fepeU, As. Res. II. 337.
1) Fontana 1. c. p. 153. Their indolence is not to be
equalled by any other people of the East, Makin-
tosh l.( c. But y^ith all this appearance of strength
and notivity they practise nither, and do not seem
to Know, that they possefs them.
2) L 476. Makintosh.
3) Fontana 1. c. p. 153.
4) Stebenbc 25eweifc »on bfefer tnenfcbenfreunblid)cn ©e#
tnüth&art fö^rt 9Ä a f t n g 10 g cp an. 1.477.479. $0?an
»ergletcpe ^am i I to n"g ÜlacBr. fiber bie fear* 0ticoba#
ren in ben A?. Res. II. 337. Sie ©praepe bet Olico#
baren foil »tele 21eBnlid)feit mit bet ^eguattifepen ©pra#
epe paben. ib. 344, (Sin (Sngtifcper Steifenber, John
Crisp, Esq. glaubte in ben ®ewopnem ber gtaffau#
ober $oggn»^nfeln, bie an ber SBegfuge bon ©umatm