fa fçhwet cô werben würbe, unter ben ^(nbuê jbaè
Dobell eineê gatnefïfchen $ e r fu ï e $ ju fin ben, fo
leidet wäre eé, unter ben Jrauen mtb ^ungfrapen ber
bèb^ren Mafien Urbiïhe* einer SDîebtçetfcben ^ en uê
31t entbetfen Stuf beu ^tifeln ber t^ltbfee. ftub bte
SDîdnner tnt £)urchfchmtt fd)6ner, al~ê bte p l | »
Sind) au ben fc^ôitfben £>tahettertmten, u* f. w. z) werben
kfonberê nur bte fch&ttett Jbrmen tf>rer Qfrme,
$ânbe unb Jinger gerühmt* gn ben $tnbud S baê
.$ )$ $ $ fcergleichungêwetfe beffer gçbtlbet, alê ber
übrige Körper. Été ©eftd;ter bet)ber ©efchïedjter
fînb jwar potrperfcbtebttten# aber ttteifîenê opalen
Çortnen; unb Orme fa b fowohl biefe ^érfd)iebenl;eit
t)on Umrtjfcn, aid bte t;errféenbe obale Sortit ber
©ejtdjter alê ein ^auptmerfmahl au, wobiircb bte
^inbuô fidj bon allen 50îongoltfd)en unb 30îalatfd)en
Rationen unterfchteben 3)« $öenn bie^tnbuô ber
/ i),Ortne 1, c, p.465. Nature wms.fa^aŸ^,s|io^€red
beauty on the fairer sex throughout Indostan, vyith
anoore lavish baud, than in most cither countries.
.. Hints Ore already bien given of their physiogne-
n?y : their skins are. of a polish and softnefs beyond
that of all their rivals on the globe : a statuary would
, not succeed belter in Grace itself, in his parsuit of
' the Grecian form ; and although in the men he would
find nothing to furnish the ideas of the Farnesian
Hercules, he would find in the yeomen the finest
hints of the Medicean Venus.
2) gorftcr 205, Ç00B re^te Stoffe H. 147,
$) Orme p. 461. The autline of the face is varions,
offener Oval, than of any other form ,particulary
in the women ; and this variety of outline is another
of the principal characters, which distinguisheth
the Iridfsn form from the Tartar as well, as Malay ;
whose faces are universally of the same shape; that
is, as broad, as they are Jong,
(;51)cvn €iiflen and) nicht immer Slbleriiafett haben ; fo
finfc> if?rc;^3Tafeti bpd>i nie fo pïatt, ober fo breit mtb
jfibeufildb%'eb|fnet y aïébte ber $frifamfd)en 0teger
ttttb ber £8?alabifd)en fö&lfer *).- £er Wfo#Xf ihrer
Stugeu ift eben fo fd^én, al$ ihre Slugenlteber flpft
Slugeubrauttett fd)bn gebilbet ftnb 2), Écr $luêbru<f
ber Slug/n ber Jgttibng h<*t el)er etwaê matteé, ober-
fchtuad)tenbeê, alê feurigeê: am metfien befwegeti,
weit baê ÜBeifle ihrer Gingen gauj rein, fotibern
.get'bfich,ifh fö ß M f ilÉppen ber JJinbuê ftnb Golfer,
afó im äDurdjfdjmtte bie ber (Europäer ftnb; buch jfn*
het man in ihnen nie bte widerliche, über bte Sftafe
hinauêragenbe Slüfgeworfenhett, welche bte ^alapen
mit ben Siegern gemein haben 4)* £)afi Haupthaar
ber ^tnbuê ijl: nicht nur lang, fonbern auch ohne Sing«
nähme fein upb glatijenb fd)warj 5)* ©elbjf in beit
fchbitfien ^hfdfonern ber ©fiofee tfi bie Jorm beê ©e*
fidjtö uttb mehrerer S§h$te bed ©eftdjtd non berfjorm
, her Jjtnbud feht Perfi^ieben, £)te fdjbnfiett ©nbfee«
^nfulaner haben mehr runbe* aid Icinglichte ©efid)ter;
unb bte Bewohner ber freunbfchaftltcbett ^nfeln fïnb
bie ©tujtgett, unter weld;en man mand;e wahrhaft
ï) 1. cC p. 460. The nose, if not always aquiline, is
never lucried in the face, nor with large distorted
rostriis, as in the Coffrees of Africa, and in the
Halay Nations. |
' 2) lb., p. 461* 1
a) i k
4) 1. c. Their lips, though in general larger, than in
Europeans, have nothing of that djsagreable protu-
berancy projecting beyond the nose, which cha«*
tacterises the two people just: mentioned*
5) E