Jatfcé ttutlKdj weiffctt ,fp ti't'e (ïê in» fpitent
filte r, obet in ben9J7ëhfd)en, bfe É&cf Bïentietibcti
©ottne ï>duftg anêgefeft jïnb, tn bte '$utoferfaïbe
fibérgebt *); tfaé- %mi- betr Cued|t(f^ett,; (Éaftc iffc
wollaïttg fraud } unb t>ott toetfdjiebenen Jarben: "bad
ber ïfêalapen bmgegeu ol)ne gluétutbme :gldn$ettb*
fdjwar^, lang unb firact2). Bie c^fë aiif Wö
vgmbfee ?3nfetn tjaben $ unb tragen fïarfe ^mubdrte,
Bte Ófttnbtfdjen ÜJialöt)en fütb bon4 $MT$ üntórttg >
unb teiflen fowol)l bte weutgeu JM lR bfe auf bett
Sippen unb dm ^ n n ^eïbbï^on^ni-èn / ^tö bfe an’ an#
beren SM f*4 ^eè $6rperd. forgfdltig attd 3 )* Bte
Onechte -auf ben 0ttbfee ? gnfeln babëh etne mittlere
0 r5fe, unb etnen ftarfën >* gber feuten fd;5hen (Site*
ï) Marsden p. ifé. Thelr complexion' l&HMlfMjf ■
low, wantïng the red tinge, that constitutes a taw- .
ny or copper colour* They are in-general lighter,
them the Mestees,. pr half-breed; of the rest.of India
; those of the supérior -clafs y who are; not exposed
to the rays of the siin, and particularly their
;women ot rank, approaching to a "great degree of
tairxefs. Dit beauty consist in
of them would surpafs our briincker m Europe. Per-
Cival p. 147. They ate of a light btowti, or yellow
Colour, which approaches nearer to a copper hue irt
their‘ald age. et 150. I have seen* many very hand*,
some young Malay Women of a bright yellow* or
gold colour, and some éven approaching to whitev
2) Marsdefi p, 30, Their hair is strong," and of a shining
black ,«I Percival p. 148. Their hair is long,
coarse and black, 3
3) Percival p. 148. *49; Marsdefi p/gp; The men are
beardlefs, and have'ching so remarkably srjjpoth,
that were it not for the Malay priests1 displacing a
little tuft, We should be apt to conclude, that nature
had refused them this token of manhood*
üetbdu^ ittbem ffe ^auftg; buvd) dfletfeg
0ebtea)en toerun jjaltet, , f m b * Öjitnbtfdmt jlfta*
fapen bfeiben up Butdbf#nttt unter'bqr mittlern 0vbfje.
yx\:M. $lud) ftnb fie el>erfcblanl, ober l;ager, aid
nmb-, oMxi kt Mvper, unb alle ©llebmafieu bed
$btpcrd ftnb fo regelmdgig geformt, bag man fie all#
gemein ebeu fo fefyr wegen it)rer untabeiid)etT ©eft alt,
aid wegeti.'bed^lutdbruèfd toon mannlidjer ê>t«rfe be*
wunbert ^ Jajt fd>cint td,.^ aid,menu bie ^ned)te
auf ben ^ufeln ber 0ttbfee um eben fotoieltd weniger
|agitd) toon 0eftd)t Men, atö fie toon ^)erfqn wemger
fd)5n ftnb,, bemt bie ^Mageü. , Bie ^aiapen .l;abe«
platte $&pfe-~imb ^tirnen, breite 0eftd)ter, entg«
bunite 97afen, ^groge toom $opf abjtebenbe £)&reix,
pertoorragenbe ^acfenfnp.d)eu A entwebev fletne unb
fd>male, obet groge unb tunbe Slugen, wett^ebffnere
SQ]dulet, ftatf aufgewotfeue Stppen , enblid) einen
furdjtbaten. ^ludbrucf bet l)albi buffelgrttgeu,
tigetattigen 0em&tl;datt, tie untet aHeu ^tntetinbt?
3) Marsden p. 38^ They are rather below the middle
'-stature; their bulk is in proportion; their limbs are
1 for thé' most ^art slight, but well shaped, and particularly,
small at the rists and ankles. Upon the
Whole they arè gracefully formed, ant I scarcely
recollect to have ever been one deformed person ,
of the natives. a r £b en fu^vt folgcnbcd Uvtfyul ct*
Uïê 5 talidnifcbm abltrd ©b tr a vbtni an;
Son persona tantó ben format»,
quanto mai finger san .pittori itidustri.
- Percival p 147. The men are pf a middling stature,
remarkably Well proportioned, and of a strong and
musculas make. .Theig legSi4ud armikte^^particplar-
ly well-shgpe^, and very slender al the wrists and
ancles; and il made leg is scarcely ever .to be seen
aïsotig them.