T H E S O U T H S E A S, &c. 165
Q H A P. X IV .
tProceed in the 'Launch to; i$eiIJldnfl£Tdffia.~i$$cuky in 08y(
iainihg 'Supfytie’sjhfefS. — Treacher o m N a ~ .
fives.-imcafre ftPiSea, and beat; away for ‘Wew Holland.
MY firftfdet^minationjvv^s't0<fe^k.„a‘'fuppl3f oiLhreadfruit
andLwater atTdfoa/and afterwards to.fail for ,^FR1L‘ ,
Tbrjgataioo,, aficfithere rifle'a felicitation to^R^ilaho^ the
king," ipa.equip-our boat,,and grant,u^a)|kjp^of water and
provifions^ foi 33*110 .enable uktoireachthe Haffe^ridies'. a
The cpiantity' '6fi;,prd^‘Q(4s L found in,* thef, b'oat^ - was
ijjedb v qf bread, x6 jiprk,^a^ji^G,^ iwfeigba^g
a*Ib-''6 quartsj)f,runxj“6i 3bfties »f,wine, with 28 gajllbhs'bf
water, and four empty barre-eoes. •;_
Fortunately it was calm all the aftexnndnWtill about foue
o’clock, when?we|wfefe fo’ farto windward, that, with a moderate
eafterly breeze^which^fprung .up, iftqj were able to-fail.
It was nfeyerthelefs dark when we,go t tpJXsCba,,. whexft I,
expected to la n d b u t. the Ihore proved to be, lb fteep and
rocky,' thatiwe were,obliged to*, give up tall tjhQbghts of it,
and keep the boat under the lee of the ifland with. two. oars;
for there was no anchorage. Having fixed' on this mode, of
proceeding for the night, I ferved to .. every perfon half a
pint:of grog, and each took to his refttas well as our un-
happy lituation would allow..
. In the;morning, at .dawn of day, wc rowed' along fhore in We-inefday-
fearch of alanding-place, and about ten' o’clock we diftqve^ed
a cove