1789. Friday the 9th, . This day* anchored in the road,;the
Peg»«». General Elliot, an Englilh fliip, commanded by Captain
Friday 9. Lloyd* Iri'the Straits of Banca, he had met with, fame
boats, belonging to the Eaft India Company’s ihip Van-
littartj that was loft in tbe Stcafts-of .hiflatonj b y having
ftruck on. a rock that went through her bottom. Captain
Wilfon, who -commanded the Vanlittattt, I was informed,
had juft finifhed^a furvey.of thofe Straits, and was,hoifting
his boat in, when the Ihip ftruck. Immediately on receiving
the-intelligence, Captain Lloyd, in the General Elliot,
and anotheHhip in company, called the Nonfuch, failed for
the wreck. They .found the fliip had been burnt down to
the water’s edge by the Malays. They however faved 40
chefts of treafure out of 55, which were faid to have been
on board. Moft of the' flap’s company were faved: one
man only was loft in the fliip, and five others in a final!
boat were miffing, Who were fuppofed to have taken fome
o i the treafure.— The greater part of the people went with
Captain Wilfon to-China, and fome were with Captain
w. Saturday the 10th. This morning, the Refource was fold
by public auction: the cuftom at Batavia, is to begin high,
and to lower the price, till fome perfon bids; and the firft
bidder is the buyer. She was accordingly put up at 2000
rix-dollars, but, to my great difappointment, no one offered
to' purchafe before the auctioneer had lowered the dernand
to 295 rix-dollars, for which price Ihe was fold ; the pur-
chafer being an Engliffiman, Captain John Eddie, who
commanded an Engliffi fliip from Bengal. I f no ftrangers
had been prefent at the fale, I imagine they Would have let
her run down to 200 dollars, in which cafe I ftiould have had
no alternative.'
The launch like wife was fold* The forvices Ihe had ren-
dered, u s,‘made me feel great reluctance at -parting wflh he r; .— j
1 which I would not have done, i f I could have found a convenient
opportunity of getting her conveyed tq Europe.
Little, as the fchoomer had fold for, f found I was ip danger
of having the fiimle^ened; for the Sabandar informed
by an ordepof the counpilj there was a duty on tfle
^'f^feofiall'veffiki With this demandïwppid by no means jj
comply 5 fojsi. thought I had fufficie.ntly fuffered, in ffiflain-
ing a k>fsxof„7o5 rix-dollars out of 1000, by the purchafe and
fale of the veffel, Ihe having coft ioqq rix-dpllafs.
This day* Thomas Hall,-whom I. had feat be.
cane of at the hofpital, diefl>. jtëfei had been ill of ,a flux
from the time o f our arrival!: at. Timor. -
I agreed with the .captain iof the paokejt for a paffage fo Monday
Europe, j for ra'yfelf, my clerk, and, a fervapt. - -The fta-
bandar i nformed me, it'was necefiary that my.cSpeefS and
people fliould be examined before a; notary, r#fpe^ing th#
lofs .of the Bounty., as other-wife the geyerriof and copied
were not legally authorized to detain her, i f foe fliould
be feunfl in any w f Abe J>ö£ch ■ .jfet^emen-tsv. ;They, .<pjere
therefore, at my defire, .examined; and afterwards rpade
feefore „-tfep governor and .copicil & .tha.&tadthoufev
My officers complaining .to me o f -the upre^fa^bl^r^^ of
fome tradefmen’s bills, I fpoke to the Syband^S A b ill sojf
51 dollars for; five hats, he yedpe&d jtf> 30 ^dollars, and. J.n.
other articles'made proportionable 'deductions, -j
Paper »money is the-currency .of Batavia? and .istfo undpr-
ftood in all bargains. At this time, paper $g*S_at M ©eg
cent d|fcdttit4 ;thère is.hkewife a difference in^the.yahac fid
foe ducatoE% which at Batavia isi8o, ftiyecs., aOd fo Holland
only 63 ftivers.»itbistOQcafinn&adQfs o fiJliipef j ^ t , :Pl%.
L 1 remittance