applied to, who got the axe- reftored,bufc the. adze-was'not
recovered. In the evening we completedwooding. >
Sunday‘the ^6th. In the morning* Nelfoii went on Ihore^
to get a few'plan tsr; duitJfnQ principal'chief beingramong'
,the people,'; h£; was infulted, and-a fpade-taken from him.:
A boat’s, gfapnel was ‘ likejvife ftofem from the watering
party. Tepa recovered, the fpade for ms-; but the croud .of,
natives was' become '{&- great,; by’ the number,df carides
that' had arrived from different iflands, that it- was impof-'
fible to do any thing, where there was fuch a multitude-; of
people, without a chief of fu-ffieieht authorifylip command
the whole. I therefore ordered the watering, party to.gol
on board, and determined to fail; for,J,eouM,not difeoveV.
that any; canoe had been font .to acquaint the rfcbiefshof
Tongataboo of our being here. For fame j time -after* fhe,
thefts were committed, the-chiefs kept, away, buriheforer
noon, theyvcame on board., j
At'noon, we unmoored-, and at .one o’clock',5gSt -under-
fail. Tfhe two Tubows, Kunocappo, LatoomySlangfe,, and
another .chief, were on beard, and;I acquainted them,.that,-
unlefs. the grapnel was Teturned, they mufl rem'ain. in the
Ihip. They were furprifed, and npjt a bttfe-fetaarmed* - Canoes
were immediately difpatched after the grapnel, which,
I was informed,' could not'poflibly be brought tobthe Ihip
before the next day* as-thofe who had ffolean j?t, .immtefe
diately failed with their prize to another iflapd. .Never-^
tlielefs, I detained them till fun-fet, when their- uneafmefs
and impatience increafed to fuch a degree, that they began,
to beat themfelveS about the face and -eyes, and feme\;0f
them erifd bitterly.. As this .diftrefs was more thaq- rfhe.
gfapnelwas worth, and I had no reafon to imagine that they
were privy to, or in any manner concerned in the theft,
i . I could
I could not think o f detaining them longer, and called their 17*9-
canoes, alongfide.-, I then told them _ they, were at liberty to L _ _
go, and made each of them a prefent of a hatchet, a faw,
with fqme kni»v,eS;.',gimblqt^.and n^il£, This unexpected
prefenl,,and the fuddëu ;;ehaj$^ë/in 1théir fitu^tion, affedted
them; not lefs yyith Joy than th^yljhad before beten with
apprehenfion. They, were junhptmdpcf in' their acknowledgments
; and I have little^Qdjkt 'tojaf .that we parted,bet-*
ter friends than if theta-ffair had never happened.
’• Wëcfiöbd to-the1 north!ward all ni^ht* witft'llight winds;
arid èri;:thé: next' da^yy the 27ÏK* a¥; noori^ wteré feetweeii the Mon4ay *7.
iflands Tofoa'and Kotoo.- - Latitude' dhfèfvéu 190 iff^Sv '
Thrig-far, thèvby-^gë had in a courfe bf’uriinterrupte'd
pr’ofpèritys arid 'had beten- attended< with1 ’ many
circumftan^bs-'tequ-ally plekfiilg and * <fafi.s fa'Ctofy,1 ri/A** vterƒ
different feêhè wa's now to-'*be* experientee'dfe A-dèöffSracy
had been formed, which-was to Tender al-l> our-paft labour
productive only of extreme mifery and diftrefs. - The
meansvhad been concerted arid prepared with fo m'uch/fe- -
trecjfeand eireumfpeCiieri,- thapfeo one' oircumftance- appeared
to occafion the fmalleft fufpiciori of the impending
X C H A P .