The hofpital in -thé tôWii is well attended ; but the îlu *
r- ° •/-***■ ati°n' J-8 fo ifl chofen, that i t certainly would hè theiaving o f
many lives, to build one in its Head up the river ; which
might be done with great advantage^ as water., carriage is
fo eafy and convenient. A great negleCfc -in* fome of the
, commanders of the îhippi'ng hère, was, fttfferingtheir people
to go dirty, and frequently without frock, fhirt, or any
thing to cover th eir bodies ? which, befides being a public
huifahce* muff próbably-bè productive Of ill health in thé
moffrObuft eonltifution.
The governor-general gave me leave to lodge all my
people at the country holpital, which I thought a great
advantage, and with which they were perfectly fatisfièd.
The officers, however* at their own -requeft, remained in
the town.
~ The time fixed for the failing o f the pafcket, approaching,
I fettled nly accounts with the Sabandar, leaving open
the victualling* account, “to be clb'fed by Mr. "Fryer, the
matter, previous to his departure ; who I likewMe author ,
irized ’tb fupply the men and officers left under his command,
with One month’s pay, to enable them to purchafe
' clothing for their paflage to England.
I had been at great pains to bring living plants from Timor,
in fix tubs; which contained jacks, nancas, karambolas*
namnams, ijarhbös, and three thriving bread-fruit plants.
Thefe I thdught riiight be fervieeable at the Cape of Good
Hope, if'brought Wo farther: hut I had the mortification
of being obliged to leave them all at Batavia. I took fheffi
plants oh 'hoard at Gdupang, on the aoth o f Auguft : they
had experieneed a paffage o f 42 days to my arrival-hère*.
Thé bread-fruit plants died to;the root, and fprouted afreffi
from thence. The karambolas, jacks, nancas, and nam-
ffiams, I had raifed from the feed, and they were in fine
7 order.
order?,: t$osjtóguaeüt dam Hence; he farmed of thé fueeefs
of (ranfporting plants,das* iti*.!Jthe prefent triaVtbeyhad:
marly difadvantages.’- *
■ This- -naorniïdg,. before1 fen-rife,: I embarked ",on board the
Vlydte packed- commanded a by Capltaia Reter Gqpyrgt,
bound for Middlcburgh..';! With toe. likewife embarked
Mr. John SamwClipclerk, andJobu Smithy/éaman. Thofe
o f our company who . ttakl behind, th é gé vermor proiqifed
më-liodM -föllOW jé: the firft fhipsf and be hsillittle divided
as jböffible,---- «At 7 .©kloek, the packet weighed, .and
f ailed- •Out Of Toad. r
On the f&th, we fpöke the Rambler, an American brig* Sunday it.
belonging to Button,' bound to Batavia. Aftctf pgffiag the
Straits of Snnda, Wel&esi?|eil *tó')lfkf'-is^!p.5i^^Écéi^.Qai Jfiesv
Thefê ifehdk,^‘C&ptain Tléüvpetr&jfèrröed m£,='3fÉe fulhof.V'S:
eoèera^rfet ;treés ;' there is»' b q , anchbrage^aa ear .them, hut .
good landing -fok’böafs. 'rThèit latitkdèTa0 ö* £|&l Longitude
‘§6°” S' E'. ■'
In the paffagetófhe Cape of GoodHope, there Occurred
nedhiug iwoTth' rerparkV*' T ïcannot -howeVer 'fairbe^r no4
tibïtfg 'the Dutch manner of navigating;Y.They ;fteer’ by;
true eompafs,;or rathe? «endeavour fo to «.do, by means of a
Small raoveabld'Oehtral card* which théy Iét to' the merb*
.iifilff and whenever they'* dilcover the Variation J|a4aitetèd
a§ degrèeS^ 'fiu’ee the laft adjuftment, they':again-’C6rt:reCt rhe
ééÉtrtfcaMÏu ThÖMsilMèridg^lpHtlhi’^ijdart^jnf ^ipoii^1.
without- aitoing^dt greater <e&a'<Slkiefs. The' •officer p f '. the
Watch likeWife ebrrbCts thé eourfe for les- thyffii^OWn
judgment, before’ it is marked 'flbWtï 'in -the blog board.
Theyheavemojlog’i I was tOM-that the<company: ;d®i - no?
allow it. ; Their -manner’ of oomputidg their run, Us ;by
toeMxé *#f affieafiired distance »èf afct^lhe; jffiiplSi
fide : they take notice of any remark^le pqijeh. qf dmth^
IS] when
O c t o b e r .
Friday 16.