. bave been: o f thebparty, frmtr he. infilled oft remaining' in thé"
i ihip> tp prevent-his* countrynjen from. attëmptingtofteal
• any; thing.*; i
After half an hotar’sffailipghwe arrived at Oparre. During
this timej Tinahigave mea more:xifcumftantialaec.ount
pf the cattle and fheep, that hadtbeen Jeft fyifith»him : -he
related, that after five years from thetime of Gaptain Gook’s
-departure (counting 63-moonsJb-the people o f the - Iflatid
Ei®ieo'ï,]pined- with j thofp p f Atlahooroo, aidiftrifbof Ota-
heite, and made a delcent'-on Oparre ^ithat^faffer, fome ;fe-
fiftance, byyvhkhr many men • were-killed,,-TiftahhafiÖ Uhs
peqpte’fled^to the> mountains,tipaving'all thèir property?!©
the mercy ofrtfee- victorious party, ^ho<'deftröyed-.alfnpff
every .thing? which they found :nqt convenient to,take -a^ay
with them. | £qme of the pattfg^were- killed^arfd eaten,- bpt
the greater,part wpref akent-o Eimeo. The-cow^h.e- ©id,-
had produced eight; calye&jr, and the evsfes'tenJyojjfBgifoiJess
The-dueks, among which they piaffed thefgepfe^ h*adfgre atl-y-
inereafed ,tfep- turkeys and peacock«, ^hatey^tf^s the
papfe,. hadfnohjbred. It feemed tq.gife Tipah greatflplpa^
lure to'- qbferve how much-,! - wasf^hqerpedfcrfprr-th^
deftrujflion of fo many ufeful animals^ but ■ the fpaufey of
his fatisfa'dfción, I found,'did- not .proceed'.fcotti-any expectation
that Dfhould replace them,-, but- fqorp^he'? belief
that I would take vengeance on the people^ who had- deprived
him of them; for with refpeét to the^pllLpf phe
; cattle, he appeared ,fo uneoBxqrned, and;indifferent,* that
I was very angry with him. There is, however,- fpffidént'
exqufe .for hi% refgntment -againft the people o f Eimeo ;
for the large extenfive houfes, which we had feen in this
parfof Otaheite, in the year 1777; were ail deftroyed, and
at prefent they had no other habitations than-light Ihedsi’
I 1 ' m m h -d^hich
whiqii hiight he takep. by the: four GGffhers*. and removed
by four men.,!? and o f the'inaany ikrgé fiaa^es which they
then had, .n®i: moaedshan (toee oemadned.: -Ttoafe, imder-
ftaonding fcornai riny icohl^rfaticBSh that I intended vifiting
fame af. the o tte r ifiaimds in ’ .this ueyghbonr.hood, very
£ar®aftly ideljred. I ' whuldiihbf «Tttóink. of: lejabiqg. Matavai.
% Mgs* ? -faM toe*. 1St you fha# be- ifuppliejt .pfehtMiahy with
‘ t e very thing youwant. Ah hfet®,1 at® yc«r frieaiis,;.and
yf:frieaiflstofSii^.©p0r^e:,ifyau g s > t h e .other inlands,
%. you wdlihaye. êheny thing ftolen from you^” I neplied*
that, ;ön apaoüst p f ;their .gehdtTOlh'^njd ifrpm a dgfire tp
fejrvef >Mm, .^nd ,Ms epuntry* ;King ».GehEge had lent, put
ÖKlfewaiuahle';|tfMënföitQ Mmyt** and w i l l e t ypu* Tinahj
% fend ;fbmsttokig to IKingiGedirge lin rethrn ?”— <{ »Yes,” he
faid, “ I will. fend him a®yitiöi^Hfeasfë^? and thenhegan to
enmnerate the dafifergiifitarticiBs in:his<powejr; aan®ngy?hieh
he:;meEftien;ed;;’tilie bread2-fmit.-füfEhis i was^th® pxad -ppinf
töh^ ioh il wilted jt® bring the converfation; and, feizing
anppportunkyimhidh. had - ewer yv appearahee o f being i uh-
defigped; and acc&ieMabiit ttal^ -éiitn • thë,v4|jea4'?Ötiitt8 ,^a»--
weff& what l&ngjjfilgohge; would dike; 'p^ébiMhioh ihP fwor
mbM'ïuè iaigreat maay(ib:Qruld'’bè ptit on baard, and fe®?
edmvAtiitoligtotödrtd fioflitsfo eafilyièn fbiM^owerf^pfepd
any»«hing that Kwotdd.be well received by; KingiGeorge. f
i©nsilpïdibgihüÖparf^mbitn'menie.-,'croud - df* natiyes, ,as
uïuab‘ immediately fhronggfti aboutnus.. oil ..enquired for
©tee^y3hj JWbcyn .bbxpeöiëid t'o hayej mqt- ‘.me here,.- but ,>be
was not yet. returnedJfrom'jhis feareb rafter.-the thigV$.&i
wPfherefcVê^wént under a fiaadadf his to;Wait *fcf thim,
andfih abdut/a :quarter'Msanf hourtbfe-jewed rits, ;bfipgj-
iög: Wfth lfitó;an!ite.®#Jferabefj:and oÉieJpf the hqops.;<f
th'é >b®éy^; rl-'tbapked /hiitiurfar, tbejtTQbbhrwhiebéhe hdfl
L - /■ ■ ■ ; taken,,