fërvë rriÿ cörfiiftätid, ôr did in tter attempt : anffi fefeifgra
etitlaßj .1 ordered him to fake hold of. another and defend
hMfelf; eta Whifch he.éaâled dut that l^a^goisïg te kill him?
arid imhrédiâtelÿ matte coficeiîîon®.. I didriot allow this co
interfere further with the harmony of the boat’s- crew* and
every thing foon became quiet.
The partfëâ edhtiöiïdd édlieöing what they could find*
Wfeteh weredfême fine bylteè and elàm% and h #e\f fmall
'rW-fifh that 'weftrearight iîi thé holes o f thehefeks. W<fc
iâfè found fotóé B^^Watef i® tite hoifoW of'thhirôck% oîr
ffië north • ÿ&rl- ü ftë ie ifland, fir that of thfeeSentkl atfiele
Wé weté àgain fo fortunate as to obtain a frill fugply.
After ïë^nlôtiîîg the mode o f prècfeediugs I Walked tojth©
M^böl-^ait"'6ï' the ifitadv to donfidef dm route fbivthe
ffigKh Tb Aöy Itïrprife, no mnrerof the main tend houldf|P
féen hère than from below, the northefnmoft part m-fight*
Which Was frill of fsftd-hallsj çbe&ràig- W .rhÿ î% ^ o n t
tHfSe’iél^aëSj EÄept thé. illés to the S S E 'and 9« that
We haâ palFed, f cotild däly Äfcövefea firialTkef N W ^ N .
As this Was cörificlerably farther from the main than the fpot
dn vh ichwê were at pfefenlf I judged *it would be a more
feeufé reftirigkplacè for the night,; for here we. were-liable
to aii attack, i f thé Indians had canoes, as they undoubted
ly'mrifl: hate bbferved our landing; My min'd bewog.-naade
up on this point, I ret urned, after talking a; particular u>o\ u
the Ifland we Were on, which I found, only to produce a lew
bulbes, and löffle coarfe.grafs ; thé extent of the whole hot
being two miles in circuit. On the north fidey in a fandy
hay, 1 law an 'old canoe, about; 33 feet long, 'lying bottom
hpwäfds^ rind half buried in thé beach» -It wrasrmade of three
pieces, The bottom entire, to Which the tides .were fewed in
the éömiïïóh Way. It had a fharp prqjeétfng prow rudely
carved, in refemfelance of the head of a fllh ; the extreme
breadth was abput three feet, and I imagine it was capable
of carrying 2.0 men. The difepyery ,o.f fo large- apanpPj confirmed
me in tfee fjurpoff o f feeking . a more -retired place
for our night’s lodging.
At aepn, the parties -were all returned, hut had found
much. difficulty in gathering • the oyffi^sj from their dole
adhc.reiipe.itp the racks,and the clams were fcarqg : I therefore
faW, that it would be p f little life to remain longer in
this plaoey as we fhould not he able to collect more jfchan we
could jmt- I n»md;ithis Sunday Ifland : it lies M by W .f W
from Reftoxatipn Ifland■ the latitude, by a good pt^rya-
iff? jioS. -’
. -We t e d a. fo fli h&m? at *,s £ l?y S, with f|ur ,^§thgr,
At twe@ .oleleeJs.in the .aftpimppa? we dined; each perfon
teving a .fpll. pint ufld a.half ^flew-edoyflemand clams,
thickened with fmall bean§, which ^Neflqn irvlpriped me.
yf^ge .,a i%peips\ pf j0.^:hpsy.;; HaY§0g ^artfly» 39<i
gpngfdrilfi fl . tfe# IM l
higjh^wa.ter. which tl foundfo be at three p’clpth» Arid the
rlibpfltetMP ^)QUt five feet. Aficprffii^jt© tl^>dtis high.-:
sw#er ©n. ,th.e full fnd;£hpri|p &t .1$ minutes pafl 9 mfhe -
J[:ehlfe:wed the flo@d tp gpme the ^puth-
W.ard, fehough at heftoration Ifland, ,1 .thought it came from
the north-ward; I th.mkpaptaihGpok mentions thatlie,found
gpeat irregularity in the fetmUthe-ffiood -on this- coalt.
\Te fleered -for the fcey feen .in the N >W by ;-N, ryhere
We .arrived juft .at dark, but. found it .fo fuiyoupded by
a .r,eef of ro,cks, that I ..could not land without danger -of
flaving the boat ; and Lon that account we came; to . a giypnel
for the night. 1
.Monday^ June the ift. At dawn of. day, we got on Ihore, Monday 1.
E e # and