Filllf» y Friday the 6th. An occurrence happened to-day that
t_—v— j gave me great concern, not only on account of the danger
Friday 6. with which the fhip had been ^threatened, hut as jjjit tended
greatly to diminifh the confidence and- good under-
ftanding which had .hitherto Jbeeix oènftantly preferved
between.vuk -and the .natives., -The wind had blown
frefh -in thé night, and at dky-light we discovered bhat
the cahley* hyuwhich the fhip brode,J "had -beëfï ctit hear
th'e-\wat©r’s ‘ edge, infuehr a Maimer, thaCbnly 'dbe ftraM
remaned whole. While we '^ r e riec^mg the ihip,- Tiriah
came onboard, bqould not but- believe-he wag perfe&ly
innocent of.the tranfa&ioh; neverthelefs, j fpofee to himifif
a very peremptory manner, land infilled upon."his difeover.4.
]. ing and br.inging;to rne the offender. I was-wholly at alofk
how to : Recount for .tiffs ;maliciaus aft.- My füfpiëibitó feit
chiefly, I .may-fay wholly, on the ftrangers that^caifie to us
frqm other parts o f the ifland j-t forwfëc h'ad/èn .emèry: óór.
cafiorty-received fochf -unreférved-and unaffeëted i-EaarfegSjof
good.-wil^from the people>Qf> Matavai .andeOpabré, .thatfin
my own, mind I entirely . acquitted "them; -Thes anger
vfhich I - expreffed* however,- created formuch alarm, that
old Qtow-and his wife (.the.ffather-and.foother jof Tinah)
immediately' quitted Oparre, and retired 'to the mountains
in the midft of heavy rain, as'did Teppahoö' and 'his.faöïiLy.
Tinah and Iddeah - remained,, and - expoftulated with me on
the unreafonablenefs of my anger againft them. Heiaid;that
he-wotdd ^yert his utmoft endeavours; iheigdilfy
perfon; hut ft might poffibly-not he infois? poWerfoget
Mm,delivered- up, which-would be. the ,cafer ifdie was .either
o f Tiarraboo, Attahooroo, or óf the ifland'Eimeo. That
the attempt might have been -madé as: mueh outf;off efo
mity to the people o f Matayai-and Oparre' as to me: every
one. knowing the regard I had-for them, and that I had . declared
dared I would -prated them [biff ainft-’ their enemies. All i$*.;j
this-1 was iriclineff^fcèlievè ybfoTdid not think1 proper to
appears pêr^ëd^ff^fjtsfiéd, left Tinah, who was naturally
very indolent,1 foddlff be retoifFrn ■ his' ëbdeavours tö déteëb
the offenderÏÏ^To guard’ as muGhHis^paJpbie againft'future-
dttciffpts oFthi's'kindpl dirëéted' a ftfegë'to >Bé’ Milt on the
fb^eaÉle, fo ’-that the babjbs* flibiil'ffbe toÖrëMreóÖy tmflfei'
the eyè o f th^centiffel; ;^pd I ^ e # if? ’^ | ’f ‘é. Q^lers that one
o f >tfiê .midflmpmen ffiouldi'keèp w^ich forwafd. -
■ In the afterriodnj'k^reé'piyah'rêtumed 'fr'öha.iTeffhttróa. -He
told, mb,' that-Moanqahfand himfelf'-ihaff hartowlyf'èfoa^ed
beingtlqft in the^bad-weatfier, aiï^Móannah liad-béén
Obliged tfr'tafce fbelteF at- È-i'méo» y l e vefak dandds’ had bé'en
loftdately in theiFpaffagebo .oF-drbm Tethnroa/ The bver-
ftittinmof (their *; canoès •iiï mót tbebocfiy jlifk bhëy-haveïtö."encounter,
buf is'ifodudivé o-f.-anotherfdan^rrmörë drea*d-
fuly-for/at' filch rimes many foefome, a prey to.thè fharks,-
which. are every numerous in th‘efe.ifeasd’ I Was" informed
like wife, that they we/e.fometim^atótacked'.by a ,fifh,’ which,
by their d*Sfcri>ptron, 1 imagine',ti^he the bja.rracoeta, -as they
attributefof it the fame?prapenifity. !
I Saturday--paffed without. my]’feeing;'afiy' thing- offTmah,
the whole’ day i&Th© next mxffhingpb^ and Iddeah card© - Sunday*.
to mé,' and allured me jj that they had" made ‘ thé' ftrideft
enquiries ■. concerning ■ the- injua$,iintended--us, but,had
not beën able -to difeovers anymircumftance' which could
lead them fopufpeft.who y|erè.conGerned'in it. ivThis was1
nofrat all fatïsfaétofy," and T behaved towards-them, with
great, co.olnefs, at which they were much difireffed; and
Iddeah,cats léngthy -g ay|J;yentvto her forrow by tears.' I could,
no longer keep up the appearance of miftruftihg them;
but I earneftly recommended to them,, is they valued, the
1 King