i789. Friday thé 6thl ; I fent Mh Fryeri the matter, to found
vm intended ftiardy
fridaye. to feil, having fpread among the nativteV’>a;*great' many
ttifbè itpahèd a f duf TSfgk pandfMs ihö^hgi<aineflènger
aiïivèd from Wahëafua, fhë ÏJafëe'of Tiarraboo, with federal
pléëès df Spahiflf iron, Mïièh hëdêllfed to hafc^snad©
Jfltd jffiÖMi ïdzësF This fe^uett Was,^öf cóiirfej complied
With. «
C H A P. XI.
dUj$>erei $y T in a p % k ^ a je ^ .— Olhep&ccurrences to
Qtobettei 1
FROM the to1 the 14th o f this momh,thewind blew i f e ^
conftantiy* from between the 1)1 W and S W, with a v.— r— >
great deal of rain. This Was the lopgeft .qopiippance o f
Wefterly Winds without interruption, that we expeSW^d,.
On>tai&^i‘3th, feveral caiiofes arrived''here, and at Mata>v,aj,
from Tethuroa: in thefe were a large tribe o f the Arr-epys,
and’amoBg them Huheine Moyere, the wife of Oreepyah,
■ •wfeo*s*&a Arreoy woman, and remained at Tetb^fda lifter
Oreedyah-came -away,.1' Op t e r arrival* ,;&{c®Rem<Sif wss
pCrfokted^alldd Hdoepippee, which feemed foibedlghgp^
ed:'a f a phbtifc VMfc «to all tfafeif friends, wh®,are^e^e#ed;Oh
thH'^dedafidh. * In'this'ceremony^ithere was nothing remarkably
the Arteoy men took their opportunity t£> plnn-
defthe Women who were' near .them* arid ilddeah made a
prefehf'of Ibihe cloth to Huheipe Moyere, \and a baked
h o g iS th-fe AlYedys. |
**- After this oeremd&y, a prefent was prodneedifrommahy ' Wj» *3#
at the-pfineipaa people, for young Otoo, the EwreeiRaba^
which* was rfec&ved by Iddeah, Tindto. hejdg abfcnt. T ® - ■
prelehthonftfted o f iSvhhbgs^ a«aife^r«^|T*a06fcts,fiJW'
with bread-fruit, eoeoa-nuts, tafro, and dtflferent kmds o f
'bntddm^P^Yhe ’bsiQtets Wefededorated With- ffip&ef cloth,
4 . , .ftained