,789, ’ overboard, with fome ■ rope and fipare fails, which ligh -
M A y- tened the boat confiderabiy, and we had .more room, to bale-
' v" the water out. Fortunately the carpenter had a good cheft
in the boat, in whicl^ wp feared, thp bpead the firft favours/
able momenta His t6df cheft alto Wab created, and the tools
jjQwed in t l^ b.^tt^ pf th<| toggleto ^^t.^hi|, ^ecan^
fecpnd copvenienpe.
I ferved a tea-fpoopfiftl p f rurp,tp ^ h j^e^p^'Cfpr yfe~
were very wet and‘cold) with a quarter o f a‘ bread-fruit,*
which was fcarce eatable, for dinner: our engagement Was.
now ftridtly to fid1!
determined: to make qur ;pmMfions tight weeks, te’ft thb.-
daily proportion be ever to finally
At moon, 1 uonfidered our couife wddiftantfe front
Tofoa to. be W N W 2 W S&mules,» l a t i t u d e % f i l-
directed the cpucfe to the WrM W, that we m ight get a?
fight o f the Wands tafiqdFeejee, if they laid in thedicec-
tidn t ie natives h^d pointed out to me.
The weathecreontinued very fereae* the tppjf veering:
from NE t oE SE . The fea ran higher, than in, the foreT
noonr and.thfeiatigne o f bahag» to keep f t e t o t ' . f r w
filling, was exceedingly, great. .We. eoidd: do nothing Btore
than keep before the* fea; imtlto^bnifeof winch tbetooafr
performed to wfell, that I mo longer dreaded any dahgsr
in that.refpefh But among the kardflups. we were to undergo,
that of being conftantly wet was not the leaft: the
Monday 4. night was; very; oolfi, aad at. day dight dm limbs, werprfa; benumbed,
that we could fcaroe find'the ^afp jdf them* A&
this time I ferved a tearfpoonful. Of rum. to each perfqp»
from which we all found, great benefit.
As I have mentioned; before, I determined to keep to
the W N W , till I got more to the northward; for I net
only expected to have better weather, hut to feeithe Feejee J
-Iflands, as I have qifteh-underftood, from the natives of An- , >
«atoonka, that They f e la that Captain «pok '
Mfcewife ccrfideredrthem to be -H W by W from Tongata-
toPa.' Juft Ttefdue noon,;we difoove»ed a fin$l. fiat iflapd, pf
- a moderate ihpighh: hearmgY^’8 W, 4©r ^leagues. I oh-
ferved our .latitude to be I$ *^ S .5 ©uaxlongitude waenbj .
jaceotint, #.4' W . from the M-and Tofoa, having made^a
Ny a °W ctmrfe, drifcnce 'nooil*
•I divided ^m^ xocoa^dSitS'-^ff' mit dinner, and every
one wal fatisfied.
■ Adittle a<torcho©n,.athEr iflands.appeared,.and at a xjuarrdthd%^
be wdStT©,N:W b.y N ; ihtrfe toltbe.fauth, ytodOh
'\bilfe 4toe> itea&eft, toeing ifeur>leagues>dsftani from ms.
I kept my cowrie to the N Wtoy jW, fetmepn|^e:ifflaHds,
-Alt sfix .©’dock, v e
ffifdoVetigd -three -other lindl filands fto The M ,W, The
wcftommoft of Them bore .ylleagups. Iifteered
-xotlieofouthward ofehtefe
dnigb't, un<^r''a.reefed fail, n W 'f- y ■■ ;
unlSfe®tod->abroken ipieeesidf bieud-feuit >for supper,
1* IHPw
a The. night Turned • out feir,' < and, ^having - had Tolerable
%eft,3eieiy ©ne-Tetemed eonfiderabiy better aitabe msrniug, Tueflay j.
aahd^l^ntPdiycbreakfafied^ on {aafew3#ieces^ ^aimathat
■ «were feund inMhfe boat.: . After bfeakfaft.we e^amiaed our
tofOad, u%rtohdealtofVlfiPh^3S>d^fifged£atMgotten; this,
\ne^eA^efs, We were^gkdto;heeptor ufe. :
^Ihadihlthetto been fearc^y able to ^lseep any- account
teritoy'hettattg fa'-tog^liHe mark^^and, having pfaftifed-at
mak A a a . counting