1788. with me fpoke to the fame effeét, .1 was then defired to
Koybmüer. procge(j jn the boat farther along fhore to the weftward.
In our way Tinah made me flop among fome fifeing canoes
to pur chafe, fife for him, which hg eat raw, with fait
water for fauce. When we arrived at the landing place, a
great number o f people. ha<| collected, and aiffoes^. Tqgs,
pahoo '^ p re^ .' ‘ .^jiee^yah and ÏT -tijm 'abguf
quarter of a mHej whehX was feówri ohf of'thë ' feoff beau-
tifufheifers I ever faw. I afked i f they had any more, but
they all faid there was no-other than a buil at Itteah, as
before-mentioned. I.could not refrain from exprefling my
difpleaiure at the deftru<£tion, andthe. fpolife fej5arariQh,pf
thefe fine afefealsv ^ I had feared with Captain Gook in.
the trouble; o f ‘thisi bnfiaéfe>.tód. hack been equally anxious
fpr thefuccefs. •
- T h e difeidf o f Tettaha is not ff» luxuriant and?fruitful :as
the country abOnt^ Mativai., As \ifo.w- nothing of confe-
qiiencefo detain me, I/feade a,pnsfent.ta Teppahoo,.and*
after inviting; him fa vifit me on board, the feip,;; which he
promifed to do, I took leave. Tinah had remained all .this i
time in the boat. I obferved that no refpedt was Ihewn tahim
■ at this- place, nor was he able-tqprocure, a cocoayautj or a
byead-fruit, otherwife than by pqrghafing it« ' The, heifer
being here, is a proof of this d.iftric^ not. having been friend*
ly to the people of ;Matavai and Oparre.
t rfes ow> way, back, having; to row. againfe 1 the, wind, - we
popped! t-o rcfrefe. at Oparre, and it was. eight .o’clock by
the time we arrived at the feip. 1 kept my. fellow, tra-1
velles on board to tapper,. and they did not fail to remind
me of the king’s health.
Monday 17. , o.ur coUedtion o f , bread-fruit plants at the tents,con-.
tinued increafing. This morning I fent twelve on board,
ip-pots, to dhpover Where thiy would thrive the beff, the . .
air being more fefepbfafe dh-board tbWfefp thhhiph febrey
while I WaS abfehf from’ the feip, Teppahoo had been on
board, and left a hog as a prefent .for me;
> After • dinner tb id^ T in ah , Wh&iWcis, fey •tfoh'ftant vffitor^
left -the tabfefoondHhan nfdah Wlibri-fte Was gbne, Oree-
pyah,1 his'broth br, altd-'Oedidde, hffiPnie a' piefee - of; fcandal,.
which had Befen bdfdfe hihted" to me, buf Which rill now
Phad not beard o f wkh’eertaifityh this was, ‘ that Iddeah,.
Ti-nah’s wife, kept a gallant, WhoWas''ai,2,tfdfdj#pbr' fervant,.
and-- the very -perfdSi who ’alWa^s fed Tinah at diriner: and
this was To far frofe- being without Tihah’s» -knowledge or
eohfent,'that th'e'y faid'if was*By$“hisriefere,, Th'by added -many
other circumftanebsy and, as I appealed to doubt, -they to'ok
fev'erkl OpportuhitfespinthWcourfe of the day, of mentioning*
it to-othen people WhP-ahAleda^ed it Wa^ tffcfojV,
Tuefday i-8fe.- This afternodn, I fiw Teppahhojandin- TuefdayiS,
vited him- ohbbard’Vbefore'we parted, I bargained with him
for the- beifeiy which he promifed to bring'in five days.
M-if- iufenfidmWaS, that i f I Jgbt the heifer, I would endea-
vohr to'pUrchafe’the bulb at Itfeahbttbif fhat could not-rie
done,- then I could-fend the heifer tts a;prefdnt to the'-poffelfor
of theriull, whifch'might equally well! arifwer my!purpbfe.
It has been mentioned, that Tinah had aplabe,‘in fey
cabin to-kfeep thofe’ things" which I ’gave him, arijbfflig.,
mdre fefeiire on bo‘ard ‘than on fhore; I had refearked
lately,'’ thSt1 hi's hoard' feettibd' td diminife- thedriore I endeavoured
to increaferit at length I difcovered that Iddeah
k£p‘t another hoard in the mafteris d$mn\ whifh fee rd^fe-; .
larly enrifehed from her hnfeand’s, ’ wheinever!:I: made’ himt
aj prefeiif, apprehending- that I febuM’ c^afe:^yihg,1 when 1'
faw.Tinah’S locker full.- At his- requeftj.; I £fet the carpen^
tei'Si ‘