1788. . %he pieces was ilx^fach-és round. I bad before told Yinah.
November, ^ a t our fUgar was made of it, and he was very defirous
to discover the means; for they were fo fond of our loaf
fugar, that aprefent to any chief would have been incomplete
without a piece Of it. Another article in-‘great
oftimation, and likewife expedted to make paft of a pré-
fent, was fciflaïs, Whliek1 they 'made ufe of to keep their
béards in order.-.
By this time Nelfon had, with affiftance from the fhip,
completed a large garden near the tents; in which were
fbwn fëèds Of different kinds, that We had éolledted atthe
Cape Of Good Hope." I likewife diftributed fmit-ftones
and almonds for planting, among the chiefs, who, I hope,
will endeavour to make them fucceed: and, as they are
Very fond of' fweet-fthelling^ dowers, -With -which the
Women delight to ornament fhemfelves, I gave them fome
Tknrfday 6. We had very variable weather, mueh rain, and fbme
‘Weftefly w in d s jfo that a considerable fwdl ran into the
bay, and a-hnmher Of fpotted white and black pórpüffès
made theif-appearance.
I had the^ttiertification to fee that our garden-ground
had heen much trod over; and,What-Was wOTfe,the.ehiefs
appeared but little concerned a tït. To this kind of Care-
lefihefe and indifference I attribute the mifearriageof many
Iff the plants left here by GaptamCook. -’I had now in a
Süuraïhing ftate, two orange plants, feme vines) -a fig-tree,
'and two pineapple plants, which1! gayefo Poeen'o, whofe-
f reddence is a place favmtrafejk^for their growth."
We get on fftccefsfully wifh our plantsy having a hundred
potted at the tenf, and in a fair way of doingWeli.
The cabin alfowaseompletpb and ready to .receive them on 178*.
board. §§ ^ B*R;
. Jf have beforeg remarked, . that my friend Tinah was rather
of a felfifh difpqlition, and this afternoon he fhowed a
ftrpnger iuftance of-it than Ivyas wj-tnefs to at anytime before
or after. His brother Qreepyah fent on* board',R) me,
a prefentybf a'^My^^bg, * and a quahfity-Of' bread-fruit :
but thefe kind.of prefents are--mueh more expensive - than
purchafing at the market.. Soon after Oreepyah him-felf
came onboard., Tinah Was with mb* at the, time, and
whifpered, me -to tell Greepyabjmot to bring any more
hogs or fruit, and, to take thafe back whiph he had fent.
This advice, as may be fuppofe'd, did not produce the -effect
intended. Oreepyah appears; toobe-a man of'greit fpirit,
and is highly-refpedted, fey-dpS countrymen. Among other
yi-fitors tp-d'ayj was One o f the .men-who had been to Limai
in 5^76»' . ' , : .
Our plants had now en'ereafed to . 25^: as they were all Saturday a
kept on Ihore at-the tent, I augmented the guard there,
though,.from the general conduct of the h-a'tiyes, there did
not appear the feaft occafion for fo- much 'eahtion.
... While I was at dinner> Tinab,defired'I would permitara&n
to come down into the cabin, Whom,;he .called Ms
or prieft; for I was obliged to keep a cpntinel at the hatch-: -
way to prevent being incommoded
much company; a reftridtion which pleafed the ebSefs, who
always afked leave for any particular perfon to be admitted
o f whom they wifhed me to-take -notice. The qoropanyof
the plied: brought on a religious ennverfation. He laid,
their great Gc^d was called Grog .and that they bad many
Others of lefs confequgn'CB. He afked me; if 1 had a GOd ?•*—
i f he had afon ? and who was hi-s w ife f I told them hohad