ixS A . -V Ö 'Y A 'G-ËO T Ö
javmwr ThüHHaythe aach- This kïfefHë&A, irèÊèivêd a mèfllge
—> fróm T ^ p a ï ^ / to iïifëini ihe ffiat öhr^èfëïfter^hadipagèd
TEtMsfiï; thishaxhötu-, ahd wefè atTëftak^ ë^ööt SVèïfiilésdiflaiit. 1
ordered the cWrteir 'to be got ready, and a lïttie hefè^fefdn-fët
left thé fhip/taiing^Oedidëe ^ithMA' ®y%is advice I landed
ai'Tothë dflfetïi^rfröÖi thë ‘plltee Whèfë (é ïëMatters' were;
but thinking it necefiftfy tb h ^ ë the'ïbëat ^Ithiö calli and
öedidëë afliiring me that thèrfe :Wfe ïate landing Farther ón, I
Üirè&éd thé feat tó prèéèiéd ^ n gjih oie * -WtiiiUft *©lifli8ëè
andï walked along thehéaChr ' T h e n igh t *wa& VfePsNtesfc
and windy, and the fhore being; roekyyT^Gbtöftjfight <©F
the boat. ATëwkff ^é'hah^ès'ladjöinfed'ks'M'hiaT wMk:
and, from their ttenner-, 'I had reaFoP to fufpoiSt -themiof a
defign to clofe “upon te , with afl ihtehtiM, :fiiö «doubt, to
phtódek: I Was provided with pockeWpifoofe, and [on pró-
dntfkg-hne,theyleft ïrs.r OediSeeWdS fö^nmidhatarmedthat
1 cölddfcafde prevafl'on himte proceed» When-Wè arfiVed at
Tëppahód’s 'houfè,Wewere vëry kindly ;rëeeivedbyhimand
his Wife. The eöfttr wais arrived, hut, there heing a very
high'fnff, &ecofülÜ ‘nöhcotoe within a hundred yiarteof’thfe
fliore. ! •" - ' • ■ ■ ' ; ' ' W\ék . .
Th'e deièrtërsi ï was informed, were m a bedife èldfe to
te , Snd T ‘imagined ffrdrewotild be no-great^difficulty vjh
feéüririg thëm, With the aü-fiftahee ^df thfehativës.- 'They
had, htoWever, heaFdöf'my arrival ; an d Wheh ’I Was neat
fhehódfe, they came oüt, Withötefhëlf aftös, éadhéHvered
themfelvés' tip. 1 feut difeétionsJoff toJfhè f^at Tof ëhddf
ihy people to ceme'Ön fhofej and dor the’ hcfett’ tö- ïetttrn té
the ^lade t^ è r ë lh a d kndèd. ••My'di^ttotïflnié® Whs td-fê^-
cüfe'fhè atttts, which I dëHvereÖ'to Teppahoöto take charge
d f fór the night. önerïiitdkét andJtwo bayonets^ were mïü.
- iiqg, wh^ich they Taid Wéfe lóft^byhheicaiiöé in Which-they
T H B f S Q U TiH. ^E:A Sf &c.
carp^.;frpm< [fi ethuroa-hftY/ngpy^r^etr- j m then took* leave o f
Teppahoo, whp preferuedns w i^ .aplentiful fiupply o f lA*” **y»
provifioiji^, t,;pppce§§3df wijhjthe deferters *’ towards -
the boat j-jput-afi the. wind h&d increhhd, and it rained hard»
I detprniippdfiitdi remain on )ihprer jtih the morning; and
haWpg %pnd;dipltfT the .retpahir'
A t ^daylight, I for w ^y
the arms, and we returned to thp fhlp*
,1.1 leairit ftom thd: - j^ey h#d
fern Oieppyah a4id M-o^nnah» who hadrn^e.an atten^ptto
^e^re ; They-ftid ASvWis thfirihteJhaon ^toh^ve re-
tHrped to-tbe Ihipj and^t jipmrapjk
harrafled by the natives watching for,an opportunity to fpr-
pafeTthem, that they • n^ight; wfih rp hayp the rperit p f >re-
turning o f their jmyn: accord» to^ avG^d the difgraee of being
ftiged and hrOdght hack* 4& the hme^ they d-divered them*-
Telves hp>td ®ae» .it wds^notrin their power to have made re-
hftancg, their amnmnjhop h^ io g heendi^ii^ hythe wet,
fn ;Bty h w p g hreh. .feept night from
the | ihip by j the t®pfiei%t®usr’ -weather, the; timepkeepea:
went down at tp “ 5“ ;36-. Jt^rate, prevkHas t-p thisj was i", y
loiing/dn 24 hours,, and h * error from the tneah tirpe at
-Oreeawiyeh.waf S}' w'.> % too flo.w- I fet it going ^ h n by a
•coromon. watch»:cprre<^ed' by ©hferyat-io®s» and endea^
Vourjed.ito, make the error• the Ihoe as i f k hadinat ftoppeds
ibotbemg eadtipte*ma# me^edioiism fettingat ju mo^
tion, ,and inere^fed theermr/fromr^W’litheat Qr^hw^ih'»
The rike^pf going |s did .w t ^ d ; tpjhayed#eted* ?
At dinner, Tip^;Gpftgrafulatpd m#iOn. ;hayih§ re^teere(l
-my memhutepprefiedfoiaae eopcpijn that they hadpot heen
,brought! by Qroepyah and Moannah^ lpft SI fhould imagine
they had hot done every thingiptheirpoycer.'Tdthis.Irepiiied»
;that I was perfectly fatisfied of their gbod intentions to ferve