lent, as there is a probability that I may hereafter be better
qualified for fuch a talk,
Wb left Otaheite with only two patients in the venereal
lift; which fhows that 'the difeafe hàs not gained gf(kinds
The natives fay that it is o f little eonl^u^çei aW wiv^ivr
feveral inftances of people that had been.infeiStedj who,; after
abfenring themfelves for 15 or 20 days, made their appearance
again, without any yifihle fymptom remaining o f thè
difeafe. Their method of cure I am unacquainted with 5 but
lh è k cttftemary diet, andimode^ef living, mult contribute
towards it. We law a great many people, however,- ; with
icrophulous habits; and bad firfês : thefe they deWted to be
produced from any venereal caufe ; and our furgeon- Was of
the fame opinion.
The refult of the mean of gn lets o f lunar obfeirvotions,
taken by me on ftiore, gives. for the ImngitùcteofPMîat
Venus ■ - f— - s ïo '.33 i£
Capt. ttoofc, in 1769, places it in :<*#. $ -210 go
In 1777, his laft voyage — 210 22 28
The tide; in Toahroah harbour, was^very mesg^fiifefabltej
and not regular. The gneateft rift that I ofeiferved,;was ï t
inches; but, what was molt lingular, the time o f high water
did not appear to be governed ’by the moon* ft being a t the
high eft* every day, between noon and two o’clock. The
variable winds and weather, aft this time Of-the year, has no
doubt an influence on the tides : on feme, days, fcârcejany
rife-was perceptible. ,
T HIE S Q P T B 'S E A S, ,8cc.
"Moffit fflakk tfUaheint— A Prien&'&f Omai vifit's the Ship.
"É^éMM^^ièty Aftands. — A Water^Jpont.— ^he IJland
Whyfotth^^Hfei iHjkbpibfed. — Anchor Hn Annamoo&a Road,-M.
Xpilr Pur'fiei'f dn fyèörë -robbed py -the Natives.— Sait
from tArmymoyka.— ^he Chiefs'det dined mu ‘board.—Part
yffëfyÉIy.' ;
W'E .fteered .towards /the ifland Huahtane, .which we- a «7 ^
rg@t fight -thej opxt At noon we
btohght tOvnear the entrance'ofrOwharreharbour, it -not Sunday^.,
feeing my?i»entiento': anchor. • We could fee ^eyery part
ofthe hafbOur dicftin(aiy,'but my aWentiopWasparticularly
'directed to the Ipot where Omai’s^houfe had ft°pd, no part
©f Which was now'vifible. It was near three okdoek before
any Oatfoes came off to us, Tor the people ;on.lhore imaginpft
arrivedyhad threemen init,.who brought a.few cocoa-nuts.
I enquired about the chief, oriEaree -Rahie; and one of the
fellows; with great gravity, laid, .he was the Barer Rabies
and that he had come to dofire 1 would bring >the Ihip into
the harbour. I couM not help laughing athisimpudence:
hoWever, J gavehim a few nails for his coeo^-nuts, andhe
left uSv!' Immediately after, a double canoe, in which , were
ten men, came alongfide; among them,was a.young man,
who recollected and calleduieby my name.. Several other