A Theft committed.~*-T)ecèpüünl of the painted Head^Con-
vérfation >wiif> a. :Pris/î'.^—A Wrefiltng Match,^pteports
the Natives,\comerning other Iflandî.^-Some .Ascmnt of:
1788. - -
N o vember.
Monday 3..
THE trade fdr provifions I diredted to he camed-bn at1
'IN m m m Pechover, |j§P gunner. • Moannah
likewife refided there* as a guard over-hisièountrymen; but-
thèagh it appeared to-be the wîfh of all thè chiefs* that we
fhould remain unmoleftedi it Was not pofhble entirely tB
prevent them from pilfèifttg;
My table at dinner wâs genèrally-crouded.- Tinah, ôrëe-
pyah, Poeerto, and Moannah, wefe my regular;gùefts; -àhif
I Was feldom without loime'- ehiefs1 frohi othbr <àiftfi<£ts.
Aknoft every individual o f any eonfeqÜericé'has lèverai
names, which makes it frequently perplexingv when the
feme perfon is Ipoken of, to know who is -mèâht-i-^ÈVêTy
chief has perhaps a dozen or more names in the 'couffe o f
thirty years ; fo that the perfon who has been Ipoken o f by
one vifitot, will not perhaps1 be known to another, uriiefs
other circumftances lead to1 adhcovery. The father of
Tinah, at this time called Otow, was known in 1769 by
the name of Whappai. q
I Ihowed Tinah thç. preparations 1 was making to take
On board the bread-fruit plants, which pleafed him exceedingly,
but he did not forget to remind me, that when the
? 0 next
next fhip came put he, hoped .King Geprg? yrauld fqnd him grig-,
large akes, files, fews, .cloth,of all .kinds,.hats, chairs, and ,
fbddfteads,! with arms, .ammunition, and in Ihorf^ eyepy'';
tiling heScoiiald think qf mentioning..
This afternoon, the gudgeon ftf the rudder belonging to
the largeieutter, was drawn-,gut^-and-ftolen, -without being
•perceivedhby tho. man „that WM Rationed to fakf, care qf
her. 1 Several petty „tbgfts halting hft^.pojpjnitted by the
.■ natives^moftly,owing to t h e ' o w n people;
and1 astiiaefe kind-iOf aCcidenjs .genially c$q$fed alarm,
and had a tendency.r 19■ :inferrUpt $j£.gqqd tgrpns on which
we were with the< chiefs, * Iuthopght j t ;• would have a good
■ effedt to punilh the bpaf-keeper in t^eir prefence, ipany of
them -.happening .to fbe then on board; and accordingly I
.ordered -him a>idoze&r-ladies. } Tinaiji -with i^verfl q f
the chiefc^attendg&rthe ppprihpjent, -and. interceded very
leafneftly§tOiget -it mitigated;:, tpe w®fnen, fagw^d .great
Sympathy, and that which pharadtqrifes
the amiable part of thekd^x-...
The natives brought off to-day.jtwP different kinds, p f
ifmtslj that gppwliky ryams : one they c^ll Ettee, which %s
•a_£weet irpot, ^cqrpmon.ialfo <to, ithe^Frifely Iflauds,. and
may:'he ■ easten >as a fweetmeat: Ap-
-pay,' a root like, the Tyah.pr Eddie ip the Indies. A
fruit -called A y yah,, whiph is the fjg||j||s ©f. .hataviay was
lilcqWife brought qff t,o;uS;: they .are^.l^g^-asu?idd?#o@j^?d
,apples, vejry jjjgjy #nd ^frhhing,- may fbe ■ eaten jj in
large quantities. Abpjhme 'Ayegs, wh^h &gefhe rgal-Qta1-
heite apple; hut they were not yet in fe%fen. The fe {a*re
a d^ dlojSS vhighrflS^ o^d^ dtj^ d^fp^ they she .ripe,
•a'nfwora^ei^ulinatry pprpplhsiPfpm' lappleSfi
i & gjiiff called Tpptaha,;whp OM&e} fromjghe hlandh Hliq- Tuefday
. M a Pp tea,