till the morning, thatw-e might try ou-rfuccbfs in the-
night for turtle and birds.’ A -quiet night’s reft alfo, I
conceived, would be e f - eflantial ferviee to tbofe who were-
• The wigwam and ft-ui-tle fhell, wier-e-proofs that the natives
at times vifited -this -place ; and that they-had c a n o e s , the
remains of the Sunday Ifland,
left no room Jta-doubt-: hut 1 did m>t apprehend -that we
ran hoy rifk %y-femaining here 'a ’fcosa^tiisei' *
our fire, however, to Jhe made in the thicket, that we
might not -bedifeouered-by light.
At mrttoi ? 4 hfer^ 0 iSie 'tetitudte dfo'ihis illand fidJb©
i T -47" S. The main land «»oSaSbd? fowsads the -N W, and
was fall-of while fop3-hifls : another fmall ifland lay^witih*
in kUSf hearr^ 'W by |Sf 4 T^Jiiree leagues ‘diftant. O w
fituatioa being »very ;kw, we-oorfld fee t^fhing-of the ®©eC
towards the fea: t
Th& afternoon was -advantageoirfiy lfpent-iri fleep. There'
Were, however,-- a few «M^diipefed it© it, and thofe were
employed in dreffingtfonae clarasfe take >withus for thesiept
day®s~din»ner : ‘Oarers rweioat up-i®, flices to dry, which I
knew was the moft-valuable Cupply -we'CouM fipd here-;
but they -were very fcaice.
Towards 'evening, I cautioned -every one aigainft making
toolargeajfire, «r -Fufieiing it after dark to blaze up^ Mr.
Samuel and Mr. Beckoyer had the fepeifetendehec iqff this
bufinefe, while I was ftmllingiabout the beach sto ©Meisvejf
I thoB^it it eouid becfen .'from ihe-tnaia. I fetift
fied that Iticould not, when on a fudden the Aland appear>-
ed all in a blaze, that might have been difcemed at a much
more confderabte distance. I^ranfe team the catiDfe, and
"found that it was occasioned by the imprudence andobfiinacy
+ 7 . '■ of
o f one of the party.,- who, in /nty ahferice, had! itffifted On 1789.
having,- i fitfe to; himself.y i-n making which the flames ■
caught the neighbouring grafs and rapidly fpread. This
m.ife®nd%ft<mighfthaver|K’odufed>Vfry ferious confequences,
byidifcoverihg -pur fltrtittioti to' the oati^epT-for, if they had
atfeaektefl us, %e had Sdfeither arms nor ftrength to oppofe
anfemrhylf Thus the relief . Which Icex;pe<^ed from a little
ffoe’p was totally loft, and f anxiotifly waited; for the flowing
of the tide, that' werkight proceed to fea. , ;
it'virashigh-vVatefht half pafo five this everdflig, whence
I deducejd the tim%;©nfhe foil-arid change, of the moon,
to Be §8'. 'paft io in the mOrxiihg, : therifewas nearly five
feeti I could not obferve the fet o^cthe flood; but ima*
gined' it- tb eome from the fouthWard, and that I was m-ifo
taken at fthftjoratidn Iflafid, a&ji.’foOnjd'.the- time of high-»
Mater gradually later th® ntoafo wfe advanced to lh e fiOj^ht
ward. :
At KeftOratioh Ifland, high watef, full and chajngo, 71* To'
Sunday ift&nd, - - - - - , , - . 9 19
Here, £ .v* 3 t -vf ry-sc;;20 58
. After bight ef’eleek, MX.; Ssjrftuel afid Mr. Peekover went
put tb Watch for tOTtle&ahdtfoEec men w i t to the eaft key
tphadeasttue itoCatoh- rbhtls,. , All the 'Others eomplainfog of
■ flcil^ --tioakth^ Mr. Hayward and Mr.
Elphinuon, whom Ldirefted tb jkeep watch. About mid-
irightithe bird pafty relurhhd, rWifh o&ly twelvb noddies,
birds'wbftch I have already deferibed to be about th& fize
o f pigeons : but i f it had'hot been for the folly and . obftir
naey of one of the party, v/ho ieparated from the other two,
and diftu'rbed’.the bkids, they ;fcndght have' -Gaught ,a .great
number. 1 was ;fo thhldh-'-provoked ■ at' my; plans beihg thus
defeated,,' |