- This, h op p er , was but of Abort duration, for th e natives
b e g fo to increafe in numberj and I obferved fome- fyrhp-
toiBS'-ofa defign againft us; Soon after they attempted to
haul the boat on fhore, on which I brandiflied my cutlafs '
in a threatening mannerf avid fj yoke, to Eefow to defire them
to defift ; which they did, and every thing became quiet
'again. M.y people, who had been in * the mountains, now-
returned with about three gallons of water . ^ I kept buying
np the little bread-fruit that w-as brought to .ns, and like-
wife fome fpears to arm my men with, having only four
cutlafles,. two of which were in the boat. As-we had no
means (if improving bur fituatiOny I told our peoplfef would
wait till fun-let, by-whith?tithe} peihapsvfomè’thinghîight
happen ih our favofir : fo r i f we attenfofedtogofof prefeht,
we thuft fight hur way-through*; wMeh wefoould do -more
advantagebufly'af hi^ht ; ahd that- in-the’mean time we
woulcL.endeavour to off fo thëfoeàt whatfweh-adhhmght.
Thé beach was '1 inecl with the natives, and we heard nothing
but the knocking of ftones together, which they had
in each hand. Î knew very well this was the fign|of an
attack.- Atnoon,T fëfvéd-a CQcea-nhfcanh aJ htéad-foifit-to
each perfon for-dinner, and-gave fome to -the^chiefs^ with
whôni î continuéd appear intimate and* friendly- foSEhey
frequently importuned* me to fit down, but T à's '»cpnftantly
Ijefufed for it occurred both to NelfdnCan'd myfelf, that
they ihtended toffeize' hold of me, if I gaVfe themt fueh
an opportunity. Keepings therefore, conftantly on our
gua'rd, we wbre- fuffered to eat our uncomfortable-meal in
' fome quietnefs.
After dinner^ we began- by- little and Jittle^to. get;; our
things into the boat, which was a troublefome bufipefs,*
on account of the furf. I carefully watched'the motions'
of the-nativesy whobontmued'tQf^^erpafo.fo number; and
■ fomid-’thatf irafi^d.offtheMIntention bping^o leaye us, fires-
•were made, and places fixed on for their fig d u r in g the
night. . Confutations were alfo held, among- them, and
every thing alfured me we fhould be attacked. I fplpt
of,ders-toithe-mafibr^|#k\yhen ’h e , f n , he
-fhould keep the boat .dole to the fhore, that we ,might the
more readily embark.
j I ^afore®urtf4on Ihcfo^ifo me, * wj?itingy|hej^pcur-
rencesuKith'epQ^e,>andiujfeft^t^s4^'^v^?bf!tP’‘'*'%<?S^i?^’' |j|
was nearl>fnafohfell%y{ay« hut | foiffoe' timpfoj ^ ftahpe. qfj
v^ h e tg u i i i a jeK. ' i i . ; i $ j * » , - .. ■ *'
:> Thefotalwas, neatp Jetting,nKhpu I igaye ,fof - word, qn
, m©fc up tbiff jpT&pov^ibQ pf|tthihgsy ..ap’d i carri,e<|> fo?fo-:fo1 foe
boat. The chiefs alked me if I would not-flay with them
i -ah night, I faid, f l S g i I-never fleepout of myhppt ; but in*
<.c theanomihgWsfowili■ ag.ajn_, tradp'sfofo^ygu, and I Ihall
-‘V, remain* tdlL the/weathep is, mpdfrate, I
‘Has w& havevn%x^dy?t%>jf^d?o>ilafeq»^| -
Macea-ackavow,then-got up, and faid, « You will not .fleep
• «iioni .ftioteb .then uMa$ie/\:{^hich
.-will kiliiyou)hndhe left foes. now.ppep^-
, every one,-as L hav^hefpribed'bgfore,?( kept^knocking
holies*,:together,„and, EefowUf|uitted jape, ,A11 hut two-^pr I
three- things -wero-dn fce hpat,;, w&ep h W
hand, and we walked dpwh foe beach,^vprympe fo a ' filent
kind o f horron. n . | .( ' 1 ,
While I was, feeing, foe.mepple eqibark,.}f|age.ete wanted
me todftay. to;,fpeak to Epfow^fopt.I j found fop ,, vca^mneouragingjthem
Jtojthe, attack, ,and it ^determination,
;if they had then began, .tofoave killed him for. hist reache-,
‘ ' fops*