A V O Y A G E . T O
A p m i
Sunday. 20.
maide me entertain hopes, tha|y after that' period we
1 fhould experience tome change o f wind or weather in
onr favour; hut the event did not at all, anfwer pur
expectations.| The/latitude, -at noon -this day, was<jj8° 9'S,
and longitude f6° i l W..
As we caught a good many birds, -but which were all
lean,'and tatted fifhy, we tried an experiment -upon’ them,
which, fucceedei admirably. By "keeping-them Cooped up,
and,, cramming 'them -with ground corn, they improved
wonderfully in afhort-time ; fo.that the pintada birdsbe^
came as finejas ducks, and the albatrofles were_as -fat, -and
not inferior in tafteto ftnegeeie. lidihe o f the'latter birds
wefg ciught that-meafnred feven ''feet "between iK^extre-
„Wlrties o f the wings, when fpread.. Thisiune^p^Ctedrfup-
ply 'came very opportunely j^for none o f our live ftoek
remained ‘.except hogs, the' dheep-and poultry not being
-hardy enough to hand the fevetrty ?df*the ‘Weather.- v j
-This-njomihg, ^the -wind died awdy, and wfiiJhad a
«aim fdr a few -hours, which' gave us hope's5,that the
next would be a-more1 favourable wind. A hog ^vas
"killed for the {hip’s company, which - gave them fan'
"excellent meal. Towards noon, to our great difappoint-
ment, 'the wind fprung up again from -the weftwaM, and
in the afternoon blew hrong, with fno Wyand hail ‘ftorms,.„ ’
This was the' fecond day after • the full moos-; but, as
I have remarked before, f t had no influence on the weather.
At noon opr.latitude,was 58° 3-1'' 'S^and longitude
7<J* 7' W, ’vyhich'is-iaen- fe'WSh degrees to the eaftwiard of our
fituation on-the morning <tfthe 9th inhant,- when,- We "had
advanced the fartheft in our power to the weftward, being
then in 76° 58' W, three degrees to the weft oF’Cape De-
£eaday > the. weft part o f the Strains -pf ;M3ggllan^ and
T H % S O U T 11 $ E A S, 8cc. 33
at this time we rferp 3° §2' tg the eaf| pf i|> and l^itrly
loling ground.
Jt was with nauch concern I faw hqw hopelefs, and eyeii.
.ppjpififiablg \t £Q pfiffift yny lqnger in attpmptj^g 3
■ paftage this way to the Society Iflaqc}?- Wf M S bgei}
tbjip-y d^ys jp thif fenggeftpog* ocean. - A t qfifc 4WP W?
adyapggd fo .faf to tpe \y,e$war<j af, *9 kAfij a, DFPffi®^
qf making pw ga^ige fpupd; bpt frorq |jfy|
gales'of wefterly wind had copljqued ^ifhquf jnteyrniflqqnj a
f&W. hows pxcepfpdj w h i^ V ^ bprfpw an g^pfgihqn in
Lqrd jike the If ‘ihf
q breach jl;o return ppqn |d yvifh re/fpublejjl yii^eppe.” The
fejibn now top far a^yjpqjed £gr u£ f# exped mqre
favourable wi.nds or w ith e r , ynd W? h?d h^^pnfly experienced
bh,e impoi^biUfcy M rppnd agawft thq
whldi or of adyandng at’ all wiftppt tjip f A lf
wind, for which there was,little ye^fqn, £9 feppp,, J^nqlljer
cqphderation, whigh bad grqjt -Wpighl ^Yhh me, th^t
i f I pepfilfed in my^aJ^engpt this. yy§yj
fail to get -round, it would oc^Oloj} a ,t
that our arrival at ]0tp-hjeihe, foon etjpugh 't-Oj*F>e&9Fh; the
proper fe a fo n .jb y ^ h e la d ie s ,: wftuH^e.weq^ejpd pfp-
carious. On the other hand, the 'prevalence of ihe wefter-
ly winds in high fouthem latitrfd^S, left me no reafo'n to
doubt of making a .quick paffage ^ the Cape. -qf^ Good
Hope, and thencfe to the eaftward round New Holland.
Having maturely confidered all HrCumfttoceSjf^ddermin-
ed to bear away for the Cape of^GoqdfHope; and at five
o’clock on the evening of the aad, the wind then blowing
ftrong at weft, I ordered the helm-to be put a wekther,
to the'great joy o f every, perfon dnboatd.^ Our ficklift’ at
this time had ihcreafed’ td' eight, moftly with rheumatic
F , complaints ;:
A P It.' I L.
Taefday 22.