<$fsg, 'hkSLf'diftant'frbmthe fea-fhore, fothft onlf;tl|e fiag-ftaffuan
{^ er.1 " vfëen;from the‘]road.“s'i^h^ri u„>j' ’ > \igable up\@»the
~t~~J town for veffels of 100 tons;burthen, and -f&e -bank -on one
•fete ismade‘convenient for tracking.: The Ghinefe carry
'Ctti ‘âconfidérablé%ade here, and haye 'a town oft <prr^p on
the fide o f thôbrver oppofrteiÆo Sofurabya. Thq, courtrv
-hear- thfellt@wn,dfs flat, adaithe^Tdil light, fo th l jib tpli» \
- With a ©dgid^bull^^^ar buffalo, The interior
parts of tlfecountry, near the mountains, are iqfeftqd
"withS® breed ®f fiotpet§'@e*,s* whsMiTO^es t r^ eB i^ if^and
' •very >d'ahgermis. They'haWB'horea^Eeedietf^Mrfe^which.
are fmall, hilt they are hbndfdmea&d ftrong.
- The Javanefe in this neighbourhood are numerous. M.
Barkay and M. de Bofetook me with them to pay a vifit to
twonf the principal natives, whom we .-found attended by a
■ htimber of men armed with pike's,-in -great military, order.
- We were entertained with a concert of inn He ; the inffcru-
mehts'were gongs,., drams., and a fiddle: with two firings.
I hired alpilot here tb carry iis to -'Batavia'. -Our latitude ;©b-
lervefl i n 'Sourab y anoad was 70 iff S. .Longitude made -from
■ Gape Sandana i° 52" W-.
Thurfday 17. - Oja ; the 17th, we'.fai led-jfrom .Sourabya, in company -with
three 'prows. At noon, we anchored at Griffey, which
is a ’town ’with ca fmall fort.,-- -belonging -to the -Dutch.
We remairtéd here àbMit /two hours, : and . then .-weighed.
J .ah'tude'o'LGriffey',7° 9,;S. TLongitude from Gape Bandana,
w ; J | | ... g j j |
The' navigation through the Straits of Madura is-fo intricate,
-that, with the little -opportunity I had, I am unable
to Undertake a defeription of it. The next day, (September
18th) having paffed the firaits, we bore away -to the weff-
ward, Uloiag'the coaft of Java, in company . with the prows
Friday 18.
before mentioned. ''We'had regular foundings all the way i7$9.
to Samarang, off which place we anchored on the %%à in the Se" ,e“'
afternoon ; the chprch bearing 8 R; diftance from the fliore »
half a league : depth of water two fathoms. The fhoalnefs Tuetdayzz. -
of the coaft here, makes the road of Sàmâraqg very inconvénient,
both oh account of the.great diftance.that large fhips .
(of which there were Jeveral in the road) am obliged to lay
from the ftiore, and of the landing,: which is in a river-: that
cannot be entered before half-flood. This river refembles
the one at Paflourwang, the fhores being low, with often five
dead animals laying about. I was met at the landing-place
by the equipage-matter, and he furnilhed me wifh a carriage
to carry me to the governor, whofe refidence is about
two miles from the town of Samarang. , I requefted, and
t<fihed rèày'dîù hav^fdiyr, Wants fpgpliéd, whiep. were, to
ireerrm^uf provifiofts, and to get a new1 main-maft, having
fprung; ours in the pafl'age from 'Suhrabyaf?’ *
Samaring* is à fortifi&datQ’vyn, fnrrouridéd diy a wall and
ditt® ;''1 ahS'ÎFïho 'rhôff coüfîberablê fettlemèfit, next to Batavia,
1 that-"the Dutch hâve 'in Java. a very gpod ,
hofpital, ; and a public fchool, chiefly, for teaching the 1
mathematics. They have likewife a theatre. Provifions
are remarkably cheap ■ here, beef being at" ten doits per
pound, and the price of a fowl 12 doits. ■
f experienced; great civility from fome of the gentlemen
at Samarang, particularly from M. Le Baron de Bofe, a
merchant, brother to the M. de Bofe, commandant of the
troops àf Sourabya : and from M..Abegg, the furgeon of
thé hofpital, to whom. w’é were indebted for advice and medicines,;
for which he would not confcnt to receive pay-' '
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