oJtoBBR. hftte' opjxftunity fp foarch after plaptswthe natives
v-— havii^^Cau^^ifoimxK^^bo^^iHi: h* faw enough, however,
to affine -hiiio-tkat tiiey. wepejtq^b? proeured here^as
plentifully as -at? Matayai.
t In 'oor.paffage to thfcfhfos "which we rowed-ha^onp.
nothing but Britannie »was ^enquire^ after, „and of tb?
number #f lliips and;gone.. Whep. I told them we had
flaps o f fo o g-uns-j ithey ^ouM b^fgv&vit, tdl Jd rew
©rie bn paper'.:j^bey\7%teft aiked -me i f it was- -not as big as
Tart ah, which; is ^afogh, projeSang head4 anbf ^h^lfsiyay
between 'Mata^ai^aiBdrQpat^es^^^fjbgii jas-ffln entree dj-
Tinah'mneh wiflftd'tfrtt onehof-,th^ffi,7lpfee ^WS-^onh|
be fhnt to ©taheite, andrthat -my feii fooukh epmefot T>fh>
and bring h im a • piHpbor o f -things [fha f he wanted*
among which he particularly defilsed heds and 'i^ghr
backed elbowTeh£hsstraight -not J^^ejgg^tjgn^siiaireqjuefl:
perfcaiy according with the ifldoto^Gharad^roY^h^, ?
As-we had oCcafion -to'fix atent on ffoint \V.eau4, .this
morning we moved the-lhipjaearer-to it, and moored .again
in-fix-fathom«, the- pointr beaihig. N.lShB», -
Tinahand feveral Gther-ehi*ff|dined ,en-boaisf with me.
After (diriner-I went^on^ftore withtT$Rah,?and_m,ade. a xifit
to his father, Otow. I likewife went- to the^garden which
I h'ad made near- Foefends ?houfe, and found rey&jfyrfoijag
had been-taken pare of. rAfterthis, I was finyited, to .an
-entertainment-eailed -Hemg, -which -Tioah had ordered, and
‘whieh-qonflftedr oflinging and dancing by three mefoand
a-yoijngjgirh : When' this performance was -finilhed ;I. returned
to the flap* -
Swday i , ' A t day-ljgbt, :I-fent Mr^Ghrhh^ wkh ra;party-to<ei!e(3:
our tent, and foon .after foBowed-myfelfwith Tipah,
Meannah, and Poeenor -With their confent I -fixed a
4 . . . . . . boundary,
Saturday I.
boundary, within which the nati-yes. were riot to enter ?7f»-
Without leave, and the. chiefs .cautioned them againft it. , oyE:^:n
:The principal’ foefo; th$ feoitf on fhqre was for alodg-
jpent fQrthp.'B^tks.;- and j had nsfw,:i?#ea4 ’ r£ 3BP.earfog
to nsQpi vera (favour, brought- foe .chiefs fo'belieye that I was
dtsingitheiP a-kindness ip.carrying foe;plants,-pi^efent
from foeii)'foffih? JfP -The par|y at
the rtefit ebn^sfed M piph peffons^foelpfong Kehpp gnd s his
- : :;TJnah ^ned v^ th me on board» and W3? fordjy V&T
iosnljy yiStpr : r®e5i^Bth^efev the Lderem^y^^ ibsipg jffd: he
eYenisft^’ all foe attendants *
‘we£e_' feptir^way,- w d we -vy&re left dby gprfglygs, gp yy§s
.obliged: to • lift the wipe fo his month. Tire $d,yes q f
ithe j5mi?af -.a£e, fometimes ffoyefote fo il >r^fcri^;i^5p. ^idB^er
the birth of laoeMld, foHt'arejyileafoi? after acert^jtiiE^,
on performing a c^fo^nyicfoedjO^yft^y.;
| •J--^er-^nae^.^s^i.«^edi;jap>e fopecompany hfoa with
a prefent of ipr.oviiipnsr.to ,a party o f foe Arreoy% a fociety
(des&i^lfidr; bfs the former Mpy>ge^riin|fhis"
o^ernony, he made rheithe! principal perfop. ^pr;,w^y;^tp
itlioj place! iwhere: the: offering was > ig}$dgr W?$ hy the
ofideof:n .river, along?,the,thaftfe ®fs.>v^|ch;-I had-,always
^walked 'before Jh^stime»; h©t ..pn the pfif&flt ®<^gfiRp r1
i catipe was : provided for foe, ^apd. dragged bysyeighst-Pien.
i©n. arriving at therlandipgrpiagfj» ■ %&!& sa«Jafige?q»aqtity;jqf
.hieaid-ffkfot, wifhofeape; hS^iregdy jdjiflefo
^offoloth. At alxmt fortycyafos a^an^twbpgl
wasi informed, was a principal ArK^y* A •larie-beipg,made
foy thenrbudj'ihe waS a^drefed. :hy qp.epf T foah’e people,
:ftanding\ on.thd cap©.e,in a fpeceh, composed ,gf foort fep-
fenees/iwhich lalied ahont a qparter of .api h<?w? -JPn^pg