A sfn v , as agSnft what might.hefal W. in . ^ d t^
plants hadbggn, fucre$fuli)S pfgferv.g^ in. ftp.ari0it
^ , ; iflpaa th ^ w l^ g ’ E $ ^ g ^ ,
thirds -completed, and the remaining partjj^p,aJ,l, sppgap^ncg,,
in a very .promifing, wav ; every pe:rfon on board’ being in
jierfeft health, to eftabliffi which, was ever among* the
principal Qbj,e^s rof my-attention. , ')
r p w ill very oajprally be qd%e^h wh^t.gquldbe, tb^e ^gafpp;*
for fuch argvoft,?. in. ahfwer to which i Gan,
lure,' that the mutineers, Ipd Ottered, tbgib£el^Sia,w>th tba.
hpggs.af a more, happy life gmphg the Qia^ite^h5^ tban
they could, poflibly enjoy? io.J^ng’lajid 5 attid this.^ J$y?&4 •
fame foozle., cppngCtipns, mofb probably oggaftoped fbe.
whn|e,tran^fbjopj. .....
The women at; Qtaheitg are. haadJpnj£, roiftL ab& cb£$r"
ful in them K?fongfs and- .cppygrlkiqm ppffefled ehgj^at;
ienfibility,: anh/hayn fufficient. del/c.acy to make them
admired and bglovpd» The gh^fs y^ere, ip much a&achgd
to our peoplg, thgy. rather eucon^pif theif ^ayapaprig.
them than fgTyjwifg,apcf even .qiadg. thgn^ p rom i^ of*.
large pofleffions. .blnffe1- thefts, sod many oflier attendant
circumftaiices, equally defirablc, it is now perhaps «pjs/%.
much to bg wondered.at, though.ibaegglyi goffijd^tq
been forefeen, that a fet. of. failors, mb* of them void. of.
connections, ffiould be led. .away;; elggcially, when, in_addi-
tion to.fuch powerful inducements., .they imagined * in their.
power to fix thehifclves;in. t h e mid* of,plenty, oil.one of the
fine* HlandV in the. worlds where..they need not labour,
and where thg: allnrements. of- diffipation are. beyond.any
thing that can.be conceived. The utmoft,r however., tahnaytahV
hB thni dhd'df ] cbtdtf^MVb £ $ h
that Toftfe Jofthe pfeBpl'eHvould rhaVe ^eende^np^dd^omefeK
But i f it
again* aiistSt ,df Sftiimf hffl pirfcf hi' h ls b * * Jdiip, hidre
fMn'liy'tod'l^httidm'ln^'n^blrn^-at'K wl^mudn' %s“to
fa y ’that h e ‘mu* deep locked np, and wh^'dWiim,'hi jimmied
with piftdls.
Deferfions xfiave happened, ||n|d'vb or lefs^from mo* o f
the drips that hafe’^eln at the, Society Idands; but it has
always%een in the 'commanders“ power to make the chiefs
return their peoples the1 kiipwi^d^e, therefore, that it xya’s
uhfafe to defert, .perhaps^ fir* led mine, to copfider with
whaf'eafdvf© dM'll a Ihip might he furpfizdd, and that ’*
far our able an opportunity* w'ouid ' lidVef offer to them
The fdcrgcy, Of this 'mutiny" is "beyond all foltqeptionv
Thirteen of the party,‘who were with?hid,had always lived'
forward imptrg thefeamen; yet neither they, nor. the.mefs^
'matgs df Chri*iun,'’;Stewart, Haywood, and Young, had eVer
olifciycd any circumftance that made Nsherh^h the feaft fuf-
pedbwmit ■ vfi"s'^g,&ing’'on. "To fuch a cMetplanned aC^
Villainy, my mind bgirig.erltirelv h a h o m any fhfpicion, I
if is not wonderful that I'fell a fapef^ce/^ jPgrb*ap'sj,if’ thfefe ’
had'begn marine^ on board, a cfentinel’ at my ktibin-dpor
might have prevented it; for I dept with the door always ■
open, that the officer of the watch might have accefs to me r
on all occalions, the poffibility of fuch a confpiracy being
ever the fartheft from my thoughts. Had their mutiny
been occalioned by any grievances, either :rea.l 'of imagf-
nary,'I mu* have difebvered; fymptoms of.'jthiif idifcontbnt,
which’would have put me on my guard: but the cafe was
Y a | far