264 A V O Y A Of E, 8cc«
uHI'h. he had feenthem. On the 13th of March, we faw the
— — j -Bid of Pa?dand, and 6ft the eveftlhg 4€^^t£e^;day»:,fiuftr
Mardi 14. 'day-Match-#e 14th, fldfcH^ifenp^^ltOiaart^apykisfidM<W
Por t fmo u th, :bf- an I He k>f ^ight'hoatl fi
Thofe -of my officers and people whom I left at »Batavia,
; Wfere'provfded #|th pafilgftsr m ^th© eairtodlihips;: ahd at
the timeWhpairfed, Were apparently in good health. Nevsrr
•thetefs, - they diiihiotJail live ito: quit hatayaa. Mr. Elphiaa--
ftone, mailer’s mate, and Peter Linklettcr, feaman»,died
within a fortnight after my departure; the hardibips they
had experienced having rendered them unequal rto cope
with lb ufthe^thy a elimate as.thati©!'Bahtvia*; IThe ret-
mainder embarked on hoard the Dutch- fleet for Enrope,
and drived'fcffi ^at; this country* exc^t ; Boh^t JUahib,
who died on the pafiage, and Mr. hedw.ard, the forgeon,
who has not yet been heard©h ^Dhusy.nf niaetqea wh®
•were forced by the lnuiifteersinmtheiaui^hj hhaspte^e^
-JOod that-twelve ffiould:ihmlofflnt tte difficultifis and danger
o f the voyage, and live to re-vifit their native country.
T H :e E N D -