- FXAJSr fc'SjEÓTXoJjij^/t •
ó f Pevr&ef /7t'e?
BouifTY Armed TRfitspoRij
g/wu/inf ik& Tw&trzerW4b
fitting' and stowingf the- Potts,
* Becèwma tikes
IBTead-fhiit plant s ;
TO TyH E " |
S O U T H S E . A S, ï &c.
c H ~a p . x
fla n opthè Expedition.— Outfit, and-Qceurfence-s 'to ïBe Time
1 8 of'leaving England.'—Befcriptioh loftbe Bread-Èruit.
T HE King having been graeiotifly pleafed; té comply i?37,
•with' a reqneft> from' the * rjaerchant^and planters u
intereftedJnfihis-Majefty’s Weft lndia poffefiions, • that the
bread-fruit tree might -be1 introduced* into, thofe ifiarids^ a
vfeffel, proper &>r' the undertaking, Wats -bought,' and taken
into dock’ at Deptford,, to be provided with theneceffary
fixtures and preparations fqr pxëcu’fingÜthe objeÉb' o f the
vdyage. Thefe were completed according to a plan of my
much honoured friend, SiE^Jofeph Banks?; which, ; in the
eYent, proved the.njqft advantageous that'could have been
adopted for the intended purpofe. ■ '* ’>r , 1,
■ 11T h e ; ^tffeellöutis^: -1 f was appointed to Av ey it.
command I her /on i the? i 6thi Of Augüfti^Sy. rHer burthen .A
was nearlv t^y^,hpxidred tons ; ;hbr extreme
length ’on deck,'aninety feetiten inches; extreme breadth,
twënty-firui^fèêé’ «^feê^nci^f^‘ and ;hei^j: dh.tÖie; hold
' B ”, . -under