1785. Cook, -the chance was that there were .very few if any, of
^ A r’ , oobfetfuence on .any part of the cq>aft. | I puffed fhefe people
as near as I could with fafety | they were -naked, and
'.apparently.black, and their hair.pr wool bufhy .and fliort. , '
I directed| my .courfe within two fmall iflands that lie to
the north'of Reftoration Ifland,’ paffing between them and
the. main land, towards Fair Cape,, with a foong tide in my
favour; fa that I was-abreaTt of it by ei^ht.p’ciock. The
coaft we paired was, high- and woody. . As I could fee no
land without Fair,Cape, .1* concluded that the coaft inclined
to the N W and W N W : I therefore ‘d^ered mp^t^o-
wards the W ; bpt by eleven, ■ o’clock a tu lght, we met
'with,low land, which inclined to the ai^|.?at,41thf^ee
o’clock in the morning I found that we were embayed,
which obliged us to ftand -back for a fliort time to the
fo.uthwardt '
Sunday 31. | Sunday the 31ft. At day-break, I Was exceedingly fur-
prifecf to find the appearance of the country entirely
changed! is i f in the courfe of the' night we had been
tranfportedto another part of the world; for we had now
a low fandy coaft in view,, with very little verdure, or
any thing to indicate that it was at-all habitable to a human
being, exceptja few 'pateheapf fmall trees or brulh-
wddd. i
Many fmall iflands were in fight to the N E, about fix'
miles diftant. The E part of the main bore N four miles,,
and Fair Cape S S E five dr fix leagues. I took the channel
between the heareft ifland and the main .land, which
Were about'one mile apart, leaving - all the iflands ,on the
ftarboard fide. Some of thefe were very pretty, foots,.covered
' with wood, and well fituated for filhing: large Ihoals of
' fifli
fifli were about us, but we could not catch any. In paffing ;»gi|}
this ftrait we faw another party, of Indians, ieven in num- v— v—
her, running towards us, flloutihg’and- making fignsTor us to
fend.' Sbme of them waved green branches, $fjsthe bullies
whichiWere near theiri, asw token of friendfliip; but fome
of their other■ moti©ns|wdf'etefsfriendly. ,.A little farther off,
we’Taw •& larger party, whpt likewife came towards us^||l
thdfdfdre deftliiffiihfedfhotitP land, thpjlfg'h ^ wilhed.to
ha^d .had. foMe Iritercourfe ;witli,|hc%^Pfbfl? -iNjeverthe-
laid the boatnlofej to the rpqks*
fhem thhpproach; but none of phgrpwould'; come, w-itljin
200 yards.'bfgffs« Th,®y were ..armed 1% the, fame manner
'as* the} ^gbple .We hadHf^^niifrom*-Reiffor^-ho,n .lft§.p4 »«they
wereftark naked^theif colour l^atk^With fliort huffiy^air
Orlwool,-and in-them-appearance yyere^flmilar tp them in
;©y|S|refptkft. .A® iftan ffo& iig^ h ^ g h f b'ore^NT. W, four
'miles frohS.tis,' at- which f refolved to .land, and fr6m fhgiic6
to ."take', a^ldok at* the,c©vafth At;.thissifle we arrived a|put
■ ei^hf" c/bid&k^in the morning. ; The fliore wva|; rockyj’but
the wdter*was* fmooth; and; wei, landed ^kha^it ,difficulty.
I Tent 'two parties'' out, one' to' the nqrthwardgyand
f'ofher-to the- fouthward, - to Teels for fupplies,; and others
•hdiideyed tcK-ft^y rby the'bdat.v; On this ^fatigue
■ ahd weaknefhfo, far got >the better tof thelnTenfe of.duty,
ti?at inffie „of the; people expreffied their .difeontent at hav-
| ife Worked harden than. their^fcorppaffiorisy apd d^qiared
fhat they would rather hel without their, dinner tha|||^bMip
o f it. Oneiperfcn, in particular, went fo/ar|as to
Tell -^rke,', with: a mutinous, look,, that he hasps’ gopd ia- man
'as^rnyfelf. Tt was not poffible Jbnmei to, judge, where this-
nn§kt have' ah end#! 16 not flopped inTprne; therefore to
"prevent ffibh dilutes in future,. I determined either to prer-
E e- ferve