1M<J. To obviate ffiefe difficulties, it isTfieceffary- to ob-
ferve,. that while' a- town, which lies •fome diftanCe -to- the1
fouth ward o f Safita Gruz, 'is-*open' witffit the1 'Gaftle on the
fouth part ofthe-rbad,. thbaghrybi¥m'ay appear near to the*
flfore, there'is no’’anchorage; but -after h lis fo u t entirely
in, you get on the bank. The ‘dfiuteh- bearing iW:, or W
by Sj and the fouth point o f the road SW f S j t®' S W'by W ,
is a goodfitnation for anchoring: the depth ‘about1 twenty-1«
five fathoms. The diffanee from- the there wia'be 'thfe'e
quarters of a mile; and the fbuthernmoft land that can be»
feen then will b e a half or quarter poirit bf the- compafs
farther'out than the fouth point d f thfe rbad.-’
5 The bottom is'black foft mud,with foihe|)a‘tehe3 ©froCk^t
for-which reafon veffels, that lie her'e any- lfength’o f time,
buoy their cables. This precaution, befides-lfoitifghifeful itv
that particular, they think'makes them ridemore'eafyhvhen
there is much fea fctting into the road, which, -with thd
wind any way to-the fouthward o f eaffi,| o f - fet^iitli-weft,.
mult be very-cpafiderable; ir is , therefore^ufual ‘fo>iffo(W
With, four anchors, though more than twb^are foarCe ever
o f ufe. Mooring is, however, advifeable'if a fhip is'.onl’y
to remain twenty-four hours, and the tighter1 thb ffiettbr,
that the cables may keep-dear of the ground. ■
The landing on the beach is generally impracticable With
our 6wn boats,- at’ leaft without .great r ilk ; but thbrd/||*i
very ^ p i e r , . bn which people may land withoiit'difficulty
‘ i f thete is hot much Iwell in the road. To this-^ier the
water is conveyed b f pipes for the ;ufe 6f foippih^i anef
for which all merchant-fhips pay;.
There is .a- degree of wretchednefs and want amdrig the
lower clafs of people, which is hot any Where fo common
as among the Spanifti and Portuguefe fettlementsC ‘ -To
alleviatethefe evils,Jthe prefent governor of Teneriffe has
inftituted a m‘o f t ; charitable fociety, which he takes the
ffbublefofuper intend; and by confiderable contributions,
‘ alarge airy dwelling, that Contains 'one hundred and twenty
poor igfrls, ‘and d-s many men and'bbys-j has been built, and
ehdoWed with! a frtffieiency o f iand-'round it, not only for all
prefent .purpnfos, but for , enlarging the building for more
objects oftc'ha'rity as their funds i-hofteafel' I had the honour
t® be fliown'byf jkte ^xeglteney thi's~atylum, (Hofpicio they
' call'it) 'wh^re there-appeared-in-every leounteitonee.the ut-
|tmoft'eh£aifulnefs and content. The- decency and neatnefs
* o f the -d'refte'tof tlie young females, with-the order in which
-they were arranged ktftheif'fpinning-Wheels and looms, in
an extenfive 'any 'apartment,nfakadmirablev rAfgd^eBnefs in«
fpbcli|;andfe'gulaS?ed-all t-he-ir works, which were the man®*
faCtnrihg h f iabbon's-^f alb colours, coarfo linens, and tapes j
'all Which Wei-d m'ahaged arid brought to perfection by them-
’ felvds-, from the filkartdflaX in-their firft ftate; even the dy*
■' jng o!f the colours is performed by them. Thefe girls are re«»
I Ceivfedfdf fiveW&dSi-M t h e « of which thCy are at -liberty to
marfh, ^rid^have fo’r their-portions their- wheels anffiloom,
with a fum of1 tndney 'proportioned tb-fche- ftat-e. of the. fund,
Which is affifteft by the* produce df their labour, and at this
time was eftimated at tWO-thoufand dollars per annum.
'The in Oil and bbys are iietfefs attended-to : they are employed
in chaffer Work, blanketing and all-kinds of common
: ^bollensVif therbCcbmefo&n® they fpendthe remainder
offheif-efays here comfortably',' and under a watchful in«
foeCtor, Who attend s'them in the feme manner' as the-goWer«
ne#S;dbes' the girls. They are ‘all vifited'every'day by the
governor, :ahd a ©lefgyman attends "them every eveningr
By ihji hufMh^ inhitufibAa dumb Of-people-are rendemd
. , j) 4; ' . - ufoful
Z788. January,