I l l tin
14 A V Q X A © E T O
*C H A P . I L
^epqrtw4\ftc^friMf^glqnd^Arrk^i>af1PP^eKi^^Sml frtsm
. tlmtirfr^ArripalwffhCqpe Morn.^SeverityPptbssMea'iber.
—JOkfigedM hear amayjf&r] fbei Cape. a/tOmd/Hopei
■ »7*7- /^ \N Sunday morning! rfh®v?2^d: o f Race ruber 1787, we
-PecEMEEt, v_^/ failed- from’ .Spitheaci,,, ancl, paffing tliroug-h.,. tjie
Sunday 23. fieedles, dire&ed our coutfe down, channel* witty3 frqfh.
gale of wind at Eaft, In the afternoon, one of the feamen*
in furjingjhe mam-top-gallant-fail, fell off the-yard,,, and
was fo fortun ate as'tp fave himfelf h-y cat-phing hold o f thg
main-top-maft-fiay in his Ml. At night the wind increafed
to a ftrqnggale, with a -heavy lea. ' It moderated, however,
Tuefday >5. on the 251m and allowed us to Keep our Chrifimas with
chearfulnefs ; but the following day-it-hlewa fevereftqrm
o f wind, from the.Eaftward, which continued till the, 29th,
in the cpurfe.of which we fuffered .greatly. One fea, broke
away thhipare yards, andfpars out oFfhe. llarhoard tfiain
chains. Another Heavy fea broke into the fhip, and ftdve
ah the boats. Several calks of heer,. that'had been lalhed
upon deck, were broke loofe mdwaihed overboard, and it was
not without great difficulty, and rifle, that we were able to -fe-
cure the, boats from being walhed .away entirely. On the
Saturday 29. :29th we were in latitude 390 g^N^and longitude 3$° 2#. W*
when the gale abated, and the weafhef:bec^pie,|a^. - Be?
tides other mifchief done to us by the ftormi, a large quantity
icf o,ur bread w.as damaged and rendered ufelefs, for the fea,
T M Ef SO U T.H: S E A % 8tc. *S
f i l l e d ^ - e ^ w i t h -Water.
Mrom this time te our arrival at Temenffe we had moderate ,----,— ,
weather, and winds mostly from the northward.
January 4th. This, forenoon} we {^ k e ;^F*ench -Hup,
bound tothe Mauritius- The next-day, at nine in the fore- Saturday s.
noon,, we faw the. iflahd 6f Teneriffe, beating W .SW iW , Teaeriffe-
about twelve leagues diiftantJ It'Was covered with, a thick
Haze,' except the ForthvWfefternmofl: partj which Is: a remarkable
headland, refembling a horfehhead, the ears very
diftina. T o the eaftward'of this^head * Me ^ o round
.rocks, the northern boundary olFTeneriffe. I had a good -■ .
ohffir-vation at noon, 'by which 1 make -the latitude oFthe 4
two rocks -28° 44' N,,and their longitude by our timekeeper '
160 5' W. To the fouthward >e£f -tHefe, and near the Ihore, -
is a high needle rock'- about fate leagues farther to the
fouthward, the - coaft .inclines, towards -the Weft to the
•road of iSteta -Cruz, Where we anchored at: half paft nine
ob Sunday .morning, in twenty-ftv.4 fathoms water, and
moored alongshore in the fame depth, With t h e cupola
tower of the church of Ste Francis hearing 'W | N, one
mile, the Baft :part of the road E by'My the Caftle on the
South point S W, and the Weft part o f the Grand Canary
-SXE* A Spanifh packet, bound to- Corunna, an American
hrig,-*and feveral other- veffels, wef ©dying here- ^
A s fbtni as-the flftp Was anchored, IH H an officer (Mr.
Ghriftian|f© wait on the governor, and to .acquaint-him f ■
had put in to'iobtain refrefhments,an<iTo repair the-das
mages We had- fuftained in bad wether* Tothisvl had-a
W - p o l i t e ailfwer from the governor that ! fhoiM he
fup'plied with whatever, the ifland afforded. 1 Md aif© di-
-reaed the officer to acquaint h iih th a t I Would falute,
* S te^'by^exomfiufe- : - ' t Marquk de'Branchefofte.- -