1788, hands, gnd accompanied me to the wat;^yfid%;aft4.^tsP3®t-
CT°BEg‘, iqg promifed- that th e^ j^ ld d lq aa^ effy n . rny yifit-. ft
In thls'.wajk, I had tpe fatisfaftiqqrto; fee^that^the ill and
had'Yeceived' feme benefit from q^r ^Qfpiex^jvi^s. ;,Tw.o
lhaddocks were ^rought- to~me,, ^ .fruity which .they had
not, till, wg iptrod need it. And anaoqg- the .articles which
they, brpqg^t off to the fhip, and offered for ?fale,rwere
capficoms, pumkins, and two yomag goats.- - ■
On nay return to the fhip, I found that a fm4 ldifturbance
had been„occafioned by one of the natjves y ak in g an attempt
to fteal a tin pot; which, Qn being known to Oreepyah,;
. he fiew into a violent-rage, and itpyas with fqme difficulty
that the thief Reaped with.his life. Hedrpve;all his country-,
then out o f the fhip; and when he faw, me, he defired,, i f
at any time I found £ thief, jthat I would order him to* be
lied up and punifhed with a fevere flogging,^!
Ting |oreBoon, a man carpe. on board with Captain-Copk’s
picture, whichlhad been-drawn py Mr. -Webber, ip 1777,
and feft with Otoo. It ,was brought to me -tq^emepafredi i
The frame was broken, hut the picture no way damaged,
exceptfa little in the hade ground. They called it Togte
(which has always been theij,.manner -of pronouncings
Captain Cook’s name) Earee no Otaheite, chief o f Ota-
heite. They faid Toote-had defired,Otoo, whenever "any
Englifh fhip came,.to fliow the -pfeturC, and,*it r\ypuld be
acknowledged as a token of friendfhip. ,The youngefl«
brother of Otoo, named Whydooah, yifited me this afternoon:
he appeared ftupified^with-drinking Ava, At-fun-
fet all our male vifitors left the fhip.
TaeBiy 28. The next morning early, I received! meflage from Otoo,
to inform me of his arrival, and requesting that I would fend
a boat rfor him ; which I immediately did, with an officer
’ (Mr. '
(Mr.-Chriftian)' to^copdod; himqnyfiorapl. jcame; with
numerous attendants, add exp^effed -much fatisfa£lion{ -ajf
pur meet^pgv,fr After .intro,ducipg.hi^ w ife to m e , , j o i n ed
jnqfesy-]thqt,cpi^omai^y mgn^ey^erf felutihg, apd^torper-
pgtua|e|tqur^ f^fndft^ip^ he-jdefjre.d-.|wd{ fhould | ^changej
iigmga^f I was.furprized, to find, thatj'in^ead jbf Otoo, the
name, by whiGhrhe formerly'’ avenf, hq y^as pow called
Tinah. Th,e name of, Otoo, witl}/ -tiieMtle p iE tffe f KpM-ef
I was informed tha<T devolved fqiiis^ eldefL fbri, who w^|;
yet-T a minop, sagyis-. the?qdThtqrp-'|qf; th^jUpuniry- -Tlie-
namepf Tinah’s yife.was-lade^h {with hpf~w|s ,a,woman,
dreffed-W’ifk a Japtgfjqnantifey-pfeclothiin dhe nfqrm - of j a
hoQpi -which ■ was‘ ‘taken| off and-ptefe-nted * to me, with a*
large btogV^ndforng b^ea^-fruitr^ithen tdokVmy vifijqys».
into ,the «cafbin¥‘ apd. after;; a fhort tim^, pro^pejed' »my^pre,-,
fents /in-return. The -pmfentJmqacJS} tp-«rinah (by^which-
nathe I fhall , hereaf%r,-JcallJv him) confifted:'p;f hatqhets,;
fmall -ad%^j files,,; gimble,ts', fa#fsy^ leokingHglafTes,, -redjfea-
thers, and ‘ tWq^fhi-rts... T#; Id^ea^-I gave/e3rTriqgs,;;ne<d&''
TacqsU, and bead^Jbut^fhere^pj-ejle4 a rdefire alfqfpr iron;,,
and-^Jier^o^eT-made theyferpe-afibrtment, for-her as I-had
fan her*; hufband.~ Much {cpnvc^f^tign^toqk; plaGe^amQng-
them--@p; the0$aluq.o£ the, .diffe^epfe artt£jegr,;and the-y^p-;
pearede^tjerpely.fajrisfied]; fp that thqyjdeterm^ned to fpend
thp d#y5 with mp3 andreqpefted ;I woufd' fhpSVthem all, dty«r
the fhip, and' particularly - tjie:- eabip y^hpreHlrtfle'pt.j HThi^'
though I,was nPt- fond' qfjd^mg^ Tindulged•thepqin and
the Gonfequehee was, as I had apprehended, fhat they?
took a faqpy .fp^fbjmapjy t)hiqgs,',th4 5lkfyrt'gPf from -me
nearly as much mqrqjas l h „ g i y e p ■ therp• - :After-
wards, Tinafi defired me ip|irefome-of, thefgrefat, g t i p ; this,
hlikewife complied With, and, as-the -fpot fell; iptp the fea
I S I I S I S I ®