HWw fife 4cNftf|foy»Tiauh^as» ©pfodftMs
. ovbmeer,. part^ctljaT. fr*hAifok%fo foldfhfo hej was; ai ptieft,. and: a
perfbn o f j^reat knowledge. I' !defif edi Tinahto <t&keiwhat
he thought proper as a prefent fcir hdovf and I muft <3t>
Tinahthe juft*ee-to fay, he Was more-fparing than Iifobuld'
hav% heed. R likewife received a vifit to-day from Oedi-
deejfthe- mair who had beep at- foaiWitfe-Claptain Cook in
- 1773 'and i^t7'4i‘;'as related' in- ithie-^cdoUtit o f thatvoyage'-
• He ftill retained fome of
Iharnt in-that-expedition. ' H
WeaHenajt * i'l'Me weather variable, with lightnirigV and fre tpaent foawv
5‘ er-Sf-bf raM(* ^Win'd E «^hs-Sfa 'y':i dsi# W&vt e-vsr
’tr, lFHfen Wa& the ffrfoday' of ourfoeginhfogvta dake.hp
plants r ; we had muchipleafure in-coiledtihg them, ffor the
natives effered their affi.ftaneey and perfectly Underftcrod
fee method HP taking them up and pruning the no.., -..
The croud of' riattvesfoakikrt- fbgfesit as’hitherto'if'had
- been: the euriofify o f ftrangfifo was fatisfied'; apd^.'astthe-
weather began to" be unfettled' and rain^ -fe%;fekii’'a5lindti;
all returned to their homes ; fo that only Tfoef people- oft
MMavar afid-Oparre fethaimed wife us^>ekcepra fev# chieifs
from otherudands : our-fupplies -however weref abundant ;
and what I confidered as ho finall addition to 'out comforts,
-weceafed fo be incommoded,’ when *bfo fobre, 'by" the na-
'trireg following u-s, and eouid take ourJ Walks ialihoft unnoticed.
In any houfe that We wifoedto -enters we always
experienced a kind reception, and without bffieiohfnels-
The Otaheitdans have the" tttdfe ‘perfect' eafiiiefs. oft manners,
equally- freeftrofo fo’r#atdti&Ss’ and-formality;? When
they offer refipefoments, i f they are- nbt accepted, they da
not think of offering them the fecoxid time ; for they have
not the "leaft idea of that ceremonious kind of fefufai
'expgcfls, 3 f^pgfn^ nJiyitatjoiu In like manner, #;
taking leaver we^wiegtefneveit troubled, with folipitatiqns to NovgMC1
prolong jonr ■ ,y;Mit* f^fowept without, ncgrgipopyy except
r^ kin g^ ule^ a ffarew&l$ expreffion atri®§#i@S:';"AWt’‘h?F
^iy^^g^fgjpom ffpjipd in warm,$0 nn frje s; was,* in this
part of jGltaheke, being fceg. from- ■ mufkitoes,' though»' afP ar“
tigular tinaes-oft feet >ygffr.» the iferfoitmts^are _ peftpred (with
great numbers., of foe^lfo;
f- -I^-oamaahj-Gontinngd]egii;-:eon'®aEi^ fei^pdlat t$ie fenfe^nd,
with Tinah an d. all; ty.-s -friends^di-ngti with me fv^y^-ayy f
, r^ e s flap’s' barter h-ad-jbrought with-him; fromX,oijdpB, a
painted heafofuph as the? ha^^eiTe^h^ve^ki-dheig feop,s>
fofoew the^iffprent fafoions^f feefijpgfeair; ayd,it raging
made-with rggulai; fd^tu^es, and-wellf coloured, I defined hitp
to^drefS'.it, whic-h he did^wkhjrpuch^nfgtHjefs,-! and- with a
-flick, apd ;a quaQtity pftcloth, he formed .abpdyjit- w^s thgn
rbporfedft® th’e tn ^ i^ that ,W& had an Englifb, woman,
on board, and ;the cfuartfff<|0sk.was cleared-pf fthe crqud,, ,
that foe .might make her, appearance, ^e^g^handed- up ^
the ladder,'and carried.!ta the. after-part oft the deck* there
“was; a- general foout of ^JHudheme, m B^ittanw- ^ytyn
'H-aaheine fignifiesjwpnafin, ,and- myty, good. ( Mapy o f them
tjjfvng'hf and. aik.ed i f it w-a« :rnyrwi-fe.,
okLyripnan rap with prefents p^-ckifo apji breadrfruit^. ^pd
laid thenj. at her feet l^ft theyjfpftpd-4©ut the: fehep§; *but ,
coptipvi^d| all delighted wife h ,, except the oldvlady,?who»
fok herfelf mortified, ;and took, hack^hgr pre^ntgy for
which foe was laughed:a.t fsegedingiy. ajTinahand all the
Chiefs enjoyed the joke, and, after ,making.;ipmy enguirigs *
about -feecBritifo women, they, ft|i^fly enjo-ipecl me, when:
, I game again, to bring a foip fullpfj,them..
<4Some very fine fugar-cane was brought to me;, each ©f